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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
12 years ago when I had my bowels resected, I got a massive septic infection and I damn near died. I had no food for 19 days and they pump me full of antibiotics until my skin began to crawl. I got my last rights and was sent home 19 days after the fact to die… I was strong enough to survive, but it did great damage to me and changed everything in my life… I just found out today that I’ve never had fried chicken until I moved down to Florida. I don’t know what the hell was wrong with my mother for not feeding it to me, but that’s what went down…

moose eater

Well-known member
My brother in-law had this same Mitral valve fix last year - at the same hospital - he's almost 80 - and all healed up and relatively well - says he doesn't have any problems with his heart now - so maybe I should request the surgeon he had - to perform the surgery on me? - if that's at all possible -

I don't think that they would allow guns in the operating theatre here - so they have nothing to fear from me - and yeah - I'd rather be knocked out when they open me up too -
- Mind you - it would be rather novel and macabre to see your own heart ❤️ beating as they are working on it -
Not sure how it happened, and when I saw the story, my wife asked if the woman wore the standard gown during the MRI scan, but I recently saw a story about an accidental discharge involving a woman with a concealed handgun during an MRI. Allegedly shot herself in the hip/buttocks.

I guess anything in this world is possible anymore.

In my case, my Doc knew I was joking. They've come to accept and even sometimes enjoy my tweaked sense of humor.

When we discussed the recent, horrid, mobile pain in my legs and hip, and the DEA medical compliance officers' current and recent crack-down on some types of pain meds being prescribed by physicians (never mind the DEA folks have literally ZERO medical credentialling in most cases), I'd pointed out the number of oxycodone I had left from spine surgery almost 6 years ago (meaning to imply that I'm not a pill-gobbler when not needed), but added that I'm an aged hippie with solid connections, and told him that if pain was the issue and I really needed opiates (which are not effective long-term for many types of pain) that I could have fentanyl or clean Afghani Black Tar heroin shipped to me in a pinch. Relatively cheaply.

In other words, abide by the Hippocratic oath or get the fuck outa' my way.

He's known me long enough to know my integrity and sometimes appreciate my humor, versus my seriousness. Sometimes blended.
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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
holy moly!

there is so much talent in this group that it is scary!

FFS , we could start some kind of Corporation

just turn me loose in the break room and I will take care of the coffee

engineers , master tradesmen , philosophers , and bunko steerers amongst us

I have no idea what the corporation name would be much less what would we be doing anyway…..

I guess I could always ask Irene

she is in a kinda pissy mood so I must tread lightly


moose eater

Well-known member
The woman with the handgun in the MRI. Wouldn't you know it, she's a 'cheesehead'. (No offense, lived in Wisconsin myself as a youngster, and loved the farm produce there, as well)..



Well-known member
Premium user
Not sure how it happened, and when I saw the story, my wife asked if the woman wore the standard gown during the MRI scan, but I recently saw a story about an accidental discharge involving a woman with a concealed handgun during an MRI. Allegedly shot herself in the hip/buttocks.

I guess anything in this world is possible anymore.

In my case, my Doc knew I was joking. They've come to accept and even sometimes enjoy my tweaked sense of humor.

When we discussed the recent, horrid, mobile pain in my legs and hip, and the DEA medical compliance officers' current and recent crack-down on some types of pain meds being prescribed by physicians (never mind the DEA folks have literally ZERO medical credentialling in most cases), I'd pointed out the number of oxycodone I had left from spine surgery almost 6 years ago (meaning to imply that I'm not a pill-gobbler when not needed), but added that I'm an aged hippie with solid connections, and told him that if pain was the issue and I really needed opiates (which are not effective long-term for many types of pain) that I could have fentanyl or clean Afghani Black Tar heroin shipped to me in a pinch. Relatively cheaply.

In other words, abide by the Hippocratic oath or get the fuck outa' my way.

He's known me long enough to know my integrity and sometimes appreciate my humor, versus my seriousness. Sometimes blended.
I wish I stayed two more weeks in medical school and passed the second time.
That ,a plane and a script pad and all our concerns be over.😊