Well-known member
Watch out for VD. You numba won G.I.Trimming back my mothers......looks like a VietNam jungle.
Watch out for VD. You numba won G.I.Trimming back my mothers......looks like a VietNam jungle.
There It Is. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I'm in no hurry to die but I hope I can embrace that time when it arrives.
Eggs taste like eggs. But the difference in size affects baking recipes.
I can scramble 6 quail eggs and you’d assume they were chicken eggs.
I give some to my grandma, but I am able to sell enough to break even on feed. If I add another flock of 10-14 hens I’ll be making a few dollars on the flocks.
Eggs are running around $8.00+ a dozen in supermarkets in SoCal.Yeah, but the Gov is forcing the culling of the entire flock if any birds test positive. And the tests are not 100%, just like the Covid tests. Imagine a false negative, in a bird that’s obviously healthy and you lose the entire flock. Chicken farmer will lose thousands of birds.
All for a disease that has not shown to jump from animal to humans.
Is Loki half awake or is he giving you a resigned stink eye?Appropriate salutations to all the old farts -
Bit of sunshinetoday in old Blighty - but still chilly - got a meeting with the server guy in half an hour - he's gonna park up at my apartment block and we will walk into Kingston-Upon-Thames - for lunch - and chat about the future of this site etc - he says he's got some ideas -
- so I'm all ears -
Already have fast walked 3 miles today so far - and more planned - since I'll be taking Loki out for a good walk to the dog recreation park later - where he will get to play/run with a buncha other mutts -
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I'm pretty sure that there are a number of concerned folks right now, and in many cases rightfully so.F.TO.
If I was a cartel gangbanger and heard that I had just been green lighted for special operations...........I would be pretty fucking concerned right now.
Prime opportunity for some real world training for our men in arms and close to home.
Should be quick if its real,time will tell.
Good morning all on a cloudy brisk day here in the Northland in the center of the lakes region, we are currently at a balmy -25 wind chills -30 to -40 chance for some accumulating snow upto an 1" the worst of the cold comes in tonightJiminy, OleR, that is actually scary.
It's 61 here, and I thought that was cold.
With wind chill, you are looking at frozen skin stuff.