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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Hey everyone. Copping a buzz after watching the show most of the day. Super cold here and will be for the next few days with snow and ice in the 20s. I have a dermatology appointment for some MOHS surgery to remove some skin cancer on my shoulders in the morning. Not looking forward to icy roads tho but Mr Sub is driving. Plan on taking it easy after that and getting a free lunch out of the deal and maybe a Marcos pizza for supper.
‘noticed my seeds are popping up for my next grow. Hopefully they all make it but had to help a couple today get their little helmets off.
Hopefully everyone had a good day. 🥰✌️
Hey Sub, hope it all goes well for you tomorrow, including lunch and pizza.


Well-known member
My Mrs friend was diagnosed with cancer about 2 weeks ago. He was admitted to the hospital on Sunday. It does not sound good for him and I doubt he will ever leave there.
I was mentioning elsewhere today that I would like to have 2-3years worth of cannabis in the freezer. This exactly the reason why, you get old and things can change so quickly. Growing could end abruptly.
Radiologist, Oncologist, Cancer Researcher, Author of 100+ publications. Top Substack Author: http://makismd.substack.com

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I have to disagree with you regarding..."Castro's Boy" being responsible for the doctor shortage.
I put the blame on the Canadian Medical Association.
You are spot-on right about the bean-counting lawyers that control this huge business.

That said, look again at that incredible sight: a non-moving LINE of dispirited, helpless patients standing in the snow waiting to see a doctor. <-- That horrible situation happening in a predominantly white, peaceful, active population simply would not exist without the disastrous results of "Castro's Boy's" chicanery.

Why is there that ridiculous line of hopeless/helpless Canadians standing in the snow? Not even a fucking barn? Could it have been the absolutely hostile environment caused by Trudeau's far Left decade-long idiocracy has made an absolutely hostile environment for scientists, doctors, engineers, and other professionals except lawyers?

You betcha.

His actual thievery was exposed with the charity!! payments to his family. His uber-liberal, unworkable moves over a decade have destroyed much of Canada's economy and put the whole place in debt. <--That's why he is finally being thrown the fuck out.

God bless the Canucks. I have only wonderful memories of wonderful folks up there.
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