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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Ouch. Sorry to hear about your bad fall. Not sure if you were reverencing me or Big or both, or neither. Dunno. I thought that we both handled it rather civily, which is most desirable. I was interested in what he posted. And thanked him so.:unsure:

I never thought much about the details on buying gold with crypto , I embraced the idea that buying physical gold with crypto was a
great way to protect my wealth
Ain't it always! I do this shit all day long, and am constantly being surprised at how they can hide shit, lol. Go figure.:D

I perceive that you work in the Financial sector?…accounting , broker , advisor?…

economics are just a hobby for me and I dove in head first back in Y2K when my dentist told me I should think about cashing out all my accounts and go into 100% cash because the computers were all going down and our digital currency will be list

so I cashed out

long story short , I dove into day trading precious metal stocks and accumulating as much physical gold and silver as possible , the other choices were oil or bullets or military stocks like Raytheon , Boeing , Lockheed etc

gold was around $300 and silver around $5 an ounce back then

then along came bitcoin and I got in under $400 a bitcoin and then forgot about it

it turned out to be good decisions and here we are today

we have more in common than what we disagree with


Well-known member
Premium user
I take that too! Metoprolol...

But I take @6mg every other day for maintenance. So far it's working well. I noticed if I sleep on my left side (I always do btw) my heart will sometimes do weird pulsations... off rhythm. Since I started the every other day regimen it's settled right down.

I also got an APPL watch and it does a lot of cool monitoring that's stored on my phone. Now if I had better eyesight I could read the screen w/o glasses!
My buddy was at a bbq last summer a hot day a friend he hasnt seen a while into it gett5ing a beer turns white and passes out .
Call the fd and a ambulance is there in minutes and the EMT went to the guys apple watch and down loaded his "history" for the last hour.
Even if you cant read it ( me2) someone can
and most of anything I get goes to my laptop for the bigger screen


Well-known member
Premium user
There's no parks to run my mutt around here, we have a pebbly beach (no good to run on) or the open land which is full of sheep and he has zero recall when it's playtime with another dog, sheep, cat, bird etc... So i run him down a single track lane with minimal traffic where he meets up with his jack russell friends and had a good bark and play with them.

Loki's hair got me looking for an Ai pic I did to fit a frame we have (still not got it printed and hung in the crapper... Gawd bless the attention deficit! 🤪 )


We want a wall of Ai pics in the toilet, that makes people question if they're real or not. 😂
My Boy Mojo (RIP) would have love to boink that dog.


Well-known member
Premium user
Getting unseasonable rain in the middle of summer where I live in Australia, yesterday was 43 degree celsius, today its raining which is good, cooled down the place a bit but in a few days time it means we are going to have a bush fly problem because moisture + heat breeds flies, lots of them. Thank God for dung beetles otherwise we wouldnt be able to do anything.
I was in Australia visiting my bil a CPA for Peat Marwick.
He lived in Manly beach and after the butcher and I became friends after 12 lbs of lamb introduced me to their Life saving club my brother in law was in .
The wanted me to join but I wasnt living there and I couldnt swim .
Went to a beach in Bega and saw kangaroos on the beach. Ate so much at Murphys they had to send a bigger boat to get me 😊


I was in Australia visiting my bil a CPA for Peat Marwick.
He lived in Manly beach and after the butcher and I became friends after 12 lbs of lamb introduced me to their Life saving club my brother in law was in .
The wanted me to join but I wasnt living there and I couldnt swim .
Went to a beach in Bega and saw kangaroos on the beach. Ate so much at Murphys they had to send a bigger boat to get me 😊
You can't swim?


Well-known member
Yeah - Loki made a new Jack Russel doggie friend called Poppy in the park - that thing can turn on a sixpence - doesn't get nasty - and loves to run with Loki

- sad that you don't have a good park to go to nearby - where it's fenced and gated - so the dog doesn't go walking in the traffic - and maybe you lose him -

- Loki's pretty good now - and usually comes back when called - I've not had to go chasing after him in quite a while -
Although we don't have a dog, when in the city we love to go to the doggie park at the beach, sit on a bench and watch all the dogs playing in the water. It's fun to watch them play and their interactions.

Hello Gypsy:)


Well-known member
Because I have been a prescription morphine user since 2010 I've gone through a number of uncomfortable experiences with doctors. I've had 3 different family doctors in that time and have had to make my case to each of them. Once I was drug tested on the spot at the clinic for 11 different drugs. No drugs came up that the doctor didn't know about. On the line where the cannabis was tested, the letter H stood out meaning high.
I hate telling them the truth because they use it against you but if you don't they won't give you the pain medication that is needed. When all the opiated deaths became noticeable doctors went on the war path with prescription narcotic users. They put the people on the drugs then treated them like crap for taking them.
I've had my personal cannabis production licence since 2010. Each of my 3 family doctors have signed my cannabis papers.
I'm going into my 76th year with several chronic health issues, I need those drugs to go about my day.
I get a 3 month prescription for morphine, for 30 days at a time.

Here is to hoping you don't end up changing light bulbs at the used car lot.

When you say hash capsules, do you mean that there is hash in the capsule?
0.1666666 grams of Hash per capsule. Coconut oil and lecithin make up the balance.
We wear mesh screens over our hats, thats pretty common here. Flies will drive you crazy in summer where we live, North West Australia. If you go outside in summer better to be completely covered. They pay no respect to insect repellent.
90-mile beach in New Zealand was my introduction to that level of misery.
Jeez - so even strong DEET doesn't phaze the flies - down under in probably the wildest part of Australia - yeah - must drive ya bonkers - you've got some nasty old crocodiles down that way too - so I've heard - regularly snacking on the tourists -

Rancid Bacon fat came up on the web as a repellent for biting sandflies, but I'll admit to not trying that one. Diesel fuel worked.


Well-known member
Be super cool if all of you would fuckin drop it at this point or take it to pm or even make another thread to bang in.
I don't think you guys are all playing the same game and its causing friction.

Busted my ass yesterday on the ice fractured a bone in my right wrist and my ass bone is sore.
Managed to flatten out at this last second so not as bad as it could have been.
Todays plan,dogs willing is drugs,more drugs,hot water and el rancho relaxo.
The winds howling temps are dropping sky is very dark.
Wtf Dog, you sound as bad as me


Well-known member
I never thought much about the details on buying gold with crypto , I embraced the idea that buying physical gold with crypto was a
great way to protect my wealth

I perceive that you work in the Financial sector?…accounting , broker , advisor?…

economics are just a hobby for me and I dove in head first back in Y2K when my dentist told me I should think about cashing out all my accounts and go into 100% cash because the computers were all going down and our digital currency will be list

so I cashed out

long story short , I dove into day trading precious metal stocks and accumulating as much physical gold and silver as possible , the other choices were oil or bullets or military stocks like Raytheon , Boeing , Lockheed etc

gold was around $300 and silver around $5 an ounce back then

then along came bitcoin and I got in under $400 a bitcoin and then forgot about it

it turned out to be good decisions and here we are today

we have more in common than what we disagree with
Crypto is certainly emotionally driven. Sometimes you get lucky and stumble upon something of value Very fortunate:)
Last edited:


Well-known member
I just dont get the Q thing.......at all.
Who exactly is this Q?
Do they post somewhere?
Do they do videos........seriously I keep nearing Q and it sounds kind of odd to say the least.
Q was a 4 chan shitposter that became.......what?
The 'Q thing' is hard to grasp. IMO it's definitely a military psyop, but in positive way.

Do you know where this is?


It's JFK's final resting place. An eternal flame burns there.

Kind of looks like a 'Q' don't it?

'Q' is also the highest security clearance possible: Q clearance.

This also is 'Q', but for our discussion it has no relevance.


Being a Trekkie I included it for a cheap laugh. Ha ha.

The 'Q' phenomenon began back in 2017 on the anonymous bulletin board known as "4Chan" when someone anonymously posted this:

Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 9.13.13 AM.png

As you can imagine this caused quite a stir! This post began the expedition of millions of anonymous individuals (anons) on the internet asking who, what, where, and why.

So far, there have been 4966 Q posts with the last one being 11/27/2022

It's a bit of a history lesson to follow 'Q'. Also, it's a 'you had to be there from the start' to GROK what's going on. Q also pointed out that there are no more than 10 people on the team. If I recall it's 3 civilians and 7 military? Something like that?

Because of security and secrecy laws Q couldn't just come out and say what was on it's mind. So, Q used the Socratic method of asking questions. Q posted a question and millions of anons would search the internet archives and post their answers. The correct answer was reposted by Q showing they were on the right track. It truly was a world-wide phenomenon.

Everyone loves a mystery... right?

Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 8.58.59 AM.png

It caused quite a stir on the interwebs. Within a few hours this was the next post.

Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 9.16.10 AM.png

Answer the questions? There's a lot to unpack here! How many things in this one post have you heard about before??

What this method of attack did was expose deep state actors by asking probing questions. Answers to which were publicly available, but lost in the daily drivel of MSM noise. Q laser focused and pointed them out for all the world to see - that is if you were paying attention.

Think back to when Trump first said "You are FAKE NEWS" to the media. Most folks thought "What? What is he talking about?" But now what do 'most folks' think about "fake news"?

The MSM naturally didn't like that they were called out. The MSM also happens to be totally corrupt and infiltrated by CIA operatives - but that's a whole 'nother story. Deep dives have been engaged here as well. It's also the reason the MSM created "Qanon" which is made up nonsense because there is no such thing. There is "Q" and there are "Anons". The media likes demonizing threats to its authority, so they created a "Qanon demon" to demonize anything exposing their corruption! People got 'cancelled' if they mentioned 'Q' in passing.

In a TV interview Savanna Guthrie queried Trump about what he knew about "Qanon" he denied knowing anything about it. She was incredulous that he denied it! Why did he deny it? Because there is no such thing as "Qanon"! She asked the wrong question!! Had she asked about "Q"... well then, that's a different story!

It is thought that "Q+" is Trump.

Q also exposed Epstein, the island, pedophilia in the upper crust, Satanism and a whole host of other things with the intent of waking up the people. Are you awake yet? Think back to 2016 and what's been exposed since then. Pizzagate - denied and ridiculed by the MSM: True. Podesta brothers, Hollywood pedoville (P. Diddy?), Adrenochrome from tortured children's blood, Haiti, politician's foundations, ISIS, FiveEyes (FVEY).... The rabbit hole goes deep. One only needs to be curious to question what is going on in plain sight.

So with all that in mind you too can venture forth into the mystery known as 'Q'.

This is the most searchable site regarding all things Q: https://qagg.news/


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