I’ve used the same veterinarian since 1982. She is actually an aviary doctor, but she’s always taken care of all my boys. Last week her office sent me a postcard for Dutch with all the different types of vaccinations in this and that proposed for him. When I called the nurse at the front desk, she realized what is happened and apologized profusely. Dutch Will not leave this property from here on forward or get into the truck, but he’s living his best life for as long as he can…. I find a lot of joy getting down on the floor and playing with him at such a late stage in his life. He still wants to be scratch where he’s always wanted to be scratched… for being 12 years and five months old and worked very hard throughout his life. He’s doing quite well considering…My vet is pretty old school just the basics but still expensive even for healthy dogs but some vets try to shame you into unnecessary tests and things like doggy teeth cleaning and laser therapy. And dog acupuncture.
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