I was hoping this would not get this far.It’s your brown underwear I question now
Im curious why we are talking about Doobsters daintiesThen wear clean jeans or those slinky shorts that Doober wears should be changed everyday whether they need it or not. But I would advise him to wear them with his other issues…
How observant….we have bonded….you were just watching for a chance to use that on me…I know your cat snuggles yours
cant trust a man with cookies@jokerman i think maybe Roger has been sleeping on guard duty as cookies are missing and he has not moved… View attachment 19055885
I've had that look.I know that look…
The wife sat on her glasses yesterday and bent the frame beyond repair. Not a happy camper but the lenses are OK so they are off for new frames while she bitches about how the newer pair fits and isn't as good a correction.Good morning venerable brothers and sisters! View attachment 19056087 View attachment 19056088
Another gaugus day starting at 53F and predicted to reach 90F.
Well shit! I dropped my upper plate and broke a couple front teeth. The last time I broke some teeth was in high school eating a forearm shiver to the chops without a teeth guard. About $1500 and a week or so to replace, so looks like I will be greeting my A-Team members tomorrow for lunch with a broken smiley.
A bad day for the fat boy, as I also lost my Kindle carrying it in my jacket pocket when Miss Layla and I visited Fernhill dog park. I went back and looked, but it was long gone so I ordered another one for $150 that is due this morning. Caching, caching, $.............................
Agreed. The way I see it as far as potency goes is if one bud is 25% THC and one is 12.5%, I can just take 2 hits instead of my usual 1. I am a lightweight.Yeah I don't think the plant under normal circumstances reacts swiftly, other than how fast it can suck up water. I am a firm believer in controlled experiments to determine outcomes.
For me it's not about perfection, I just want to enjoy my grows and learn what I can. From my earliest days of growing I think strains have become more susceptible to different problems.
In 2018, I stepped on a board with a nail sticking up out of if. My tetanus vaccine was not up to date so I requested the tetanus vaccine without a thought. I have slowly(very slowly) experienced a decline in my balance and cognitive abilities in the time since receiving what I thought was a vaccine for tetanus but turns out is a vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus(now called the DPT vaccine though diphtheria and pertussis are unheard of ailments in modern times). In 2019, I had a DAT scan of my brain that looks at the dopamine transfer which is crucial to synaptic continuity. One side of my putamen is basically dormant. The putamen is in the ‘lizard’ part of our brains and is responsible for many autonomic functions, one of which is balance. There is no cure or way of reversing the improperly folded proteins so I(and my loved ones) get to watch me decline in slow motion with what presents as Parkinsonism Disease. After doing some research on side effects of the DPT vaccine, turns out cognitive decline and autonomic function impairment are known side effects. Can I prove my ailment is a result of this vaccine? Probably not. Will I get another DPT vaccine? Definitely not. If I can’t get the tetanus vaccine alone, I will resign myself to dying of tetanus. On a side note, I had a friend as a child die from tetanus.We all get to make our choices in life and live with them, sometimes with regret sometimes not. It's not my place to insinuate with strong emotion, what others should decide for themselves.
My wife and I take the vaccines that have been offered, there have been several. My wife felt off from the last one and is going to discuss that with her doctor.
I make sure I am up on tetanus because I have a lung disease and tetanus can get into your lungs.
There is no cost at the Public Health Office for the shot. In all the decades of taking it, never a problem.
I do what I do for myself and my wife, what others do is their business not mine.
Ted Williams will rest in peace knowing this^^^I separated the colors. One Tide pods per load. Going to have clean underwear for the game tomorrow night