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The Original O'l Farts Club.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
View attachment 19051131 View attachment 19051132 I am about a half pound lighter. Feels like I have done about a thousand sit-ups. Doc said there was scarring on the gall bladder which I guess means there was trauma. In and out in under 4 hours. Not much pain associated with the sugaree yet but gonna get the oxy in case. I’m a bit of a fatty…
Hey they got you pretty good old fogey. You'll be feeling it. Use those pain pills wisely. You will get addicted after a week but just remember what's going on and smoke weed


Well-known member
Well, I have a multi-purpose room, with 3 sets of stacked shelving for grocery and home supplies. Soon it will be full of home essentials for the winter, being a thrifty individual, I like to buy items on sale and stock up.
I need to make order out of chaos, sort, stack and clean my shelves. Spend a few thousand now and save hundreds of dollars.
Check the tent over and if my body is not aching by this time, clean it up or leave it for a few days.
I have dishes to do too.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Well, I have a multi-purpose room, with 3 sets of stacked shelving for grocery and home supplies. Soon it will be full of home essentials for the winter, being a thrifty individual, I like to buy items on sale and stock up.
I need to make order out of chaos, sort, stack and clean my shelves. Spend a few thousand now and save hundreds of dollars.
Check the tent over and if my body is not aching by this time, clean it up or leave it for a few days.
I have dishes to do too.
Great motivation old man. Hey what types of animals are out there? Grizzly? Mountain Lion? Wolves? Wolverines? Black flies? Any spiders this year? I've been blessed, nothing all summer except one in the car that looked like a Yellow Sac Spider and got executed and another the other day near the balcony door...it was a Huntsman and it disappeared. You have Hobo Spiders. Been to Okenagen lately? Go swimming this Summer?


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Premium user
on sale at Aldis ☝️
I forget how much though
I just bought some they come from the west coast Washington Rainier like the cherries

Unca Walt

Well-known member
My first pacemaker checkup consisted of myself having to get the train up to Waterloo Station - then a 10 minute walk to St Thomas's hospital - for my appointment with the heart boffins - and this lady operative got me to take my shirt off - then put some widget on top of my pacemaker - that she could monitor on some tablet screen - and she told me that I was having Atrial Fibrillation for only 3% of the time since the last check - when they first installed the pacemaker - do you have a similar sorta check Walt? - and if so how much of the time are you in Afib? - she said that's why I have to be taking blood thinning meds (Edoxaban) - so the blood doesn't clot in a heart chamber when Afib happens - or it could lead to my early demise - so I take the meds - and get a pacemaker checkup every 6 months - and will have to take blood thinning meds - for the rest of my life - so blood clotting does not happen during Afib -

Oh - and the battery that runs my pacemaker should last for another 13 and a half years - before it needs changing surgically - must be some sorta suppa-duppa-duracell eh?
I gots no pacemaker. They just hang some stickers on me and run a tape.

It always shows I have a livable, but sorta always there Afib. Just like you, I am on blood thinners becuz of that little extra pointy cavern in everyone's upper left ventricle. That is where the blood gets stuffed and can't get out during hard Afib.

Since the blood cannot get out of that cavern (that we dunno why it is there) it does what it is susposed to do: It clots. And when the clot breaks free and starts traveling around... hello stroke.

I also take some medication (Multaq) that sorta is for Afib; it is a BP lowering thing.

And a cotton-pickin' raft of other stuff to replace the chemicals that bodies squirted out into the world in 1940 no longer produce or process.
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Tied a few flies.....I can't see to tie these tiny flies. The tail is so thin I can hardly see it to tie it to the hook. This is what the big Rainbows will be feeding on in Oct. It is called an RS-2. It imitates a may fly nymph that is swimming to the surface to become an adult may fly.

By the way for all you folks thinking a big fish won't bother with something so small.....you are wrong. When these things hatch there are millions of them and the fish splurge on them.




Well-known member
I’m having enough Marcos pizza so I won’t be too hungry when th lamb chops are served.
View attachment 19050292
Marcos eh? I got pissed at them one night never again. Never delivered my fucking pizza. I called them back the next day asking about a refund. "Oh, they will send it right out" they said. Well, it's the next day and I'm at work, just want my money. Then he told me he was getting mad....really? I will be right down there. Turned out he had rather not be mad than go to the hospital. Fucking punk ass bitch. Big man on the phone, but I am digress...


Well-known member
Premium user
Marcos eh? I got pissed at them one night never again. Never delivered my fucking pizza. I called them back the next day asking about a refund. "Oh, they will send it right out" they said. Well, it's the next day and I'm at work, just want my money. Then he told me he was getting mad....really? I will be right down there. Turned out he had rather not be mad than go to the hospital. Fucking punk ass bitch. Big man on the phone, but I am digress...
My Marcos guys tighten me up. They know what I want and can load that perfect crust up just right and we Love their pizza and Greek salad. I love delivery pizza. Something I never had living in the tree farm in South Georgia. I can’t get over how you can just call them and they bring you food 🤣🤣
I also get grocery delivery here from Amazon fresh. It’s awesome too.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Sipped coffee and got high all afternoon. Didn't accomplish anything. Have to meet a social worker or clinician or something at 4. What's everyone doing? I've just been sipping coffee and getting high all afternoon.
Don't know how you do that. I have to be doing something all the time or I will climb the walls. Different strokes for different folks.


Well-known member
As most of you folks know, I’ve got quite the pension for muscle cars. I bought a 61 Impala bubble top three years ago I have been assembling parts to build my last build… being at this is a 409 car. I took a 409 block and expanded at the 477 in.³. I contacted an individual. I know that makes custom headers three years ago and look what showed up on my doorstep the other day… headers made the proper way with the proper size tubing is close to impossible to find… I even have a cut out so I can flip the flaps on that 3 inch side collector and blow flames… I hope I have enough ass left in this life to build this last car… View attachment 19050403
Some cut outs for lake pipes?

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