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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
SS is a giant Ponzi scheme but we were forced into it by our govt so unless the govt wants to renew on a promise, they need to print more and more money to fund it after they raided it years ago to fund their lavish, self enriching programs.
yup, the feds have robbed the social security fund several times to balance the federal gov't and never paid it back......now they are saying it is gonna go broke soon.....PAY BACK YOU LOAN FARG!


Well-known member
waz mowing...:mopper:but the boy's abandoned project. Stopped me in my tracks by carpet hidden in the grass. :cuss:. Now it won't start and it's 106f and no wind.

Boy better be damn glad I'm stoned. OR OR well F it I don't feel like :spank:his ars atm....

off to attack a snickers ice cream bar to quite the munchy monster. :pointlaug


Well-known member
you had to be there.

actually, it seems to me that ChatGP4o likes to dispense validation. sometimes it is just kind of like a souped up ELIZA from the 1960s AI efforts. other times it is amazing.

so, i pitched out the old "it's the incentives that fuck our capitalism system" (however i don't curse with the AI) and it agreed and offered a way to change everything to a win-win situation.

it called me too modest to suggest i couldn't effect a change in the status quo. AI is not always right.


Well-known member
Social Security WILL remain solvent. Look how many old farts are in Congress. And population wise WE vote. They have no choice but to re-fund social security, the same way the chose to deplete it. By passing a bill to do so. It is a political stunt to say SS is running out of money. Are the really going to pay us less than we contributed? Think of the retiree who gets $1500 with a mortgage.. Are they really going to cut his/her benefit and watch them lose their house? Nope. Rest easy. That would put unfathomable ripples in the economy. They'll do it at the "last minute". :devilish:


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Social Security WILL remain solvent. Look how many old farts are in Congress. And population wise WE vote. They have no choice but to re-fund social security, the same way the chose to deplete it. By passing a bill to do so. It is a political stunt to say SS is running out of money. Are the really going to pay us less than we contributed? Think of the retiree who gets $1500 with a mortgage.. Are they really going to cut his/her benefit and watch them lose their house? Nope. Rest easy. That would put unfathomable ripples in the economy. They'll do it at the "last minute". :devilish:
Sure, print more money which causes inflation. Up 20% and growing over the last 4 years. Does anybody care about our national debt…. 35 trillion and growing by 8 billion daily….every American owes over $100,000. BOOM


Well-known member
Premium user
When I first came out of surgery - and was in the intensive care unit - for a few days - they gave me my own push button fentanyl painkiller - hooked up thru some canular contraption - plugged into my neck - so every time I felt pain - I pushed the button - and got a hit of fentanyl - which did work - but made my guts feel like I had a bag of spanners in them - totally blocking me up = maximum constipation - so that led to nurses giving me enemas - which was kinda embarrassing 😳 - to say the least - that's my only experience with fentanyl -
trying the enema without the fentanyl may yield better results🙄

Unca Walt

Well-known member
just got back from the GP office...now I gotta get an ultrasound due to a thorasic anurismn...if I was a car they'd scrap me for parts, the few good ones I have...I'm gonna go smoke me a doobs...
Brother @Boo -- A thoractic aneurism is something that has gotta be addressed. I assume the GP explained what it was.

For the folks here who aren't a doctor's daddy, this is an expanded (when it shouldn't be) major blood vessel. A bulge -- right by the heart.

If it is dangerous (keeps getting bigger) it can be fixed by putting in a section of sewer pipe. Sometimes they can do it without chest cutting. TINS.

Meanwhile, Boo, you should NOT do heavy labor until you get more info. Gimme a promise you will take Walt's Lazy Road until you get an MRA or a CT scan.

Please don't blow your head gasket by going pedal-to-metal on anything until you get told just how big the bulge is. Goof off.


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