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The Original O'l Farts Club.



That was a fun day been too long since we did it.
Dogs did great while we were gone no problems when we got home.
New pistol shoots real nice out the box they did a excellent job on it.
Couldn't find a single burr inside or out which is something for the Italians.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
For the type of shooting ( I say shooting because technically it isnt a "hunt" but a population control shoot.) I'm doing , a federal and state depredation permit, just about anything goes but I have to use steel shot.
During the depredation hunts we are not allowed to use decoys, call, or camo.
The Feds want to make sure that only geese that would be coming to the crops are shot so we are not allowed to attract them.
I generally use a Beretta 3 inch shotgun, Pattern Master full choke and 1,2 and BB shot but that shotgun is off-island at my second home so Ive been using my old warhorse Remington 1100 with 2 3/4 shells and a modified barrel. As long as you're on them, it knocks them down.
First day out last week I brought my old Ruger Red Label double 20 ga with three inch #2. Got a few but also pelted a few that kept flying. .
Just out of curiosity since I know next to nothing about hunting, what is the reason for only allowing steel shot? If the only other option is lead then I guess I can understand but if there are options for other metals like copper for example then I don't understand.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That walk with Loki the PomShitzPoo mutt pup yesterday really tested his stamina - he was fine walking the mile to the vets - was even pulling on the lead most of the way - then was a good boy getting his first shot and ID tag under his skin - then we walked back up Villiers Road - and stopped by to see my older brother - for 2 hours - which he slept thru mostly - as we brothers shared a spliff - and talked of our youth - then it was time to go - and Loki made it to the end of my brothers road - then sorta conked out - he sat down and looked at me thru glazed eyes 👀 - as if he was trying to tell me that he couldn't make it any further - so I picked him up and carried him in my arms home - where he almost looked unwell - might have been the shot giving him a touch of fever methinks - and we both slept soundly - from around 9pm-2.30am - when I woke up and thought that he might need to relieve his bladder - as I did mine - so took him outside around the apartment gardens - where he still seemed kinda lethargic - but did pee - then back up to the apartment where he slept like a log till 8am - and gradually came back to life - throwing his new squeaky toy around - I reckon yesterday must have been his most physical day ever - and he was just plum tuckered out -
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Sounds to me like it was mostly a reaction to the shot, but I'm no vet. All I know is I have had various shots over the years that left me feeling worn out for the rest of the day.


Well-known member
so Mr Sub said the smell on the back porch smells like a weed garden. I said really? He said duh…
they are just starting to flower now just started baby flowers are already stinking a little. I’ll bet it’s not the last I hear about it. Imma gonna blame it on @bigsur51 for sending me stinky seeds 😁😁😁 Maybe ill hang one of those car air fresheners up out there 😳
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At least you are under your state mandated limit…😂


Well-known member
This hog was killed at Ken Holyoak's fish farm where I bought fish to stock my pond in Alapaha Georgia. They had this picture hanging in the office and told the story of how the hog was living on the fish food there. It was a big deal I think National Geographic or someone came and dug it up to verify the story. It was 12 ft and 1000lbs. They called it hogzilla
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That’s a lot of bacon


Well-known member
Hmmm - a VERY interesting take on the fentanyl crisis 😳 - that actually makes sense - if you had ever studied the Opium Wars -

The US also has ‘that kind of money’. If law enforcement was told to stop the importation of fentanyl, it would be stopped. Every few weeks I read reports about fentanyl busts of ‘enough to kill the entire population’ so my bet is ‘enough to kill the entire population’ flows in daily and law enforcement just makes these busts to appear like they are doing something. I’m not coming right out and saying the govt wants us dead but they do allow poisons used in agriculture that are not allowed anywhere else in the world…


Well-known member
Premium user
The US also has ‘that kind of money’. If law enforcement was told to stop the importation of fentanyl, it would be stopped. Every few weeks I read reports about fentanyl busts of ‘enough to kill the entire population’ so my bet is ‘enough to kill the entire population’ flows in daily and law enforcement just makes these busts to appear like they are doing something. I’m not coming right out and saying the govt wants us dead but they do allow poisons used in agriculture that are not allowed anywhere else in the world…
Yes Sir ,we also use stuff which is prohibited in other countries ,mostly because the stuff is made by companies who make some people rich.