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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
First off, I am not being duped by anyone. I take no pills. Zero. And zero medications. I suffer from no maladies. In litigation there are typically two opposing sides with dissimilarities. In most instances, there is some truth in both. My lifetime motto, to live calm and peacefully, is to: "Take the best. And leave the rest". Take and use what you deem advantageous and useful in your own life, and discard or ignore what you do not.. As I said in the beginning,: "We all make very personal choices about our health". We're all very independent thinkers. Let others make their own adult decisions about what they do with their precious time here on earth. You won't buy them any extra at the grave. ;)
If you don’t mind….how old are you cola


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well the way I love at it there is a lot more to getting and staying healthy other then just what we eat. You can eat what experts say is a healthy diet but if you don't get enough exercise and/or stay properly hydrated, you will still have problems. Also a lot has to do with how the foods you eat are prepared. Much of the health problems in modern society isn't as much from the type of foods we eat as it is because many eat too much highly processed foods that are loaded with all sorts of salt and preservatives, food dyes, artificial flavorings and lord knows what else. If you buy fresh whole foods and prepare everything from scratch the way people did a century or so ago, you'll likely be much healthier then if you eat most processed foods of the same type found readily in the grocry stores. The problem for most is now a days with a household requiring all able bodied adults to work full time just to barely make ends meet, who has time to carefully shop for the healthiest foods and to cook everything from scratch?

Sldo on the subject of longevity, of course you have to do your best to live a healthy life style but an often overlooked aspect of modern life is happiness. Is it really worth being so careful about what you eat in order to live a few years longer if the whole time you're feeling like there is no joy in your life? I personally lean more to the belief that we all have a time when we are meant to die and there isn't really much that can change that. There are many times I put myself in situations where I probably should have died but didn't. I also look at all the cases of people who were very careful to exercise, eat right and do all the other things you should do to live a long life and then they end up dead because some drunk driver hit them head on, or because some maniac decided to randomly shoot people or some asshat decided to tamper with bottles of Tylenol in order to lace them with poison.

Life should be lived in balance and moderation for the best experience but even then sometimes fate is going to deal some of us a wild card. I believe we all have an expiration date and there is little we can do to alter it, when it's your time to go, it's your time to go.


Well-known member
Premium user
Well the way I love at it there is a lot more to getting and staying healthy other then just what we eat. You can eat what experts say is a healthy diet but if you don't get enough exercise and/or stay properly hydrated, you will still have problems. Also a lot has to do with how the foods you eat are prepared. Much of the health problems in modern society isn't as much from the type of foods we eat as it is because many eat too much highly processed foods that are loaded with all sorts of salt and preservatives, food dyes, artificial flavorings and lord knows what else. If you buy fresh whole foods and prepare everything from scratch the way people did a century or so ago, you'll likely be much healthier then if you eat most processed foods of the same type found readily in the grocry stores. The problem for most is now a days with a household requiring all able bodied adults to work full time just to barely make ends meet, who has time to carefully shop for the healthiest foods and to cook everything from scratch?

Sldo on the subject of longevity, of course you have to do your best to live a healthy life style but an often overlooked aspect of modern life is happiness. Is it really worth being so careful about what you eat in order to live a few years longer if the whole time you're feeling like there is no joy in your life? I personally lean more to the belief that we all have a time when we are meant to die and there isn't really much that can change that. There are many times I put myself in situations where I probably should have died but didn't. I also look at all the cases of people who were very careful to exercise, eat right and do all the other things you should do to live a long life and then they end up dead because some drunk driver hit them head on, or because some maniac decided to randomly shoot people or some asshat decided to tamper with bottles of Tylenol in order to lace them with poison.

Life should be lived in balance and moderation for the best experience but even then sometimes fate is going to deal some of us a wild card. I believe we all have an expiration date and there is little we can do to alter it, when it's your time to go, it's your time to go.
And that’s Hempkat’s take on it. See everybody has their own gig.

now let’s all burn one

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Was pulling the fuel pump rig out of the tank after pumping out the last of the rinse mix. Diesel and lacquer thinner. The pump was hooked to the trucks battery. I just pulled the negative wire off, when I should have pull both off. Started pulling the hose and pump out. When the metal cased pump hit the opening, it grounded against the tank and started running . WOOSH a blow torch flame came from the opening. My hand was in the fires direct path....

Blondy said, lets go to the hospital (I hate hospitals with a passion) I said we can do what the hospital can.

Thinking... I'm a tough man and started cleaning the hand up. That's when the adrenalin started wearing off and the tears started flowing. Off to the emergency room we went.

Took 3 shots of dilaudid to get the pain down to manageable stinging. About $1,200.oo bucks for that and 1 IV bag of salt water.

They then sent me to mercy burn clinic. To the burn Dr. (TINS) who just ripped the blisters and pealing skin off with a rough wash cloth. More pain! About 40% of the skin of my hand is affected. Backs of all the 4 fingers and palm side of thumb down to the wrist. The ball of my thumb hurts the most for some unknown reason. Don't know what that bill is going to be.

The whole time of this job. I kept thinking about being extra careful of starting/causing a fire and was. Till I wasn't. Just damn lucky it was diesel and not gasoline. If it was gas and with the size of the tank (120gl) BOOM! I would be dead. Little chunks dan scattered across the yard.

It's going to be a long night. Just hope I can get the oldest boy to help me knock out 2 easy a/c jobs in the morning. Need the money to pay the Dr. bills.
Sorry for your burn brother, but glad you had it professionally tended. Us manly types are prone to ignore major owies as superficial flesh wounds, but a burn that bad is something that should be taken seriously.

Yet another lesson learned................................


Well-known member
Well the way I love at it there is a lot more to getting and staying healthy other then just what we eat. You can eat what experts say is a healthy diet but if you don't get enough exercise and/or stay properly hydrated, you will still have problems. Also a lot has to do with how the foods you eat are prepared. Much of the health problems in modern society isn't as much from the type of foods we eat as it is because many eat too much highly processed foods that are loaded with all sorts of salt and preservatives, food dyes, artificial flavorings and lord knows what else. If you buy fresh whole foods and prepare everything from scratch the way people did a century or so ago, you'll likely be much healthier then if you eat most processed foods of the same type found readily in the grocry stores. The problem for most is now a days with a household requiring all able bodied adults to work full time just to barely make ends meet, who has time to carefully shop for the healthiest foods and to cook everything from scratch?

Sldo on the subject of longevity, of course you have to do your best to live a healthy life style but an often overlooked aspect of modern life is happiness. Is it really worth being so careful about what you eat in order to live a few years longer if the whole time you're feeling like there is no joy in your life? I personally lean more to the belief that we all have a time when we are meant to die and there isn't really much that can change that. There are many times I put myself in situations where I probably should have died but didn't. I also look at all the cases of people who were very careful to exercise, eat right and do all the other things you should do to live a long life and then they end up dead because some drunk driver hit them head on, or because some maniac decided to randomly shoot people or some asshat decided to tamper with bottles of Tylenol in order to lace them with poison.

Life should be lived in balance and moderation for the best experience but even then sometimes fate is going to deal some of us a wild card. I believe we all have an expiration date and there is little we can do to alter it, when it's your time to go, it's your time to go.
Here in Canada lonely seniors have a high rate of death equivalent to heavy smoking, alcoholism and obesity. This is according to Statistics Canada. It takes more than food to keep us going/thriving.

I've wondered about those situations myself when something terrible could have happened, but, it didn't happen. Die another day.

I'm not sure what I believe, maybe I don't even want to believe, just live until I can't. Then what happens is what I want to happen.

My close friend of many decades got some unusual kind of cancer in his jaw, he was on deaths door but pulled through, not being able to eat solid food for 4 years. When he was given permission to eat solid food, he was very excited. The next day on the highway he was involved in a head on collision by a reckless driver and died, his wife beside him was OK.

I toast you with moderation HempKat


Well-known member
Ok, I need a plan, my wife just phoned and got mad at me for not eating. She is in the hospital and yet is getting upset with me. Oh my, I think I'll have a bite, watch a movie.

I feel very stressed out today, I need to find inner peace... ommm


Well-known member
Ok, I need a plan, my wife just phoned and got mad at me for not eating. She is in the hospital and yet is getting upset with me. Oh my, I think I'll have a bite, watch a movie.

I feel very stressed out today, I need to find inner peace... ommm
I think you mentioned previously, that there is a community service that can pick you up and take
you to the hospital, correct?
I don't recall the details but I wonder...
would it be an option to do so now that she has been there for so many days just waiting?
I just wonder if it would help the both of you to spend some time together even if it's at
the hospital. A visit might help to reiieve some of the anxieties and stress perhaps?

Big hugs oldman.

And... eat something :)


Well-known member
Premium user
Here in Canada lonely seniors have a high rate of death equivalent to heavy smoking, alcoholism and obesity. This is according to Statistics Canada. It takes more than food to keep us going/thriving.

I've wondered about those situations myself when something terrible could have happened, but, it didn't happen. Die another day.

I'm not sure what I believe, maybe I don't even want to believe, just live until I can't. Then what happens is what I want to happen.

My close friend of many decades got some unusual kind of cancer in his jaw, he was on deaths door but pulled through, not being able to eat solid food for 4 years. When he was given permission to eat solid food, he was very excited. The next day on the highway he was involved in a head on collision by a reckless driver and died, his wife beside him was OK.

I toast you with moderation HempKat



Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Stately and look in deep thought
Best of luck with the new member of your family❤️😊☝️
He slept right next to the sofa I sleep on - and I was up at 4am - took him downstairs for an early morn'in walk - and he pooped outside - his first poop with us - so I picked it up in a bag and binned it - happy that he didn't poo indoors - then returned home and I had to go - so shut the toilet door on him - to have some privacy when achieving my ablutions - and he got all upset - with some whining - because I'd closed the door on him - he seems to be very attached to me already - my son gets back from his 9 day Army Cadets summer camp today - and this little mutt was for him initially - so hopefully he can take over some of the doggie duties - and the dog likes him too - then I can get away - feed the cats and get to the gym - since my wife works 10am-10pm - and my daughter isn't so enamoured with the little dog - yet - although she is slowly getting to enjoy him a bit -

I guess our routines and lifestyle has to change a tad now to incorporate the little fella - who is fulla fun and life - and makes me happy too -

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