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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
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In the true spirit of manliness, I need to change my Ninja Turtles Underwear.



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It's a mule deer from here in the Badlands of the Dakotas. My males should be enormous this year.

They have made it to 5 and 6 years old. We have been caring for multiple generations the last 13 years.

We have about 30 deer total that winter in the safety of our canyon and yard. The mom's and babies will come up within a few feet of me when I'm putting grain screenings out for them.

The older deer understand the importance of the little ones getting food, even if they didn't sire them. Our two biggest boys are brothers a year apart.

I have watched them spar in the darkness of night outside my window more than once. The motion light has no effect when it comes on, they're used to it.

Farmer out in his underwear? I can't breathe in cold or hot air from my lung issues, so who needs pants?
Peace farmerlion
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All I see is braciole ☝️
back in the 60’s when I was in high school , Sex Ed class was mandatory

then the schools started passing out condoms

next thing you know , there is a shortage of condoms available to give away

would this be a condom conundrum or a proliferation of prophylactics?….
let me get back to you on that☝️


Cabana’s bitch
I eat what is called the dash diet or simpler terms a heart healthy diet. My diet steers my health and my life. I tried to eat at least three fruits or vegetables with every meal and I stay away from all processed foods entirely. If I don’t cook it, I don’t eat it. Lately I’ve been pigging out on organic strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, and I tried to drink a gallon of water a day… if one listens to the government recommendations for a healthy diet you will die much sooner than later


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I know two people that were extremely overweight. Their heart doc put them on basically a carnivore diet very few allowed fruits and veggies no grains no carbs mostly meat eggs and cheese to combat their weight and heart issues. Every time I would see them, they looked like they lost another 20-30 pounds. They both lost all their weight which in turn helped their heart problems. I go on that same diet when I want to lose a quick 10 pounds as it’s very quick to come off 10 Lbs at a time just about a week for me. My health would have to be much worse to stay on it as I love my carbs and vegetables and cookies tonight 😳
what kind of cookies 🙄


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I like to keep a few extra pounds on me going into winter cause ya never know if yer gonna get sick and that Covid shit a few years ago , I dropped 15 pounds really fast…

haven’t gained any weight on this semi carnivore diet

i say semi cause I love me some chocolate cake and a few other forbidden foods , feck it , life is to short not to enjoy some nanner pudding’ or a big old slice of cherry pie with ice cream!…

hello , I am big and I am a carnivore cheater
would you care for a hamburger today and you can gladly pay me Tuesday?
Do you have Zelle🙄😊


Well-known member
I can recognize a sideways dismissal.

I also understand cognitive dissonance.

My suggestions were for folks who are concerned w/ their
current health issues to look beyond the status quo and
do their own due diligence and look at perhaps modifying
what they eat when struggling w/ common health issues.

Then: I shared how I did so.
It wasn't easy to break away from what I've been told my entire life:
That same information posted by the mayo clinic.
It is exactly what I'd adhered to my entire life and is that in which had
caused me to become unhealthy and miserable with common and easily
resolved/ preventable issues (overweight, joint pain, rising BP/ cholesterol, etc).

By doing my own 'research' and choosing to no longer conform...
then and only then did my declining health (and what is so offhandedly
referred to as "natural aging") begin to improve and...most amazingly...
almost immediately.

I am only stating that the standard american diet as we know it
IMPE is not a healthy one. I am not alone in this discovery.

Oh heavens NO!
The Mayo clinic is profiting off sick ppl.
Say it ain't so!

How about we just agree to disagree on this topic.

I'll not be able to help others to open their eyes to
seek the unknown who choose to keep them closed.
will I be swayed to change my mind as to what is a (truly) healthy human diet.

We have been duped for profit.
Some know it, some won't accept it.

Edit: spelling
First off, I am not being duped by anyone. I take no pills. Zero. And zero medications. I suffer from no maladies. In litigation there are typically two opposing sides with dissimilarities. In most instances, there is some truth in both. My lifetime motto, to live calm and peacefully, is to: "Take the best. And leave the rest". Take and use what you deem advantageous and useful in your own life, and discard or ignore what you do not.. As I said in the beginning,: "We all make very personal choices about our health". We're all very independent thinkers. Let others make their own adult decisions about what they do with their precious time here on earth. You won't buy them any extra at the grave. ;)
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Well-known member
Burns are the worst,good luck and keep it clean!
How the hell did it ignite?
Was pulling the fuel pump rig out of the tank after pumping out the last of the rinse mix. Diesel and lacquer thinner. The pump was hooked to the trucks battery. I just pulled the negative wire off, when I should have pull both off. Started pulling the hose and pump out. When the metal cased pump hit the opening, it grounded against the tank and started running . WOOSH a blow torch flame came from the opening. My hand was in the fires direct path....

Blondy said, lets go to the hospital (I hate hospitals with a passion) I said we can do what the hospital can.

Thinking... I'm a tough man and started cleaning the hand up. That's when the adrenalin started wearing off and the tears started flowing. Off to the emergency room we went.

Took 3 shots of dilaudid to get the pain down to manageable stinging. About $1,200.oo bucks for that and 1 IV bag of salt water.

They then sent me to mercy burn clinic. To the burn Dr. (TINS) who just ripped the blisters and pealing skin off with a rough wash cloth. More pain! About 40% of the skin of my hand is affected. Backs of all the 4 fingers and palm side of thumb down to the wrist. The ball of my thumb hurts the most for some unknown reason. Don't know what that bill is going to be.

The whole time of this job. I kept thinking about being extra careful of starting/causing a fire and was. Till I wasn't. Just damn lucky it was diesel and not gasoline. If it was gas and with the size of the tank (120gl) BOOM! I would be dead. Little chunks dan scattered across the yard.

It's going to be a long night. Just hope I can get the oldest boy to help me knock out 2 easy a/c jobs in the morning. Need the money to pay the Dr. bills.


Was pulling the fuel pump rig out of the tank after pumping out the last of the rinse mix. Diesel and lacquer thinner. The pump was hooked to the trucks battery. I just pulled the negative wire off, when I should have pull both off. Started pulling the hose and pump out. When the metal cased pump hit the opening, it grounded against the tank and started running . WOOSH a blow torch flame came from the opening. My hand was in the fires direct path....

Blondy said, lets go to the hospital (I hate hospitals with a passion) I said we can do what the hospital can.

Thinking... I'm a tough man and started cleaning the hand up. That's when the adrenalin started wearing off and the tears started flowing. Off to the emergency room we went.

Took 3 shots of dilaudid to get the pain down to manageable stinging. About $1,200.oo bucks for that and 1 IV bag of salt water.

They then sent me to mercy burn clinic. To the burn Dr. (TINS) who just ripped the blisters and pealing skin off with a rough wash cloth. More pain! About 40% of the skin of my hand is affected. Backs of all the 4 fingers and palm side of thumb down to the wrist. The ball of my thumb hurts the most for some unknown reason. Don't know what that bill is going to be.

The whole time of this job. I kept thinking about being extra careful of starting/causing a fire and was. Till I wasn't. Just damn lucky it was diesel and not gasoline. If it was gas and with the size of the tank (120gl) BOOM! I would be dead. Little chunks dan scattered across the yard.

It's going to be a long night. Just hope I can get the oldest boy to help me knock out 2 easy a/c jobs in the morning. Need the money to pay the Dr. bills.
Godamn that's a hard lesson to learn but I bet it won't happen again.
I figured you would seek pro help and get the scrub that shits just.......torture.
Good luck the worse is over just keep it clean as possible.


Well-known member
Haha. We are a bad influence on you. It started with Doobers ice cream, Gypsy’s potatoes joes Italian cheeses and my Reese’s cup late night show and tell. You are a victim of all our unhealthy pleasures 🤪. Glad you’re back on track. 🥰✌️
Looks like the new tenants downstairs may also contribute lol

They just brought me a huge bowl of home made authentic Cuban food.
Rice, black beans, meat, fried plantain, fresh avocado and tomatoes.
OMG it is soooo freaking good.
Imma eat it all too, eventually. Will save some for breakfast w/ a couple of fried eggs :D

I think it's pretty danged lovely of them to consider me and share their good eats :)


Well-known member
Premium user
Was pulling the fuel pump rig out of the tank after pumping out the last of the rinse mix. Diesel and lacquer thinner. The pump was hooked to the trucks battery. I just pulled the negative wire off, when I should have pull both off. Started pulling the hose and pump out. When the metal cased pump hit the opening, it grounded against the tank and started running . WOOSH a blow torch flame came from the opening. My hand was in the fires direct path....

Blondy said, lets go to the hospital (I hate hospitals with a passion) I said we can do what the hospital can.

Thinking... I'm a tough man and started cleaning the hand up. That's when the adrenalin started wearing off and the tears started flowing. Off to the emergency room we went.

Took 3 shots of dilaudid to get the pain down to manageable stinging. About $1,200.oo bucks for that and 1 IV bag of salt water.

They then sent me to mercy burn clinic. To the burn Dr. (TINS) who just ripped the blisters and pealing skin off with a rough wash cloth. More pain! About 40% of the skin of my hand is affected. Backs of all the 4 fingers and palm side of thumb down to the wrist. The ball of my thumb hurts the most for some unknown reason. Don't know what that bill is going to be.

The whole time of this job. I kept thinking about being extra careful of starting/causing a fire and was. Till I wasn't. Just damn lucky it was diesel and not gasoline. If it was gas and with the size of the tank (120gl) BOOM! I would be dead. Little chunks dan scattered across the yard.

It's going to be a long night. Just hope I can get the oldest boy to help me knock out 2 easy a/c jobs in the morning. Need the money to pay the Dr. bills.
Wow little that’s quite a story I’m wincing in pain thinking about what you have been thru. I am glad that you went to the ER tho and hope that you will start recovering soon I hope your boy can do the hands on tomorrow s you need to take it easy 🥰✌️ my best for a quick recovery. Burns are the worst pain ever…


Well-known member
Was pulling the fuel pump rig out of the tank after pumping out the last of the rinse mix. Diesel and lacquer thinner. The pump was hooked to the trucks battery. I just pulled the negative wire off, when I should have pull both off. Started pulling the hose and pump out. When the metal cased pump hit the opening, it grounded against the tank and started running . WOOSH a blow torch flame came from the opening. My hand was in the fires direct path....

Blondy said, lets go to the hospital (I hate hospitals with a passion) I said we can do what the hospital can.

Thinking... I'm a tough man and started cleaning the hand up. That's when the adrenalin started wearing off and the tears started flowing. Off to the emergency room we went.

Took 3 shots of dilaudid to get the pain down to manageable stinging. About $1,200.oo bucks for that and 1 IV bag of salt water.

They then sent me to mercy burn clinic. To the burn Dr. (TINS) who just ripped the blisters and pealing skin off with a rough wash cloth. More pain! About 40% of the skin of my hand is affected. Backs of all the 4 fingers and palm side of thumb down to the wrist. The ball of my thumb hurts the most for some unknown reason. Don't know what that bill is going to be.

The whole time of this job. I kept thinking about being extra careful of starting/causing a fire and was. Till I wasn't. Just damn lucky it was diesel and not gasoline. If it was gas and with the size of the tank (120gl) BOOM! I would be dead. Little chunks dan scattered across the yard.

It's going to be a long night. Just hope I can get the oldest boy to help me knock out 2 easy a/c jobs in the morning. Need the money to pay the Dr. bills.
Seriously scary. So glad that you are not more seriously injured or worse.
Good that you did get professional care. I am much the same and probably
would have at least attempt to do home care. Til I realized it as a bad idea.
Nothing to cut that kind of pain in the medicine cabinet.

Did they send you home with any thing for the pain?
Will you need to return for debridement?

Good to hear you are back home.
I hope you get the help you need tomorrow.