There has always been propaganda - to sell products - to sell people to you and me - so gaining our misguided trust perhaps - sure it's all a mindfuck headgame to mystify and entrap the masses - into adhering to one ideology or another - so splitting - so polarizing public opinions - to create disharmony - just ask Daddy Warbucks - and he will tell ya - you can make a bigger fortune from wars - than you can from peace -Therein lies the today isn't about factual reporting it is his opinion......there is a section for that it's called Editorial both in print and broadcast media.
This guy is about to tell you what he, his boss and the politicians want you to hear. If you listen closely and look around close you can tell he is shoveling BS. The Border is a good example.....I am told it is closed but when I look at Down Town Denver my common since tells me something is not quite right.
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- Smedley Butler - would be another good one to ask - if he was still alive -