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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Therein lies the problem.....news today isn't about factual reporting it is his opinion......there is a section for that it's called Editorial both in print and broadcast media.

This guy is about to tell you what he, his boss and the politicians want you to hear. If you listen closely and look around close you can tell he is shoveling BS. The Border is a good example.....I am told it is closed but when I look at Down Town Denver my common since tells me something is not quite right.

View attachment 19041739
There has always been propaganda - to sell products - to sell people to you and me - so gaining our misguided trust perhaps - sure it's all a mindfuck headgame to mystify and entrap the masses - into adhering to one ideology or another - so splitting - so polarizing public opinions - to create disharmony - just ask Daddy Warbucks - and he will tell ya - you can make a bigger fortune from wars - than you can from peace -

- Smedley Butler - would be another good one to ask - if he was still alive -


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
There has always been propaganda - to sell products - to sell people to you and me - so gaining our misguided trust perhaps - sure it's all a mindfuck headgame to mystify and entrap the masses - into adhering to one ideology or another - so splitting - so polarizing public opinions - to create disharmony - just ask Daddy Warbucks - and he will tell ya - you can make a bigger fortune from wars - than you can from peace -
Well said and your last sentence is a dam shame. Unfortunately our national debt is now 35 trillion. Seems like nobody cares.....I do.....day of reckoning is coming. The general public will live in poverty while those in charge will live like Kings and Queens.

Lots of us understand what is coming and lots are really gonna be surprised when what they were led to believe doesn't happen.


Well-known member
The governor of Massachusetts just announced that the Chelsea soldiers home will be turned into a facility for migrants.

Kick those old soldiers to the curb. They don't need any f****** help. Their votes don't mean shit.

Robert a. Heinleins book starship troopers had the right idea. Only veterans have the right to vote. Everybody else is a f****** passenger with no rights as a citizen. Only those who willingly put their life on the line for their country truly understand what's at stake.

The free s*** army will always vote for more free shit.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Ditto for coupla years now

we got a subscription to the Epoch Times…..I highly recommend it to those who still like to read newspapers and their news is about as close to honest reporting than anything I have seen in years
I get it both on my computer and once a week in print. NewsMax is another good source.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
The governor of Massachusetts just announced that the Chelsea soldiers home will be turned into a facility for migrants.

Kick those old soldiers to the curb. They don't need any f****** help. Their votes don't mean shit.

Robert a. Heinleins book starship troopers had the right idea. Only veterans have the right to vote. Everybody else is a f****** passenger with no rights as a citizen. Only those who willingly put their life on the line for their country truly understand what's at stake.

The free s*** army will always vote for more free shit.
Starship Troopers is one of my favorite movies


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
The governor of Massachusetts just announced that the Chelsea soldiers home will be turned into a facility for migrants.

Kick those old soldiers to the curb. They don't need any f****** help. Their votes don't mean shit.

Robert a. Heinleins book starship troopers had the right idea. Only veterans have the right to vote. Everybody else is a f****** passenger with no rights as a citizen. Only those who willingly put their life on the line for their country truly understand what's at stake.

The free s*** army will always vote for more free shit.



Well-known member
There has always been propaganda - to sell products - to sell people to you and me - so gaining our misguided trust perhaps - sure it's all a mindfuck headgame to mystify and entrap the masses - into adhering to one ideology or another - so splitting - so polarizing public opinions - to create disharmony - just ask Daddy Warbucks - and he will tell ya - you can make a bigger fortune from wars - than you can from peace -

- Smedley Butler - would be another good one to ask - if he was still alive -

After listening to this story, there is only one thing that comes to my mind in a big way and that is,
"the more things change the more they stay the same"
Smedley Butler must be rolling over in his grave at todays world.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Been studying big bankers from the past - for some time now - because as any good detective will tell ya - to find the truth - you gotta follow the money - the Daddy Warbucks character from the musical 'Annie' - was based on Max Warburg - from a very prestigious banking family -


Well-known member
Economics was over my head. Well, it still is.
Years ago a friend sent a link to the Zeitgeist series.
Zeitgeist: Addendum; helped me to better understand
as it explains the royal bum screwing we all get, in simple terms.

For those who haven't seen it.

Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)

Derp... I mentioned economics... this explains the monetary system.
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Well-known member
Premium user
Economics was over my head. Well, it still is.
Years ago a friend sent a link to the Zeitgeist series.
Zeitgeist: Addendum; helped me to better understand
as it explains the royal bum screwing we all get, in simple terms.

For those who haven't seen it.

Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)

Never was in to it much but did find the book Freakonomics interesting.