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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well I am very high from the ice hash I just bought. Feels great. Laying on the couch. 230pm. Not sure what to have for dinner. Tuna sandwich? Campbell's chunky is good I hate the savory pot roast and steak and potatoes. Can't eat kraft Mac n cheese anymore. Must be something. Have tofu...maybe ramen with tofu?
Foods like canned soups and virtually anything made by Kraft are all highly processed and loaded with things that aren't good for people trying to maintain good heart health. What you want to focus on are things made from whole foods that you cook yourself so you know exactly what is going into it.

On the opium question and your need for ice hash I have a suggestion for you but you won't like it. In fact you'll probably hate it. You should maybe consider taking a break for a few weks to a month from all flower, hash, kief, etc. Your fondness for that Ice Hash has spoiled you such that regular flowers don't satisfy you and if you can't get your hash fix it makes you start to wonder about other drugs you've done in the past. That 70 THC concentration of the Ice Hash has got your tolerance so jacked that other things don't do it for you. If you could manage to stop getting high on anything for a month your tolerance should drop back down and you would hopefully find that just regular flowers does the trick for you again. I know, even just the thought of not catching a buzz for a month sucks and seems like it would be impossible but if you're going to be on a steady diet of concentrates like Ice Hash it's virtually a necessity to give your tolerance a chance to return to normal every so often.


Well-known member

I believe it may have started as early as post Desert Storm, but certainly by the start of the Iraq War, we began to seriously witness the gutting of the middle class that we OF's were fortunate to have experienced growing up. The 2 Trillion Dollars which was spent during that, and the related Syrian War, forever changed that for all that follow. :mad:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

Good Morn'in - to all the OF's - I'm in a lovely 😍 English country garden - over a friend's place - enjoying a cool summer morning 🌄 - where a sleeping Buddha is hiding under the foliage -


Well-known member
We titrated to determine a patients dosage, which means starting at a lower dosage and work up. If we had no clue what a patents dosage was, we started about 25mg and worked up. 100mg was about the average maximum dose.

We intentionally started low because there are a few folks with ultra-low tolerance. I've never heard of anyone dying from a heavy cannabis overdose, but having personally had one I don't want to ever do it again. A light overdose just puts me to sleep.

I may be one of those folks with absolutely NO tolerance for edibles.
They make me shake like a greyhound taking a dump in the Arctic.
I've a healthy tolerance for dabs and flower, but eating the stuff.... nooooo way.

I've made RSO with any dope that's gone a bit too dry after being vacuum sealed in the fridge for a few years and passed it on to my pal who uses it for med patients. I tried a small "grain of rice" as recommended by most and it was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. Wide awake shaking all night kinda thing. Took a good 36 hours to feel even remotely square in myself and feel like leaving the house.

I've had similar when I've had a weak batch of mushrooms and haven't quite got to the point of being high, the come up starts and then I don't reach the peak and am stuck in an awful anxiety loop for 3 hours.
I was wondering if that is the same as with the RSO? Did I need more or do I need to just stay away from the stuff?

Someone recommended shoving it up my ass to avoid my liver, but that could be a bit messy.

I have about 15-20 ounce here ready to be ISO washed too so I may try licking the spoon next time and locking myself in the pantry.

I may just stick to vaping, it's not a bad hobby to have and I never ever run out of dope thanks to using less to get more effects.

Hey Doober, have you tried dry herb vaping? It could save you loads of cash in the long run?


Well-known member
More About Olive Oil

I use only extra virgin olive oil, because we do almost no frying (other than an egg) so don't buy anything
beyond cold first pressed (EVOO). I do take tablespoons full on a regular basis though, and add to soups.
I have found almost no degradation, and zero rancidity, in older oil properly stored. Avoid light and heat.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Now HERE is what I would call a pair of the baddest hardcases I have ever seen. I had to look at this from an overall perspective.

One guy is dragging a 300-pound carnivore into a cage... with his back turned to all the other 300-pound monsters already in there. Somehow, he has the giant, fanged monster completely dominated and making it behave like a hog on the way to get neutered -- dragged by its hind legs while it squeals and whimpers.

Meanwhile, this guy's wingman over on the right is standing in front of a fargin PILE of killing machines with his body language telling them "DON'T you pussies move a fargin whisker! Sit at attention!" So they all shy away from HIM, cringing in a corner.

Jeeeebus. How does one apply for such a job anyway?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good Weedsday morning brothers and sisters!

Another gorgeous day starting at 56F and predicted to reach 81F.

No luck getting a haircut yesterday. I started calling Supercuts at their advertised starting time of 9:00AM and called multiple times until after 11:00, without them answering the phone with anything but a message that their mailbox was full.

I finally drove by there and discovered one stylist working on a customer and ignoring the phone................ WTF?????

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Now HERE is what I would call a pair of the baddest hardcases I have ever seen. I had to look at this from an overall perspective.

One guy is dragging a 300-pound carnivore into a cage... with his back turned to all the other 300-pound monsters already in there. Somehow, he has the giant, fanged monster completely dominated and making it behave like a hog on the way to get neutered -- dragged by its hind legs while it squeals and whimpers.

Meanwhile, this guy's wingman over on the right is standing in front of a fargin PILE of killing machines with his body language telling them "DON'T you pussies move a fargin whisker! Sit at attention!" So they all shy away from HIM, cringing in a corner.

Jeeeebus. How does one apply for such a job anyway?
View attachment 19037383
Maybe a job that you get volunteered for by an official that you've offended?

Unca Walt

Well-known member
me thinks Unca Walt wrote this

View attachment 19037290
No fargin way. There were nearly half of those words I was not familiar with: glabella, petrichor, wamble, vagitus, interrobang, box tent, Bannock device. ???

They shoulda added that a tenth of a second is a "jiffy". <-- Becuz then yer Unca could call and raise with the utterly useless trivia that a jiffy is the amount of time it takes light to travel one "fermi". And of course, everybody knows that one fermi is approximately the size of a "nucleon".

I think I'll stop here. I am having trouble typing, since @Boo 's Finest has just rolled in...


Well-known member
Premium user
I don't know how many milligrams would work for you. I made my own coconut budder and had Blondy make me some no bake cookies out of it. She cut them into 2" squares. I started with a 1/4 of one of them. With my coffee in the morning. They would kick in about 20 minutes. (She makes them strong...)

Tell you what. Give me your addy and I'll have her whip up a small batch and send them to you. If you're OK with that.... I've sent them out to some members, who have now past (cancer) and never had a complaint. Well only that they were a bit strong.
We have such a great group here.
Good morning kids!
Looks like a bright day


Well-known member
Premium user
Foods like canned soups and virtually anything made by Kraft are all highly processed and loaded with things that aren't good for people trying to maintain good heart health. What you want to focus on are things made from whole foods that you cook yourself so you know exactly what is going into it.

On the opium question and your need for ice hash I have a suggestion for you but you won't like it. In fact you'll probably hate it. You should maybe consider taking a break for a few weks to a month from all flower, hash, kief, etc. Your fondness for that Ice Hash has spoiled you such that regular flowers don't satisfy you and if you can't get your hash fix it makes you start to wonder about other drugs you've done in the past. That 70 THC concentration of the Ice Hash has got your tolerance so jacked that other things don't do it for you. If you could manage to stop getting high on anything for a month your tolerance should drop back down and you would hopefully find that just regular flowers does the trick for you again. I know, even just the thought of not catching a buzz for a month sucks and seems like it would be impossible but if you're going to be on a steady diet of concentrates like Ice Hash it's virtually a necessity to give your tolerance a chance to return to normal every so often.
words of wisdom☝️