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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Ahhh yes the couch 🛋️💨


Well-known member
Watching MSM just isn't my gig. I catch enough 'news' to keep abreast of current events.
I simply do not steep myself/ thoughts/ energy into the cesspool of manipulations w/ any regularity.

It has been my observation that Biden has been floundering/ flailing/ failing for quite awhile.
Pretty unfair to him, his family/ friends etc... but most of all unfair to the American people...
for him to keep pressing on.

That ^^ is the most I'll say to which may be considered "political" in nature.
Not stated here in order to incite any further commentary/ replies.
Simply one old gals opinion, nothing more.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
thanks for the Kind words Amigo!…..

genetics play a huge part in determining one’s health

then the rest is up to us

i guess my good genes are responsible for me having to take zero medications…zero is pretty good for mid 70’s , at least that is what the doc said

he said most people my age are on about 5 different medications

I told him if I feel bad I just smoke more weed

he said apparently it is working so keep it up

then he asked me if I knew where to get some good mushrooms 🍄…I bought fell out of my chair…

after all these years of fighting paranoia and hiding to sneek around and enjoy some herbs

so all along we were right and them alkies and jocks were way off…

anyone think any of those anti-pot cucks will ever apologize?….dont hold your breath

do I have any mushrooms the doc asks…😍🍄😍

let’s get this party started

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Yup - it's true bigsur - genetics can and do often play a crucial role in determining longevity -

- My Mum (bless her soul) died at 71 from a sudden heart ❤️ attack in 2009 - she had just been out walking the dogs - came home - made a cuppa tea 🍵 - and had the first and last heart attack that killed her -

- it was very quick - and sudden - she had seemed fit and able to all before that awful episode - it was a huge nasty surprise to all who knew and loved her - so possibly my heart problems could be hereditary - although for 2 decades before my recent surgery - I had been told by at least 3 doctors that I had high blood pressure - but did nothing about it - until I blew my Mitral valve - could just have been negligence on my part -


Well-known member
Some days, I am confused by the neighbors katty corner from me.
Other days, I am simply amused.

It is a 'co operative' with 12 individuals of great diversity co cohabiting
there currently.

Yes, there are some 'they/ them' folks who reside there.
I've already told them do not jump my shit when I mis-pronoun
anyone as; I call em like I see em :)
No one seems to care as I am still regularly invited to their bon fires.

imi... so... ubu...
just don't get pissed at me when you are confused
about who you be and want to blame the whole world about it ;)

I'll not go into the whole story about this particular "couple".
Just going to say that IDGAF if one may be a very rotund
black man who likes to explore wearing women's garments...
However IMO, one may want to adopt a personal flair/ style so's
one doesn't look like old granny frump :O JS My dude has no,
I mean no sense of style unless... granny frump is his goal lol
I'm pretty sure he is hetero or may be bi as he and one of the
gals over there have been an item for a year or more.

I see much from my upper porch perch. Oh yes I do.