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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
What do you think boys and girls.......my eyes suck but pretty sure this is a female. What say ye?


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Well-known member
Decided to put on a pretty dress and head out to purchase some beef :)

I am an avid 'thrifter' esp. for clothing. For at least 30 years, the utter shit that
is available retail is just that...shit.
Never have I been 'fashionable/ trendy" and that is all that is sold retail.
Quality of fabrics have also turned to shit, shit, SHIT.
I have my own personal style and trendy just ain't it :)

As a 'sewist' and a 2nd hand shopper of 50yrs now, I very well understand the
decline in quality wares and the mass production of the so called 'garment'
industry and it disgusts me.

I do not purchase under garments or sox 2nd hand however, just can't do it haha.
Everything else is fair game though. I buy many things 2nd hand and that frees
up cashola for the more important items in life... my animals, vehicle, FOOD!
traveling etc.

I also shop 'off season' when things are at their lowest cost for a little extra savings.
Now that I've been the same clothing size for nearly a year, I can begin investing
into a 'real' wardrobe.

Found 2 little summer dresses in a style that is most becoming for my body shape.
They were purchased from 2 different shops at different times. Both new with tags
and priced at $4.99 +tx. Just looked on line for the dress I am wearing today and
retail price is $228! WTH???

And folks... these dresses are size petite small. HU???
For nearly 25 years I have been an XL - 1 XL. So difficult to see myself as any
thing resembling 'small'.
I still look at myself in the full length mirror and wonder... Who TF are you??? lol

So... out I went to the grocer to beat the weekend rush.
A couple of months ago they had 93/7 ground beef @$4.99 a pound.
I went in the store 3 days running and they were out of stock.
I got 1 rain check each day for 40lbs @$4.99 lb. Good til 8/18. :)

Came home w/ 40#'s of Beef, 1 lb. little pork loin medallions bacon wrapped
@$1.00 each and 1# of my favorite brand of Chorizo :D
Hot port sausage and eggies for lunch today.

Beef heals the body. Cattle (regenerative farming) heals the land.

I am living proof :)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
111/78 here….gonna take a walk and recheck…

That's OK bigsur - mines good too - after 2 mile walk to feed the cats and get back home - and after a good cooked egg/bacon/beans/tomatoes/cheese and buttered muffin brekkie - then the boy tells me he's worn out and grown out of his size 5 and a half trainers/running shoes - needs a size 6 - and needs shorts and t-shirts that fit him - since he's growing like weed lately at 14 and a half years old almost - so checked my bank account - and ya - for him there are funds for clothes 😀 - so off we go to Kingston-Upon-Thames town centre - in the sunshine to get what he needs - so many people out and about on a Sunday - The Mrs had gone to the Barrio Fiesta Festival in Walton-Upon-Thames - it's a yearly event for Philippino's and anyone else who wants to go -

- so she hooked up with her Filipina Mummy Gang who all had tickets - and took off telling us that she's looking forward to getting 'Halo-Halo' which is some Philippino ice and ice cream desert/drink in a big cup - while my debit card started to warm up in expectation of me and the boys shopping expedition - and it wasn't so bad really - the card got warm in my pocket - but didn't catch fire - 'cos we got all that he needed - including an inflatable pillow for Army Cadets summer camp - coming up for him next week - for around £100 - which was for a new pair of addidas trainers - 2 pairs of shorts - 3 t-shirts - and two pairs of light coolmax socks - then back home for a Madras chicken curry with Jasmin rice - Greek Yogurt - and more fresh tomatoes 🍅 - gotta go see Spanky and Smudge the cats 🐈 again - for the evening feed and pet session in an hour - and another 2 mile walk to do it -

- stay mobile (if you can) - stay happy - and have a jolly good day ya'll 😉

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Ivan is the dog that enjoys the butt scratch for as Dutch always lays down and lift his leg up in the air so I can scratch his chest. He’s developing skin allergies and when I rake him out, I get piles of hair… There’s nothing I won’t do to ease his days of discomfort…
Then please scratch Dutch's chest and Ivan's butt for us.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
View attachment 19036217
That's OK bigsur - mines good too - after 2 mile walk to feed the cats and get back home - and after a good cooked egg/bacon/beans/tomatoes/cheese and buttered muffin brekkie - then the boy tells me he's worn out and grown out of his size 5 and a half trainers/running shoes - needs a size 6 - and needs shorts and t-shirts that fit him - since he's growing like weed lately at 14 and a half years old almost - so checked my bank account - and ya - for him there are funds for clothes 😀 - so off we go to Kingston-Upon-Thames town centre - in the sunshine to get what he needs - so many people out and about on a Sunday - The Mrs had gone to the Barrio Fiesta Festival in Walton-Upon-Thames - it's a yearly event for Philippino's and anyone else who wants to go -

- so she hooked up with her Filipina Mummy Gang who all had tickets - and took off telling us that she's looking forward to getting 'Halo-Halo' which is some Philippino ice and ice cream desert/drink in a big cup - while my debit card started to warm up in expectation of me and the boys shopping expedition - and it wasn't so bad really - the card got warm in my pocket - but didn't catch fire - 'cos we got all that he needed - including an inflatable pillow for Army Cadets summer camp - coming up for him next week - for around £100 - which was for a new pair of addidas trainers - 2 pairs of shorts - 3 t-shirts - and two pairs of light coolmax socks - then back home for a Madras chicken curry with Jasmin rice - Greek Yogurt - and more fresh tomatoes 🍅 - gotta go see Spanky and Smudge the cats 🐈 again - for the evening feed and pet session in an hour - and another 2 mile walk to do it -

- stay mobile (if you can) - stay happy - and have a jolly good day ya'll 😉

thanks for the Kind words Amigo!…..

genetics play a huge part in determining one’s health

then the rest is up to us

i guess my good genes are responsible for me having to take zero medications…zero is pretty good for mid 70’s , at least that is what the doc said

he said most people my age are on about 5 different medications

I told him if I feel bad I just smoke more weed

he said apparently it is working so keep it up

then he asked me if I knew where to get some good mushrooms 🍄…I bought fell out of my chair…

after all these years of fighting paranoia and hiding to sneek around and enjoy some herbs

so all along we were right and them alkies and jocks were way off…

anyone think any of those anti-pot cucks will ever apologize?….dont hold your breath

do I have any mushrooms the doc asks…😍🍄😍

let’s get this party started



thanks for the Kind words Amigo!…..

genetics play a huge part in determining one’s health

then the rest is up to us

i guess my good genes are responsible for me having to take zero medications…zero is pretty good for mid 70’s , at least that is what the doc said

he said most people my age are on about 5 different medications

I told him if I feel bad I just smoke more weed

he said apparently it is working so keep it up

then he asked me if I knew where to get some good mushrooms 🍄…I bought fell out of my chair…

after all these years of fighting paranoia and hiding to sneek around and enjoy some herbs

so all along we were right and them alkies and jocks were way off…

anyone think any of those anti-pot cucks will ever apologize?….dont hold your breath

do I have any mushrooms the doc asks…😍🍄😍

let’s get this party started

View attachment 19036232
Somehow I still get called the idiot despite my incredibly high % of crazy conspiracies come true calls as well.........must be my personality.
People like the people now staging a coupe agaist the regime and their voters squawking "muh insurrection" the last 4 years.
The people who called us ignorant and dangerous for not masking won't mask when tested positive now as well.
All the experts are just now catching up to a bunch of stoners and unedumacated hicks.
Must be hard to nave a university degree and just now be seeing it.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Well, just finished my due diligence in the veggie garden. Everything is doing good. Just now really starting to take off. Found one Japanese beetle in the beans. Nothing like last year. Taking out the grape bush really helped.

Clouds are building....more rain please.

