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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Ya just can't just tell the truth these days - for fear of hurting someone's feel'ins I suppose -

Ooh, coincidentally... (apologies for this newsite, it's terrible with the ads and stuff)


"Car firm boss fined £26,000 for coughing in employee's face​

The judge ordered the woman receive a payout of £26,438.84 - with Cawdor Cars handing her £18,000 in damages for injury to feelings and Mr Davies paying £3,841.94 for unfair dismissal and £4,596.90 in interest accumulated."



Well-known member
Nope. I was a long way from home, and we just never got together again.

Antiques Roadshow typically put the retail value of swords like this at about $500. But I was willing -- and he was not -- at $10,000.

Four Krugerrands, when you thinks onnit. <-- That DOES make the $10K offer look cheap! :eek:
Good day Unca Walt, are you a roadshow fan, we are, we have been watching for over 2 decades, love the show and all the wonderful items, the knowledge and the look on peoples faces.


Well-known member
I'm gonna say this I have family members 3 to be exact all were in different levels of the government and I have friends that are generals and colonels.

The shit our government pulls on a civilian level will send chills up and down your spine now this is only a civilian level.
Knowing what happened in other shanigans that our government pulled on lesser levels And then seeing what happens on international levels nothing fuckin shocks me.

There is nothing you have seen on TV that hasn't actually happened, don't be naive.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ooh, coincidentally... (apologies for this newsite, it's terrible with the ads and stuff)


"Car firm boss fined £26,000 for coughing in employee's face​

The judge ordered the woman receive a payout of £26,438.84 - with Cawdor Cars handing her £18,000 in damages for injury to feelings and Mr Davies paying £3,841.94 for unfair dismissal and £4,596.90 in interest accumulated."

Hmmm - maybe I can make a claim against Mr Worswick - my old boarding school headmaster in 1971 - who caned my arse so hard it left bloody welts - for throwing sticks at a conker (horse chestnut) tree outside his office - he took me into his office by my ear - and made me choose from a huge rack of various whipping and caning tools - saying : 'Now boy - choose your weapon of destruction!' - lol - didn't hurt my feelings though - just my arse - couldn't sit down for a week -


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Ooh, coincidentally... (apologies for this newsite, it's terrible with the ads and stuff)


"Car firm boss fined £26,000 for coughing in employee's face​

The judge ordered the woman receive a payout of £26,438.84 - with Cawdor Cars handing her £18,000 in damages for injury to feelings and Mr Davies paying £3,841.94 for unfair dismissal and £4,596.90 in interest accumulated."

naw man
im no germ o phobe but that is straight up rude, tantamount to spitting in someone face
if someone got in my face and started coughing/ spit shouting what do you think i would do
i would kindly take a step back and tell them politely to f' off and their next move dictates what happens next
even before social distancing i did not like to be too close to people i dont know
i also have this thing about how i dont want to smell your stink, if you are close enough to me that i can smell your funky body odour or bad breath you need to back up please

/edited for clarity
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Well-known member
It’s been a long day. I normally come here to catch a buzz but it’s crazy in this thread tonight. I couldn’t help myself from trying to hear anything on the news channels today as well as the internet to get a better understanding on how this happened. My head is swimming in it now. I hate that this has happened in our USA and also that we can’t be more civil to each other just talking about it. I’m gonna try and find a leave it to beaver rerun and catch the rest of my buzz without yall tonight. Hopefully this is just a bad night. 🥰✌️
Not any different than any other attempted suicide or suicide except in a different century and different people.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I'm gonna say this I have family members 3 to be exact all were in different levels of the government and I have friends that are generals and colonels.

The shit our government pulls on a civilian level will send chills up and down your spine now this is only a civilian level.
Knowing what happened in other shanigans that our government pulled on lesser levels And then seeing what happens on international levels nothing fuckin shocks me.

There is nothing you have seen on TV that hasn't actually happened, don't be naive.
but the shenanigans! istn that what being a g'level employee is all about


Well-known member
Polarisation - pulls us apart - whoever you vote for the government gets in - one government might be better for someone and worse for another - it all depends on who or what is controlling it - and those that control the money and the media have the real power to control whoever we think is the most powerful politician/president or prime minister - take a trip to Davos in Switzerland - for the annual World Economic Fund summit - and see if they will let you in to find out about it -

Let's get back to ignoring all of that anyway - because there is nothing any of us can do to change it really - the people are divided - because that's the way those with real power want it - so long as we are fighting each other - we ain't fighting them -

I'd rather talk about pets and food and meds and 'erb and family lifestyles with humour anyway - rather than being a pawn in their game -
Why do you think dems are called liberals cuz they sponge off of everybody else to take care of their programs that they force down people's throats.
I don't mind helping others but stealing funds from other funds don't get it.
Just like the worst joke in us history (obama) and making sure everyone has phones, bullshit.
Take some pride in yourselves work like everybody else had too.


Well-known member
Yes I've got good seeds and an LED light just need to get it going.
Off pizza and burgers and chips. Eating fruit and veggies. Sucks so bad.
Hey DB, I never thought I would like them but a fellow I worked with made a vegetarian pizza that was very good. He had lived in Italy and California and his pizza making was based on what he learned from cooks.
I'll repeat it again his veggie pizzas were fantastic.
I'll stick with my favorite pizza of cheese, 2-3 veggies and 2 meats. I have been making my own crusts for ages and finally settled on one that a fellow from Florida had posted. But if the veggie pizza guy was offering pizza I'd be eating it as well.


Well-known member
Premium user
Good day Unca Walt, are you a roadshow fan, we are, we have been watching for over 2 decades, love the show and all the wonderful items, the knowledge and the look on peoples faces.
Its been rumored that Unc Walt was in a carny show as the bearded Strongman
The women couldnt contain them selves and they had to shut down that act and they put him in accounting,


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
It’s been a long day. I normally come here to catch a buzz but it’s crazy in this thread tonight. I couldn’t help myself from trying to hear anything on the news channels today as well as the internet to get a better understanding on how this happened. My head is swimming in it now. I hate that this has happened in our USA and also that we can’t be more civil to each other just talking about it. I’m gonna try and find a leave it to beaver rerun and catch the rest of my buzz without yall tonight. Hopefully this is just a bad night. 🥰✌️
dont let things get you down, same ol'sh different day
/ may i recommend the episode where the beev gets stuck in the cup of coffee!
im a fan of the beverly hillbillys myself, just because granny was a hot biscuit and ellie may could wrassle me to the floor anytime
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Stop and smell the flowers!

Smell the flowers 3.jpg
Smell the flowers.jpg
Smell the flowrs 2.jpg
Smell the flowers.jpg


Well-known member
So the other day I had a game warden stop by on my request.
Fuckhead behind bought this piece of land that is actually an overflow for the lake across the way and it's pretty much all wetlands.
Well fuckhead is putting a garage and septic over on that property for his other property he owns across the way.
So I'm concerned about him fuckin up the flow and I questioned boyscout about it.
Well he says that's up to the county and I say wait a second here, aren't you responsible for the water ways.
Well no not actually he says, that's not the way understand it.
You can come into people's houses without a warrant on a game violation but you're not responsible for how water flow could be disturbed?
County will come out and check over stuff, I said yep just.like this fuckin trailer court behind me that isn't supposed but since it's an x cop they can do whatever they want.
Well he says don't you trust the county?
I says I don't trust you so why should I trust paper pushers.
I turned and walked away and told him to get the fuck out of here.