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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
How polluted is the Thames?
I dunno - last time I got in it was when I was 16 years old - back in 1976 - and was swimming around just fine without melting in any toxic waste - until I dived down to the bottom of the river - then kicked off to go up - and snagged my foot on something sharp - which ripped thru the flesh on my foot - so ended up in hospital getting stitches and a tetanus shot - haven't been back in it since - lol

There are sewage treatment plants along the river and it's tributaries - and I have heard of people getting real sick lately after swimming in it - so another good reason not to dive in on a hot day -
Sometimes I see groups of people with big magnets on ropes hauling supermarket trollies and bikes and other metal stuff out of it - occasionally they might find old guns and munitions - alot of it from crimes committed and WW2 -
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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Although The Thames river is at the bottom of my road - I'm not such a keen fisherman that I would buy a fish licence to go fish in it - but there are carp and tench and bream and perch and pike - chub and roach fish in it - and the occasional salmon even - so I've heard - from those that do fish in it -

- the sorta fishing I enjoy is fishing for marlin - tuna - big grouper - dorado and sail fish - in warmer seas than we have around the UK - and have fished in The Pacific off Mexico - The Philippine Sea - The Indian Ocean - and fished for barracuda in The Gulf of Thailand - amongst other places -

in your opinion , how clean is the Thames?

would you eat the fish?

about the only place that comes to my mind of places that I would NOT eat any fish would be anywhere near 100 miles of Fukushima or the Arkansas River that runs through downtown Wichita

the city dumps raw sewage right there nto the Arkansas.😳


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
This fish is one of my favorite memories. I was using a 3wt rod (ultra lite) a 6x tippet. I was fishing a small bushy stream with tons of weeds and brush.

When I hooked this fish I said to myself no way can I land this fish. To much weeds, brush and I can't handle this fish with such a light weight rod.....

Took all my skill and knowledge to keep the fish from breaking me off. Bingo after what seemed like forever I was able to land this beautiful Rainbow. Hopefully he is still swimming and growing old in his home.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
in your opinion , how clean is the Thames?

would you eat the fish?

about the only place that comes to my mind of places that I would NOT eat any fish would be anywhere near 100 miles of Fukushima or the Arkansas River that runs through downtown Wichita

the city dumps raw sewage right there nto the Arkansas.😳
Naaa - I wouldn't eat the fish out of it - if its not safe to swim in it - @DARKSIDER - one of our mods here - goes out on The North Sea in his little boat - and says he's sending me a box of mackerel soon - Mmmm - I love mackeral and cod particularly -


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Well... another day.

I have yet 13 more pages to read to catch up.

Can't handle any more pages full of political BS
nor the same 1 person who seems to have
a need to always be 'right'.
Not only here in this thread but in many others also.
These type of folks is exactly why I don't read in those
threads and instead choose this thread.

I like the pleasantries here and am now full of
angst again at a time when I'm trying to avoid
any extra anxiety currently, sigh.

I get it... something 'big' just occurred and folks
wanna talk about it and well... maybe should.

However; when the discussion becomes one person
telling everyone else that they are WRONG...
then the 'fuck you's' start flying...
there is no longer any discussion...

This lovely thread has now dissolved to utter shit.

Take that crap to the speakers corner. Please.

I'm out.

Par Excellent post!

let’s make this Thread lovely again!…MTLA!

lemme start

this is Annie Tokely..she is 18 and I love her so much…raised her since birth


this is Tiny Tina…she was born under my henhouse 16 years ago , been an outdoor barn cat until she moved in with us when I sold my homestead and moved in with Swede….


Tina loves being indoors and has turned into a lover girl lap cat

hello , my name is big and I am a geriatric feline caretaker , I can clean out a litter box faster than WonderWoman can un-lasso her rope!..


Well-known member
let’s get this straight…Russia liberated Ukraine and de-nazified the Donbas region where the nazis have murdered over 17,000 people since the cia backed Zelenski coup took place……facts jack

all the NATO Accords have been broken in regards to how close NATO can put bombs next to Russia

I love you HempKat and enjoy your passion and having an intelligent robust conversation..

now let’s have some coffee and a hooter!

View attachment 19032977
I have a mother and daughter in the next room, who would rather be at home in Kharkiv with the father, who is busy protecting their home. I won't be sharing this post with them. It would infuriate them.
So what russian news channel are you watching. Because you have no idea what's happening over there.


I have a mother and daughter in the next room, who would rather be at home in Kharkiv with the father, who is busy protecting their home. I won't be sharing this post with them. It would infuriate them.
So what russian news channel are you watching. Because you have no idea what's happening over there.
Take it to pm or another thread you are in the wrong one for this shit.
Take the moral grandstanding elsewhere please.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - let's stop the political stuff on this thread from now on - I understand that people including myself might like to comment on a particularly heinous political event - such as we saw over the weekend - but to let it seep constantly into this thread will just toxify it - and just about all of us don't really want that 😀 - correct?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Yeah - let's stop the political stuff on this thread from now on - I understand that people including myself might like to comment on a particularly heinous political event - such as we saw over the weekend - but to let it seep constantly into this thread will just toxify it - and just about all of us don't really want that 😀 - correct?
Thank you my friend.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
While we are on the subject, I got to handle this sword. I was on "Good Morning, Merka" a while back, and they brought me on because I wound up as the Fambly Historian, by publishing a novel and also a genealogy about the Snedekers and they had a guy who thought he was the last of our motley clan.

I was able to look him up in my book on the air and give him his lineage back to 1605. He was there because he had the sword, epaulette, and turtleshell snuff box that belonged to our mutual 9-times grandfather, Garret Snedeker. Garret had been a bodyguard for Washington, and the sword was presented to him by LaFayette when he revisited the new United States of America for being in his honor guard.


I offered him ten thousand dollars for the sword on the air. He wouldn't sell it to me.



Well-known member
dude was going fishing and will be very successful..

hello big and a good day to you.

When I first moved to BC in the early 70s I met an older fellow who taught me about placer mining and freshwater fishing. He made reference to using CIL bate, which was the name of a dynamite producer. It is illegal in Canada to use dynamite for fishing and so it should be. Catch them and throw their sorry asses in jail.

While it might be a great way to catch fish it is also very destructive and should never be used.


While we are on the subject, I got to handle this sword. I was on "Good Morning, Merka" a while back, and they brought me on because I wound up as the Fambly Historian, by publishing a novel and also a genealogy about the Snedekers and they had a guy who thought he was the last of our motley clan.

I was able to look him up in my book on the air and give him his lineage back to 1605. He was there because he had the sword, epaulette, and turtleshell snuff box that belonged to our mutual 9-times grandfather, Garret Snedeker. Garret had been a bodyguard for Washington, and the sword was presented to him by LaFayette when he revisited the new United States of America for being in his honor guard.

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I offered him ten thousand dollars for the sword on the air. He wouldn't sell it to me.

Wow that is something else!!
I wouldn't have sold that one for anything either do you keep in contact with him at all?

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