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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I think I've seen some of his videos among the ones I've watched but I don't believe I've watched the one called Widow Maker which is just a euphemism for a fatal heart attack. Now maybe you just accidentally used the wrong term, when you talked about arteries clogged with calcium usually coronary artery disease involves the blockage of arteries caused by high cholesteral leaving plaque build up in the arteries.
well, that's not how i understood the biology. i think the blockage happens when the endothelium is damaged and the cholesterol plaque is a response to that. removing the irritation that comes from systemic inflammation can stop that process. LDL is more complex than i see represented on popular media. i watched a lot of statins/cholesterol videos. i am not a fan of meds. they don't address the problem, they mask the problem by jiggering the numbers.

the vit d and k2 remove the calcium and send it to the bones.


Cabana’s bitch
I shoot suppressed firearms on a regular basis and I’ll bet you dollars the donuts this was a 22 with a good suppressor on it. When you see people using suppressors on TV and you hear slight pop that’s bullshit. This is going to change everything, just you watch.


Cabana’s bitch
Most people think a 22 is a harmless little rifle. This was done with the red Dot site at 250 feet. They are extremely lethal and extremely accurate….


Well-known member

Wanted to post this while it was still available. People with loose screws will unfortunately likely always be out there. I guess that comes with freedom. And, as we know, it comes with a price. No one deserves to go before their time.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Shooter is dead two bystanders killed according to cnn.
Damn those pics of him popping up pissed off,bloody and fist pumping will go down in history.
the thing that bums me out is innocent people died attending a political rally
/murdered just for expressing their freedom of speech
once their names are released they will become martyrs in trumps pantheon of the greatest of the best people doing what they do

and who was the shooter, i see some people falling over themselves congratulating this weirdo, w/o knowing their motive or who they were
stay classy


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What the heck just happened. Trump is bleeding. OMG that’s terrible. I hope they get to the bottom of what happened…
It's probably going to take a long time if they ever get to the bottom of it since the shooter is dead too. Hopefully like many other maniacs the shooter has a manifesto or something somewhere to explain what drove him.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Where did all the other shots that we heard in the video hit with all the people surrounding him?
If you listen closely the shots that hit Trump was a series of 7. You can tell because he reached for his ear right after the first shot or two. In the reports I heard there was at least one person, a male, who was between the shooter and Trump that was killed on the spot and another, a woman, who was nearby who was critically wounded but still alive when the report I saw went out. After the first series of 7 shots there was a brief pause and then a bunch more shots in rapid sucession which is believed to be the Secret Service taking out the shooter. Because they didn't move Trump until the shooting stopped and just before they moved Trump there was one report that included the secret service communicating with each other that the shooter was down.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
well, that's not how i understood the biology. i think the blockage happens when the endothelium is damaged and the cholesterol plaque is a response to that. removing the irritation that comes from systemic inflammation can stop that process. LDL is more complex than i see represented on popular media. i watched a lot of statins/cholesterol videos. i am not a fan of meds. they don't address the problem, they mask the problem by jiggering the numbers.

the vit d and k2 remove the calcium and send it to the bones.
Yeah I've seen that same description too but all I can say is I've been taking Vitamin D and K2 for a good while plus eat foods that are said to have those two nutrients and I still have blocked arteries that have remained the same in some cases and gotten worse in others over the past couple of years.

The problem as I see it is everyone in the health business whether it be doctors, vitamin manufacturers, pharmaceutical companoies and producers of health foods all have some sort of vested interest in keeping the sick people sick and not doing enough to prevent healthy people from becoming sick. The thing that irritates me the most is all the healthier foods cost a good bit more then their non healthy counterparts which causes healthy people to make bad choices based entirely on the costs of food.

It's bass ackwards in my opinion. The healthier foods should be the cheaper option and the less healthy versions should have a premium attached to help cover the cost of treating people who buy the less healthier food Kind of the same reasoning they use to justify the higher prices they've driven tobbaco products to.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I shoot suppressed firearms on a regular basis and I’ll bet you dollars the donuts this was a 22 with a good suppressor on it. When you see people using suppressors on TV and you hear slight pop that’s bullshit. This is going to change everything, just you watch.
What I want to know is exactly how the shooter got his firearm(s) in there. Every report I saw talked about how everyone in the rally area had to go thru magnetometers and have bags checked and the whole 9 yards. Either the shooter had someone in the screening process looking the other way or there was a gapping hole in security that the shooter was able to exploit.

Edit, okay now that they reported more then when I posted that we now know he was outside of all those security checks. Still it's shocking that the Secret Service didn't have every rooftop in the area locked down since that's where a shooter id most likely to go.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh yeah - chilling news to wake up to indeed - and that picture of him raising his fist as blood from his ear gets on his face - must be an iconic picture of defiance against whatever is against him - and will go down in the annals of history for sure -

- I can naturally compare it to the JFK assassination - and many who believe that awful time in history was created by evil forces against democracy - will be on the same tack understandably concerning this attempted assassination of a prominent USA political figure - and those that believe in God will be saying - 'God was on his side' -


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I just want to get this out there as quickly as possible because even in this thread I saw at least one member jump to the wrong conclusion by suggesting this attempt on Trump's life was the work of a "peaceful" liberal. As someone who could be wrongly identified as a peaceful liberal I found that comment chilling but couldn't say anything at the time because like that person I had no idea who the shooter was or what his politics were. It bothered me greatly to see that comment though because I can easily imagine some crazed Trump supporter runnng with a belief like that and retaliating against peaceful liberals.

The shooter has now been identified as a local 20 year old Pennsylvania man by the name of Thomas Matthew Crooks, who lived in a rural Pennsylvannia town about 42 mles south of the rally called Bethel Park. He is an actively registered republican and was wearing a shirt that marks him as a fan of a YouTube group that calls itself the "demolitia which is based on the name of the YouTube channel called Demolitian Ranch. Demolitian Ranch is a site of mostly 2nd Right Amendment enthusiasts that enjoy the active but responsible use of guns. The Creator responsible for that channel is a young man from Texas, also a Republican who would in no way support what this guy did and who is probably worried sick that vengeful Trump supporters will turn against him and his channel simply because the shooter was a subscriber to his channel. The owner of the channel is one of the most successful YouTubers who has become very wealthy promoting the responsible use of guns and who strongly supports the 2nd Amendment and even has several gun manufacturers who support his videos. Hell he even has an AR-15 style rifle that one gun manufacturer makes that is named after his channel. I don't know this for a fact because the YouTuber wisely tries to keep politics out of his videos but I would be willing to bet money that there are many hard core Trump supporters that are members if the same group "The Demolitia"

The investigation into the shooter is still in the very early stages so nothing in the story identifying him talks about what this young man's reasoning was for trying to kill Trump. I could probably come up with some solid guesses as to what his motive was but since I know nothing about the guy beyond what has been said about him so far (which isn't much beyond his party and YouTube affiliations I'll withhold projecting my opinions for now as that would be irresponsible and wrong and could lead to the wrong people being retaliated against by angry Trump supporters. I'll post a link below to the same site I visited for more information about this shooter.

I would like to say one last thing in defense of people who support Biden and identify themselves as Democrat,, left wing, liberal etc. Virtually everyone from these groups who has a platform has come out forcefully denoucing the actions of this lone gunman and has clearly stated there is no place for violence in our politics. Even Biden got on air and made a public announcement forcefully denoucing this shooter's actions and made a call for unity among the American people. Which is in stark contrast to several prominent Pro Trump supporters who have already gone live on air and social media falsely blaming Democrats and Liberals for what happened.