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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Yeah no shit. was at the pharmacy yesterday and called the tech a he and i think he wanted to be called she. i dont fucking know what to fucking do. they dont like it then stck a fucking label on them instead of me having to play the guessing game. they can fuck off cause im in no fucking mood to be inconvenienced about silly things.
Couple of years ago I was at the head shop buying a new pipe and I was waited on by a ??? thought it was a girl. I have a habit of saying " Thanks Girl" when I am helped by a female. I could tell I fk'ed up bad by the expression on IT"S face.......I just had a shocked look on my face and skedaddled out of there.

Why would you portray a feminine look and be offended by being called by what you are trying to look like. Non binary? Today's youth......


Well-known member
Couple of years ago I was at the head shop buying a new pipe and I was waited on by a ??? thought it was a girl. I have a habit of saying " Thanks Girl" when I am helped by a female. I could tell I fk'ed up bad by the expression on IT"S face.......I just had a shocked look on my face and skedaddled out of there.

Why would you portray a feminine look and be offended by being called by what you are trying to look like. Non binary? Today's youth......
i refuse to play their game. since i moved here i see them all over. if one of those things get in my face for misgendering or whatever ill beat the brakes off them like a man. im a nice guy but i wont tolerate being put in a position like ive seen them flip out on YT. they need to learn how to act in public society.


Cabana’s bitch
I got a call the other day from Lesso asking me if I wanted to go to the Cannadelic festival they were having in St. Petersburg… I went there last year and I was amazed at all the people with their obesity and rainbow colored hair. I refused to go back and told him to have a good day… I’ve seen quite a lot of videos where these women assault a man and they end up on the ground after a good right hook. I am coming to terms with that and feel that if a woman wants to act like a man, she should be treated that way… the days of chivalry and opening car doors for women seem to be far in the past. I often wonder what I would do if one of those freaks physically touch me… Back in 73 I had a woman assault me and she did everything she could to hurt me so I finally put her on the couch and tried to hold her down So she would chill out. When she ripped her fingernails across my face, I clocked her, and I got to admit it was quite gratifying to watch her eyes roll back in her head… I would never ever consider hitting a woman unless I was in that same position again


Well-known member
Good day OF and an extra warm welcome to all the special OF,

and a special request to jokerman, I think my neighbour is hiding an alien transportation base under their home. I need a individual who can fly a drone, to spy on them.

I wrote to Dear Abby about the alien base and I am just beside myself with anxiety, I need help.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
i refuse to play their game. since i moved here i see them all over. if one of those things get in my face for misgendering or whatever ill beat the brakes off them like a man. im a nice guy but i wont tolerate being put in a position like ive seen them flip out on YT. they need to learn how to act in public society.
It's funny how I was taught reading, writing and arithmetic along with shop and history. When I got out of school I was prepared and KNEW I had to get a job.

Today it seems as if pronouns, woke and hate for our history is being taught. WTF happened.....where are the parents and why do they put up with this.

I walk daily and always look for the opportunity to say hi or wave if you will make eye contact .....almost all boomers and gen x will be glad to at least nod when we pass. Not so with the younger group. What did I ever do to them to be so offended by my presence.......


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Good day OF and an extra warm welcome to all the special OF,

and a special request to jokerman, I think my neighbour is hiding an alien transportation base under their home. I need a individual who can fly a drone, to spy on them.

I wrote to Dear Abby about the alien base and I am just beside myself with anxiety, I need help.
Morning, I mean good afternoon OldMan. I will send Mrs Pute over.....she loves to spy on the neighbors.



Well-known member
I literally can't go anywhere without seeing dyed hair.it used to be a punk rock thing now I see grannies doing it.i just got back from little Ceasars and dude working was like 34 or something.had purple hair.not even sure what message they are trying to send.as long as they are cool with me fine but I'm not the guy to get in the face of an honest mistake.
Pizza I just got for proof.never had the Detroit style.wasnt bad.$15


Well-known member
It's funny how I was taught reading, writing and arithmetic along with shop and history. When I got out of school I was prepared and KNEW I had to get a job.

Today it seems as if pronouns, woke and hate for our history is being taught. WTF happened.....where are the parents and why do they put up with this.

I walk daily and always look for the opportunity to say hi or wave if you will make eye contact .....almost all boomers and gen x will be glad to at least nod when we pass. Not so with the younger group. What did I ever do to them to be so offended by my presence.......
This is by design I believe.and fuck those entitled little rude assholes.ill show those punks some manners if they wanna start something.i was in Best Buy a month or 2 ago and I needed Geek Squad and this lazy fat POS with dyed Hair and a bull ring or whatever the fuk they are called just didn't want to help me or answer questions and acted like I was an inconvenience.i sometimes have a short temper and wanted to teach him some manners but I think their ignorance and stupidity will hopefully take care of them.man I hope so


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
This is by design I believe.and fuck those entitled little rude assholes.ill show those punks some manners if they wanna start something.i was in Best Buy a month or 2 ago and I needed Geek Squad and this lazy fat POS with dyed Hair and a bull ring or whatever the fuk they are called just didn't want to help me or answer questions and acted like I was an inconvenience.i sometimes have a short temper and wanted to teach him some manners but I think their ignorance and stupidity will hopefully take care of them.man I hope so
I like you shithawk....welcome to the jungle


Cabana’s bitch
today turned out to be a housekeeping day...laundry, sheets, making the bed, mopping the bathroom floors...brother drift stopped bye today, came bearing gifts...I got a nice assortment of vape carts...I can feel my energy waning, getting close to icing the back and getting ripped...oh yeah, folded and put up 43 tee shirts...I go thru a bunch when it's this hot outside...get on the tractor and the dust sticks to the sweat...gotta love country life...


Cabana’s bitch
This is by design I believe.and fuck those entitled little rude assholes.ill show those punks some manners if they wanna start something.i was in Best Buy a month or 2 ago and I needed Geek Squad and this lazy fat POS with dyed Hair and a bull ring or whatever the fuk they are called just didn't want to help me or answer questions and acted like I was an inconvenience.i sometimes have a short temper and wanted to teach him some manners but I think their ignorance and stupidity will hopefully take care of them.man I hope so
sounds like we got a lot in common regarding the fairies, last time I had a face to face encounter with one of them I got the same response you did...I in his/her face and just went off...quickly the manager came over and defused the situation...I too old for these games and won't tolerate them...I'm a grumpy fucker it seems...


Well-known member
sounds like we got a lot in common regarding the fairies, last time I had a face to face encounter with one of them I got the same response you did...I in his/her face and just went off...quickly the manager came over and defused the situation...I too old for these games and won't tolerate them...I'm a grumpy fucker it seems...
yeah im trying to watch my language cause i dont wanna offend anyone. but its ok for them to offend me.double standards right there. im 36 and my dad calls me an old man. im just tired of peoples garbage and garbage agenda. id like to throw them in jail or prison for a few days. they will learn the world dont revolve around them real quick


Well-known member
Half of this country has gone batshitcrazy......have no love of dedication for this country.....they won't know what they have until its gone.....

Tax the rich ....... feed the poor until there are no rich no more.....where will the reparations come from then.
Good day to you Pute, I think what concerns me the most is the rich fighting the rich. Historically I believe there is some truth to that. Everyone gets drawn into it. It seems to me the idea of loyalty to a single country is only for the peons.

But what do I know for sure, this, I am glad to be here now and at this moment all is well.

Hope your day is enjoyable Pute you deserve it, you have worked for it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Any way you can fix it by changing diet or lifestyle?
Sounds like a slow grind no movement just makes everything else worser.
Yeah, the lack of sufficint movement/activities is currently working against me. I could maybe make some tweaks to improve my diet but it's already pretty good. The lifestyle change requires surgical assistance because the current condition is helping to keep the situation bad. Improving the diet alone only keeps the arteries from getting worse but, at least according to me doctor it wouldn't reverse things. Which kind of surprises me because I've seen numerous YouTube videos with concotions that you can make and drink with the claim it will clean out your arteries. I am skeptical about those claims though because if they worked it would be something that doctors knew about and millions would be doing.

The hope is that with whatever procedure they choose to do on me (specialized stent or by-pass) will get me back to being able to do my 5 miles per day walking. If I can do that along with my current diet I should be able to extend my lifespan by a decade or two. Assuming of course something else doesn't get me sooner.