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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
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Well-known member
Took out the huge male bush. I have a clone to do some spot pollenating on a select branches. That way I can keep track. I'm hoping I got to him before he started busting a nut. Didn't see any open flowers. Kind of shed a tear as he smelled so good.

I know pics or it didn't happen....


male stud.jpg

Before the buzz saw

before chop.jpg

After all the screaming

after chop.jpg

His stump



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i see.Were you on a fast food diet? i dont do it every week but i do get fast food at least a few times a month and immediately regret it. Pisses me off how they got us addicted to that crap. can i ask what your diet is like now? i can guess very different. Im trying to get my mom to eat better.poor thing only weighs 75lbs but she is like 4'10. not sure if thats really bad or not but she is going through crazy taste bud changes. she just got some lab work done and she has high creatine and low sodium. my buddies sister almost died from low sodium. as a younger person im not exactly how to deal with that

Too be serious here i should come here more often for advice. things arent a joke anymore and its time to figure things out for myself. i dont want to be a bother but any kind of anecdotal evidence from you guys would be great. cant trust some doctors. i dont blame most of them but my medical community is a joke here in IA. Im glad they caught your heart problem when they did. buddy of mine, 70 died last year from heart problems. had a pacemaker but he just wouldnt stop the coffee. dont know if that did it but it couldnt of been good right?
Not a fast food diet as peopl typically think of although I did eat at places like McDonalds probably about as often as you. At the time it happened I was working as a pizza delivery driver. It paid pretty well because the drivers got an automatic $2 per delivery (built into the price of the food) plus we also got tips and it was not unusual for me to do as much as 50 deliveries per night. So that was an average of at least $100 per night of unreported income. One of the side benefits of that job was that we could take home a free meal each night and so I usually took home a large extra cheese, pepperoni and italian sausage pizza as that stretched the furthest and kept my grocery shopping to a minimum. The way my diet is now is that for one thing I do intermitten Fasting which basically translates to eating just 2 meals a day during a 6 hour window and not eating during the other 18 hours of a 24 hour period. I also don't do fast food anymore, mainly because I can't afford it. I don't have a particular diet I follow like the keto diet, or vegan or pescatarian. What I do though is try to stick with mostly whole foods that avoid highly processed ingredients and I prepare my meals from scratch tto help avoid highly processed foods. I also try to avoid sugars as much as possible and I try to pay attention to the nutritional values of the things I eat so that the foods I eat are rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidents. For example I like to include fresh berries in my diet, especially blueberries. Besides that they are loaded with nutritional goodness they also contain a natural sugar (fructose) so that I give my sweet tooth at least a little something to enjoy.

As for your Mother, being that she is only 4'10" I would say 75lb is probably not horrible but she could probably stand to gain 10 to 20 pounds. As for her sodium levels that's not a difficult fix if she just seasons most of her meals with table salt unless of course her change in taste buds makes using salt a turn off. It might be better to find some sort of supplement that contains sodium? I'm not sure what to suggest to reduce her creatine levels, I'm not even sure if that's something to worry about I know creatine has certain benefits related to things like energy levels and muscle recovery after exercise but I don't know if there are any negative side effects. I believe creatine is one of the nutrients that is naturally produced by the body so if your mother has high levels she's probably eating something that is rich in creatine and she may need to cut down on that item to reduce levels if it's deemed necessary by her doctors to reduce those levels. They say that one of the effects of creatine is weight gain usually in the form of added muscle tissue which would be consider good weight by most people. Since your mother has such a low weight now while having high creatine levels, I would be very cautious about reducing her creatine levels if I were in your shoes. Creatine is found mainly in meats so I'm guessing your mother eats a diet rich in meats. If so then one way to bring those levels down might be to reduce how much meat she consumes and replace it with fruits and vegetables.

As for your friend generally speaking it's a good idea for people with heart issues to reduce or eliminate caffeine intake as it has an effect of causing the heart to beat faster and/or irregularly. So for someone with a pacemaker too much caffeine could potentially create a problem. That being sid if he just drank the typical 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning I would be surprised if that's what did him in but yes for a person with a pacemaker caffeine would typically be seen as a bad thing.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not as of yet. This is getting a little complicated, at first he said he was going to use his homeowners insurance and now he’s telling me he would prefer to pay cash for the whole bill. I’m not gonna play any games so I’m gonna meet him Monday and insist he pays all of my out-of-pocket expenses now And then we can work on his liability for repairs. I’m tired of playing babysitter to people who don’t walk a straight line. This man is pushing my buttons and I’m not sure how long I’m gonna stand it… I don’t wanna play games or be ugly, but it wouldn’t take much to push my button
I would suggest that you try to keep your anger in check at first. It just might turn out that when he learns the cost of repairs that he will be forced to use his insurance to cover it. On the other hand if he can afford it and does cover it all in cash then no harm no foul. I would advise that at first you just show him the bill and wait to see how he reacts. If after that he gets funny on you then by all means get mad.
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Well-known member
Not a fast food diet as peopl typically think of although I did eat at places like McDonalds probably about as often as you. At the time it happened I was working as a pizza delivery driver. It paid pretty well because the drivers got an automatic $2 per delivery (built into the price of the food) plus we also got tips and it was not unusual for me to do as much as 50 deliveries per night. So that was an average of at least $100 per night of unreported income. One of the side benefits of that job was that we could take home a free meal each night and so I usually took home a large extra cheese, pepperoni and italian sausage pizza as that stretched the furthest and kept my grocery shopping to a minimum. The way my diet is now is that for one thing I do intermitten Fasting which basically translates to eating just 2 meals a day during a 6 hour window and not eating during the other 18 hours of a 24 hour period. I also don't do fast food anymore, mainly because I can't afford it. I don't have a particular diet I follow like the keto diet, or vegan or pescatarian. What I do though is try to stick with mostly whole foods that avoid highly processed ingredients and I prepare my meals from scratch tto help avoid highly processed foods. I also try to avoid sugars as much as possible and I try to pay attention to the nutritional values of the things I eat so that the foods I eat are rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidents. For example I like to include fresh berries in my diet, especially blueberries. Besides that they are loaded with nutritional goodness they also contain a natural sugar (fructose) so that I give my sweet tooth at least a little something to enjoy.

As for your Mother, being that she is only 4'10" I would say 75lb is probably not horrible but she could probably stand to gain 10 to 20 pounds. As for her sodium levels that's not a difficult fix if she just seasons most of her meals with table salt unless of course her change in taste buds makes using salt a turn off. It might be better to find some sort of supplement that contains sodium? I'm not sure what to suggest to reduce her creatine levels, I'm not even sure if that's something to worry about I know creatine has certain benefits related to things like energy levels and muscle recovery after exercise but I don't know if there are any negative side effects. I believe creatine is one of the nutrients that is naturally produced by the body so if your mother has high levels she's probably eating something that is rich in creatine and she may need to cut down on that item to reduce levels if it's deemed necessary by her doctors to reduce those levels. They say that one of the effects of creatine is weight gain usually in the form of added muscle tissue which would be consider good weight by most people. Since your mother has such a low weight now while having high creatine levels, I would be very cautious about reducing her creatine levels if I were in your shoes. Creatine is found mainly in meats so I'm guessing your mother eats a diet rich in meats. If so then one way to bring those levels down might be to reduce how much meat she consumes and replace it with fruits and vegetables.

As for your friend generally speaking it's a good idea for people with heart issues to reduce or eliminate caffeine intake as it has an effect of causing the heart to beat faster and/or irregularly. So for someone with a pacemaker too much caffeine could potentially create a problem. That being sid if he just drank the typical 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning I would be surprised if that's what did him in but yes for a person with a pacemaker caffeine would typically be seen as a bad thing.
yeah thank you so much for that. i have to go over that but i wanted to address my good friend that died. He just cauldnt stop moving. even with his new pace maker he had to drink coffee and keep moving all day.uh he was a special case but from what i heard he was in the grocery store and just collapsed.just saying he was a huge dealer too. i mean like 60 corvettes big. even after he got out of club fed he still just couldnt stand still. i dont understand those people. oh yeah i do workiholics.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Sorry you might have to have heart surgery man. That really sucks. They say what's wrong?
Not in great detail but the gist of it is that several smaller arteries on the outside of my heart (on the left side I think) are blocked by cholesteral plaque build up making it difficult for that area of my heart to get the proper amount of oxygen. If I'm resting I'm fine but if I start doing any kind of activity even just walking, I get chest pains similar to what you've been experiencing and it gets worse and worse until I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack. If I stop what I'm doing and rest it goes away but as soon as I become active again it returns.
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Not in great detail but the gist of it is that several smaller arteries on the outside of my heart (on the left side I think) are blocked by cholesteral plaque build up making it difficult for that area of my heart to get the proper amount of oxygen. If I'm resting I'm fine but if I start doing any kind of activity even just walking, I get chest pains similar to what you've been experiencing and it gets worse and worse until I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack. If I stop what I'm doing and rest it goes away but as soon as I become active again it returns.
Any way you can fix it by changing diet or lifestyle?
Sounds like a slow grind no movement just makes everything else worser.