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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
just something to sleep on



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My aortic stents trashed my left leg and we're just now getting around to getting some physical therapy on it and it's waking up and it's a son of a b****
Sorry to hear that, So far I've only had one stent placed and it had no impact on any other part of my body other then my heart which it made stronger.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My sons and their buddies used to put on their lacrosse helmets and gloves, hop on our trampoline and bounce around having boxing free-for-alls. I have videos somewhere. Great fun at a time when showing pain was a sign of weakness.
While I was in the hospital last night, I watched a movie (forget the name), that had a great line about weakness and pain, it went "Pain is just weakness leaving the body".


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hey DB, have never had a gyro, what exactly is it and how do you eat it?
It's kind of like a Greek taco, you load up a nice sized piece of pita bread with slices of savory meat typically made from a mixture of beef and lamb, top it with feta cheese, lettuce, onion, tomato and a savory sauce called Tzatziki sauce made from strained yogurt (or Greek yogurt), cucumbers, garlic, and sometimes fresh herbs such as dill or mint. Then you fold the pita like a taco and enjoy a delicious but slightly messy meal.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
OH MY...If I didn't know that I didn't like lamb, I'd be all over that, it looks very appetizing DB.
It's not lamb but rather lamb and beef with the larger percentage being beef. It's just enough lamb to give the meat a more interesting flavor. You really should try one if you ever get a chance. I've never met a person who ever had one and said they didn't enjoy it, if it's made properly of course.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Okay now that I've caught up on 30 pages or so, here is a summary of my visit to the hospital. They did the cardio catherization only to find that the damage was more severe then they expected and so that was the end of the catherization, no stents placed, no angio plasti, nothing but the collagen plug they use to seal up the artery when they remove the cathater. Because of the plug and the sedation they gave me during the test. I still had to spend the night, also because i drove myself to the hospital and had nobody to take me home. Even if I did have someone I still would have had to spend the night. I could have gotten home by a cab or uber I guess but I didn't want to have to do another cab or uber to go back and get my car
at a later date.

After the procedure was done and they had me in the room I was staying in, the doctor came and explained to me that things were worse then he was expecting and he couldn't do anything that day. He has a weekly meeting he attends with a group of local cardiologists and cardio vascular surgeons where they discuss more difficult cases like mine to come up with the best solution by consensus. The next meeting is this coming Tuesday. After that he'll relay the course of action to his Nurse Practioner who is the person I usually interface with during office visits. I'm scheduled to see her on the 30th of this month where she will explain to me the treatment they came up with in the meeting and set up a new date at the hospital for that procedure. Probably in the first week of August.

My doctor discussed a range of options briefly with me that begin with his prefered option of a special type of stent with something added that I didn't understand but he said there will be some areas that doesn't correct which will need to be dealt with by medication. The other end of the options is another bypass, hopefully one that can be done orthoscopically (typically reserved for people in their 60's or older). If it must be a bypass I hope that's how they can do it because the worst part of a bypass and what takes a long time to recover from is when they have to split open your chest to do it.

For now I'm just back on the same meds as before with instructions to take it easy and not over exert myself. That's all I really know for now but I'll likely update the thread once I know exactly what is going to be done. In my discussion with the doctor I mentioned that I hope to recover enough to where I can get back to walking 5 miles a day for my health and his response was something to the effect of "That's what we're shooting for". I took some hope from that because if he had serious doubts about that happening he likely would have told me to set my expectations lower.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - must be rather uncomfortable to do any sort of active sport - with such large kasunga's bouncing around on a woman's chest - even with an over shoulder boulder holder that has great tensile strength - maybe that's why you don't often (if ever) see top tennis players - with more than a handful 😉 - great for feeding babies though - I was breast fed till 9 months old (then started biting ) - and my Mum was suitably well endowed enough to be able to feed 6 kids that way - but not all at once -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Another gorgeous clear day starting at 59F and predicted to reach 86F.

Over the triple digit hump and starting to cool back down here.

Brunch out this morning with Nutrition Magician at the Radio Room.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Thinking about the subject a bit more though - if a woman can engage the weight of her gargantuan chest puppies behind a good serve in the game of tennis 🎾 🤔 - then maybe she can hit the ball much faster than a female tennis player who is as flat as a pancake 🥞 - it would be quite fun to do an investigation along those lines methinks -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
So I struck up a conversation with a guy in the airport call-parking lot. Told him Scotty was somewhere up in the air and we really didn't know how to tell when his plane would actually land.

The guy sez, "Whut airline? Whut flight?" So I told him. He whips out his fargin TELEPHONE, taps twice, and there are all the airplanes in the air over Floriduh. He touches one, and the thing snaps in to Scotty's plane. With a fargin picture of it.

"His plane is just now clearing the West Coast." A coupla minutes later, he looks down and says, "His plane is gonna land from the east -- the hadda circle around the airport. We oughta see him right about... now."

Sure 'nuff, here comes his pictured plane right by us. The guy said it is a $12 app.

Jeez. So we got him home, stuffed him with sausage & pasta, and let him crash. He had been up at 3AM his time, and it was 9PM when dinner was done.

He's still sleepin'.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Thinking about the subject a bit more though - if a woman can engage the weight of her gargantuan chest puppies behind a good serve in the game of tennis 🎾 🤔 - then maybe she can hit the ball much faster than a female tennis player who is as flat as a pancake 🥞 - it would be quite fun to do an investigation along those lines methinks -
IE: Serena Williams?