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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Up at the crack of dawn again - was a rough night kinda - woke up at 3.30am - took a pee - then got back to sleep - after noticing that my heart rate was up - due to the atrial fibrillation - then had a weird dream where I was mugged by some guy under a bridge - who shanked me a little with a chiv before demanding money 💰 - but after checking my pockets I didn't have any money - so he let me go - then I walked around a hotel in my dream looking for a hotel room - that I couldn't remember the number of - worried that I might bleed out due to the blood thinning meds I'm on - then woke up - it was 4.30am - so got up and made coffee ☕️ - happy that it was only a dream 😀

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
i actually got into the 7s style rugby at one point! it was fast paced and full of action
/go all blacks
I played rugger from 8 to 13 years old - sometimes with and against 15/16 year olds at boarding school - thru some cold cold winters back in the 60's - when it was snowing sometimes - vague memories of pulling my face out of slushy and icy puddles on the pitch - bleeding - hot and steaming red blood on white snow ❄️ - it's a rough and tough game - especially if you are the youngest on the field 😳
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I played rugger from 8 to 13 years old - sometimes with and against 15/16 year olds at boarding school - thru some cold cold winters back in the 60's - when it was snowing sometimes - vague memories of pulling my face out of slushy and icy puddles bleeding - red blood on white snow ❄️ - it's a rough and tough game - especially if you are the youngest on the field 😳
its never easy being the little guy, but it put hair on your chest
growing up as an old fart i remember the game we would play as kids
those were the days

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
its never easy being the little guy, but it put hair on your chest
growing up as an old fart i remember the game we would play as kids
those were the days
Back then I didn't even have hair on my balls - let alone on my chest lol 🙃 - was a late bloomer -

- we also played this game called British Bulldog - where opposing teams would line up at each end of a rugger pitch - and individually we were called out to run across the pitch trying to avoid getting tackled by the opposing team - trying desperately to get to the far side - ducking and weaving to avoid getting tackled by 10 or more other guys - and if you did get caught - and taken down - the whole opposing team would pile on top of you -


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Back then I didn't even have hair on my balls - let alone on my chest lol 🙃 - was a late bloomer -

- we also played this game called British Bulldog - where opposing teams would line up at each end of a rugger pitch - and individually we were called out to run across the pitch trying to avoid getting tackled by the opposing team - trying desperately to get to the far side - ducking and weaving to avoid getting tackled by 10 or more other guys - and if you did get caught - and taken down - the whole opposing team would pile on top of you -
we called it smear the queer! you would pitch an american football into the air and whom ever ended up with it in their hands was the queer
i wont lie, some people were often singled out more than others
but those were just the times
we would also box in the garage as well, oh the fun we had


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Up at the crack of dawn again - was a rough night kinda - woke up at 3.30am - took a pee - then got back to sleep - after noticing that my heart rate was up - due to the atrial fibrillation - then had a weird dream where I was mugged by some guy under a bridge - who shanked me a little with a chiv before demanding money 💰 - but after checking my pockets I didn't have any money - so he let me go - then I walked around a hotel in my dream looking for a hotel room - that I couldn't remember the number of - worried that I might bleed out due to the blood thinning meds I'm on - then woke up - it was 4.30am - so got up and made coffee ☕️ - happy that it was only a dream 😀
i get that too some times
i go to bed around the same time each night, but some days i wake up at 0400 and am wide awake
those sounds like crazy dreams man, i have those too sometimes but lately they are much more pleasant

how do you take your cup? you like cream and sugar
/i like my coffee black myself

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
i get that too some times
i go to bed around the same time each night, but some days i wake up at 0400 and am wide awake
those sounds like crazy dreams man, i have those too sometimes but lately they are much more pleasant

how do you take your cup? you like cream and sugar
/i like my coffee black myself
Black as the ace of spades - kinda oily - with no processed crap in it (milk sugar or whatever) - RIP Lemmy -
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
I have no idea what you are referring to or is that the point.

According to AI "sodomite" is sometimes used as a insult for a gay person.
Totally off topic:

Wow. That definition has clearly gone through Winston Smith!!! Strangely, the Room 101 AI has not noticed the word "sodomize" and its definition... Unless it is changed to "sometimes used as an insult" also.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Although BT smells like chemicals straight out of the bottle, it leaves no weird taste in the weed. And I've sprayed as close as the day before harvest. I seem to be trapped between a rock and a hard spot. They can't decide what the hell to do with me.

My doctor wants me one rehab facility, my insurance and the veterans administration say I need to go to the VA which in my opinion is a third rate facility and I don't look forward to it.

In The mean time I'm trapped here for pushing 14 days now in a bed. Unable to have a nice, pleasant bowel movement. Thanks to the massive amounts of oxycodone. They've been shoving me along with the gabapentin, the Heparin, the Flexeril and whatever else I can't remember.

I've gone 3 times in the last 8 hours. Thank you Jesus and a few lovely suppositories.

I've got about 25% of my leg function back and stopped taking any of The pain meds since I know that's where the blockage is from. Goddamn opiates.

Tonight movie is electroshock therapy since my leg is decided it's going to send massive shocks from my toes that is enough to curl my entire leg up and those hit about every 15 minutes.That started this morning and has persisted all damn day.
@BrassNwood -- You are in a nadir right now. Without bullshit, this will pass. I was in a deep hole that I thought I might never get out of:

I spent two Christmases in an electric wheelchair. <-- TINS Run over at 15MPH on my motorcycle in a school zone by a kid in a car late to school.

I walk without a limp. I've got a metal knee and a metal shoulder and upper arm, and my neck has some of my hip bones in it (so I can fart through my neck). I even learned to fly while in a leg cast. Got my Instrument Pilot Rating and never crashed much.

Oh. Yeah. And I am older than your father, Luke.

Unca Walt

Well-known member

What will they think of next - Supposedly AI powered too .. :ninja:
This one can be a real snake-in-the-grass. Every buyer of every bullet can be identified by "the authorities". Complete with photo.

Think about it. WHO holds that data?


Well-known member
This one can be a real snake-in-the-grass. Every buyer of every bullet can be identified by "the authorities". Complete with photo.

Think about it. WHO holds that data?
After reading the article twice, I too thought about whether, or not, I would be willing to "donate" my drivers license to a machine, which I would need to get home, trusting that the AI in said machine would obligingly spit out both my purchase, and return my license. No thanks for me. As an aside note, so far it appears the machines have been placed in apparently rural Alabama. Likely best to not fark around, too much, with too many, good old boyz. :cautious:

Unca Walt

Well-known member
The difference being is that football ⚽️ is supposed to be a non-contact sport - whereas rugger is most certainly a contact sport - so when there is some contact in football ⚽️ - some of the players think that it's their chance to win an academy award for acting 🙄 - lol
That don't wash. Basketball is exactly at the same "non-contact" level as football ⚽.

Any pussy that laid down on the court and cried while holding his unhurt shin in a basketball game would be taken to a mental testing facility.

The football ⚽ game is like a barrel of fine wine. Great to experience. Take a barrel of fine wine, add a tablespoon of sewage and you get... sewage.

Last note on the total pussification of a great sport: In American schools, the girls play field hockey. Same as ice, but on a grass field. NONE of the girls "faw down, go boom/cry" when touched by a player on the other team. USA schoolgirls are tougher than any sumbitch on the Leicester roster.

I am adamant about it because these jerkoffs are wrecking the sport. Think back: Did Pele ever do that shit? Why not? Mebbe he loved the game and was not a prostitute?

Unca Walt

Well-known member
we called it smear the queer! you would pitch an american football into the air and whom ever ended up with it in their hands was the queer
i wont lie, some people were often singled out more than others
but those were just the times
we would also box in the garage as well, oh the fun we had
Contact sports as kids... My Daddy was the fargin best.

1. He brought home four clear plastic face shields that had been left on a train. We all had the 15c plastic slingshots, and bluestone gravel. We could play war with two guys on a side, and we well knew when we shot the other guy. Or got shot. Great fun.

2. He had four circular thick wooden slab/wheel thingys, and he cut two of them in half. Assembled the cut pieces on edge 90 degrees to each other and attached them to the uncut slab. This formed a tilty round table for each kid to stand on.

Then he took an old boxing glove set and really stuffed each glove with a towel. Put the boxing glove on the end of a 6' pole. We could each get on a tilty platform, and try to push the other guy off his. First one to ten dismounts wins.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
That don't wash. Basketball is exactly at the same "non-contact" level as football ⚽.

Any pussy that laid down on the court and cried while holding his unhurt shin in a basketball game would be taken to a mental testing facility.

The football ⚽ game is like a barrel of fine wine. Great to experience. Take a barrel of fine wine, add a tablespoon of sewage and you get... sewage.

Last note on the total pussification of a great sport: In American schools, the girls play field hockey. Same as ice, but on a grass field. NONE of the girls "faw down, go boom/cry" when touched by a player on the other team. USA schoolgirls are tougher than any sumbitch on the Leicester roster.

I am adamant about it because these jerkoffs are wrecking the sport. Think back: Did Pele ever do that shit? Why not? Mebbe he loved the game and was not a prostitute?
I'm not disagreeing with you Walt - some players act up - and others don't on a football pitch - alot of the feigning injury is tactical - to try and gain possession - free kicks and penalties - and some do seriously get injured on occasion - that's just the way it is - I 'spose -

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