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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I admire good girls too!



Cabana’s bitch
Thank you for the kind words folks.

We spent 9 hrs at the emergency vet yesterday.
Discovered what I already knew, she is shutting down.
Happened so fast :( Diabetes. 5k to try to save her life.
They offered to euthanize her there. I was selfish and
brought her home instead. I needed time to process
and to love her at home where she knew she was safe
and not around a bunch of strangers.
I had hoped she may just pass peacefully laying on my
chest in the night, but she is still hanging on.

In a few minutes I will call an in home euthanasia service
to set an appointment. I want her transition to be as comfortable
as I am able to provide her.

Once that is set up, Scoots and I will take her hot rod
out for it's final run.
I am singing to her and trying to keep my mood light
and loving. She is in my arms and will remain there
until she crosses over.

I will shut down after that I'm certain. Gotta grieve :(

Love and light will carry her on.
And keep my heart from shattering, as I move forward also.

Ooops... forgot to hit reply.

walk done. She was very alert.
Appt. set 2morro 1 p.m.
this is the price we pay for having such loving and loyal friends...My Dutchie is fading and he knows it...like you, I do my very best for my boys but alas the big boys die early...I am blessed to have Ivan to lean on...he too will feel the pain...I've been reading quite a bit about how dogs deal with end of life situations...what I've learned it that you need to include your other pets in the process so they know what's going on...THE most important is for you to be there as they look around with fear in their eyes...the best comfort you can provide for your friend it to lock eyes and let them know how much you love them...that soothes them knowing you are near...


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
😭Thank you for the kind words folks.

We spent 9 hrs at the emergency vet yesterday.
Discovered what I already knew, she is shutting down.
Happened so fast :( Diabetes. 5k to try to save her life.
They offered to euthanize her there. I was selfish and
brought her home instead. I needed time to process
and to love her at home where she knew she was safe
and not around a bunch of strangers.
I had hoped she may just pass peacefully laying on my
chest in the night, but she is still hanging on.

In a few minutes I will call an in home euthanasia service
to set an appointment. I want her transition to be as comfortable
as I am able to provide her.

Once that is set up, Scoots and I will take her hot rod
out for it's final run.
I am singing to her and trying to keep my mood light
and loving. She is in my arms and will remain there
until she crosses over.

I will shut down after that I'm certain. Gotta grieve :(

Love and light will carry her on.
And keep my heart from shattering, as I move forward also.

Ooops... forgot to hit reply.

walk done. She was very alert.
Appt. set 2morro 1 p.m.
I just went through this....my heart is broken 💔


Well-known member
Premium user
this is the price we pay for having such loving and loyal friends...My Dutchie is fading and he knows it...like you, I do my very best for my boys but alas the big boys die early...I am blessed to have Ivan to lean on...he too will feel the pain...I've been reading quite a bit about how dogs deal with end of life situations...what I've learned it that you need to include your other pets in the process so they know what's going on...THE most important is for you to be there as they look around with fear in their eyes...the best comfort you can provide for your friend it to lock eyes and let them know how much you love them...that soothes them knowing you are near...
I feel for all our Dogs.
We had called the vet to put our Boy down.
We never left His side 'and He heard our voices and felt our touch all thru out.
( said with tears)
we still say good night to him every night.
I feel for Dutch very much.
In his mind He is the ace protector always capable and sure of himself.
Now he feels his age and questions him self
Kinda like us at the age we are now.
The Boy is with the best and only thing he wants ,his family.❤️


Well-known member
I gotta find some other way to do with my time.
Not in a good spot to begin with, why I don't know why.
I certainly have more than I deserve.
But with evetybodys health on here and then loved pets, my health and family issues.
Can't do it anymore
It all brings me down more

I've come here for laughs and to learn what I may or don't already know.


Well-known member
Premium user
Going out for my 2nd of the 3 mile walks. Could get a milkshake @SubGirl 😎 Smoking bowls of flower, rolling joints, taking hits of ice hash, taking sips of international deli ice coffee it's in the dairy isle?
Hey Doober. Next time you and your mom go to the thrift store, look for a cold brew coffee maker and buy it on the cheap. Then just buy some coffee and some nice flavored creamer, I like French vanilla. Since you drink a couple of them a day, you could have money leftover at the end of the month for the dispensary for more weed.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I gotta find some other way to do with my time.
Not in a good spot to begin with, why I don't know why.
I certainly have more than I deserve.
But with evetybodys health on here and then loved pets, my health and family issues.
Can't do it anymore
It all brings me down more

I've come here for laughs and to learn what I may or don't already know.
Sorry ya are having a down day Reynard. We do talk a lot about life's experiences and many times they are sad.

I took cuts today and am making baby plants. So, I am giving life. I come for laughs as well but these people are my friends and we all have our ups and downs.

As soon as I get done cleaning up down stairs I will come back with a joke.....

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