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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


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I kept a American Cougar for a year or so and it was a handful.
His name was Cooter and he loved him some women on their period.
Couldn't be around them at that time he got super excited and aggressive.
Couldn't turn your back on him for a second or he would be on the back of your neck.........scary motherfuckin animal.
I wrote a song 25 years ago called " Fuk that☝️"


Well-known member
10 minutes??? Damn, what kind of vape are you using? I usually start my day with the Flowermate Slick or the Pax3. Then, I move on to joints after my throat wakes up. LOL
I have many vapes, but my main driver is the Silver Surfer with balls. I like to heat soak it all before use and I just take a hit whenever I walk past it.
I try not to start too early in the day, or I'd get easily distracted by stuff I shouldn't be doing rather than stuff I need to do. But my chores are now done and it's near enough to 4.20.

So in goes the Zacateca's Tribute (BSHW x Oaxaca) and out goes all the stresses and strains of the day!


I really like this stuff and it's only been down a month or so. Smashes me right in the chops and makes me grin ear to ear.

I want to try the BSHW and the Oaxaca parents now. :dance013:

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