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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I will take 10 cups of coffee



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Ehh - c'mon - yes I know that 'it's only human nature' - to fall out with each other - from time to time - but on this thread - we all try and get along - no matter what our beliefs and opinions might be - the diversity of thought is welcome - gives me a chance to maybe walk a mile in someone else's shoes - instead of my own - for a change - and see other perspectives - so it's all good - when all is said and done -

we need to be challenged occasionally , tested , to take a fearless moral inventory of our bad selves

i welcome all points of view , good , bad , and ugly

but not when it gets personal…no personal attacks


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good luck GW. Helped me some. I am two months out I am by no means perfect but it has helped.
Thanks Pute! Every little bit helps!
I hope they work GW 🥰
Thanks SG, me too!
Didn’t they just raise the min wage to $20/hr there? How much is a Big Mac in Cali these daze?
Now there is a movement to up the minimum wage to $30/hr because they can't afford to live there now that it has been raised to $20/hr and prices adjusted accordingly.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Gypsy, you are making me feel guilty....however DB an I well get our 3 miles in.
Ya - that's good - best to keep confidence in your own mobility - by walking every day -

- try and keep a good pace - without stopping for at least 20 mins to half an hour - or longer if you can bear it - even take a thermos of coffee ☕️ with you - so that you can sip on the move - if needs be -


The problem with keeping big cats like that - is that they will eat you - if you don't keep them fed -
I kept a American Cougar for a year or so and it was a handful.
His name was Cooter and he loved him some women on their period.
Couldn't be around them at that time he got super excited and aggressive.
Couldn't turn your back on him for a second or he would be on the back of your neck.........scary motherfuckin animal.


Well-known member
Why don't you try to fit in....we are here to have fun. You might like it here.

I may not agree with everything that is said here but I respect others opinions.

Walt is respected by most everybody here. If you don't agree put him on ignore but don't spew hate for everybody else.
Preacher Mon: Wise up. And learn this fact yourself: "Hatred Destroys The Hater".
I blend in just fine when not being Gang-banged. Or called out by yon Hypocrite.