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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Yeah, I only mentioned bison because I heard it's a lot like beef and it's one of those meats people either love or hate, kind of like deer meat. I guess the same is probably true for lamb otherwise you would see it in the store more often. I personally enjoy the flavor of lamb. A tradition in my family was to have a roast leg of lamb for Easter dinner which is where I learned to lke it, especially with mint jelly.
I know a few who really enjoy lamb, a couple of people even raise their own sheep. In either of the families I had growing up lamb was never one of the meals we ate.
Food is such a subjective thing. It really is about personal preference.
Years ago I had a friend from Trinidad, he got me to like curry, curry from Trinidad which was different than other curries I have had.
My son a world traveller is always trying to convince me of other food choices but I am very slow to adapt to other then what I am familiar with. Not that I won't try something new, I guess it just has to be on my own terms.

Hope your having a pleasurable day Hemkat

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Early selfies:

Early selfies.jpeg


Well-known member
Good day to you OF...after yesterdays shopping trip which left me $600.00 poorer and a very stiff body. I am still in one piece and so is the world so far. All is relatively good, I am hopeful it is the same for all you OF.

So all is good, maybe, the wife told me this morning she realizes now she will never be a Disney Princess but the evil queen is still within her grasp. YIKES


Well-known member
It’s awful now. Kids grow up not even knowing how to sweep. I’ve taught many apprentices how to sweep the work area properly. Their parents never made them sweep or taught them how to do the most basic things.
They sure know how to look at a screen though....

I use a shoe horn. Some kid was trying to squeeze his foot into his shoe.

I gave him the shoe horn and danged if he didn't understand how to use it....


Well-known member
If everything collapses, I will just eat rich people.
Hello Magu, your comment brought back a memory of a T-shirt that read, save the whales we might need to eat them someday.

I use to live on a beef ranch here in south central BC, the ranchers had found a number of native artifacts. They had a lovely peach coloured spear point. They told me the natives use to camp at the creek that ran through their property. I love finding goodies of days gone by.


Well-known member
Mosquitos are bad around here this year. I hate mosquito repellent....
Hello Pute, a fishing lake I use to go to required walking in and going through a swamp. We would have to use so much deet that anything you touched or ate tasted like deet. Even if the skitters could not get you, just the buzzing sound of them hoovering 6" away from you face would drive you bonkers. The fishing made up for it.
A good day to you Pute