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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I joined ICM today and when @bigsur51 heard I was pushing 60, he invited me to "stop by the Old Farts Thread , we have a few navy folks there , one was a Commander of a nuclear submarine …"

"we have several 70 and a few 80’s in the Coffee Shop Old Farts Thread…"

Then again, the Coffee Shop is probably a different stop, isn't it?

Anyway, please tell the Captain that Petty Officer Sweetman is reporting for duty, and to all other vets, a special hello.

These days I love any crowd in which I'm on the younger side, and that seems to be happening less and less in life.

I look forward to growing and smoking and shooting the bull will you all.
Hey someone pull out another chair, so navy66 can sit down and be comfortable. :biggrin:


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I kind of respect that. I mean you not only recognixe and admit you characyer flaw but you also accept them and even embrace them. :biggrin: I don't know what your history here is. I just know I've seen some pretty wild stuff posted over the years and was even involved in some of them in one way or another. I bet a number of us at some point or another that has made mods raise a collective eyebrow some and move their button finger just a little close to the ban button. :biggrin:

As long as you are okay with me, then we're good. :biggrin:

talk about wild stuff…

if you were around during the days of the Plural of Mongoose , those days set the bar for wild and frankly those wild days have never
been matched let alone exceeded…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
talk about wild stuff…

if you were around during the days of the Plural of Mongoose , those days set the bar for wild and frankly those wild days have never
been matched let alone exceeded…
Actually I was here from the point about 2-3 weeks before OG went down all through the migrations with all the suspicions and drama and yes even all the P.O.M. drama where by the end of it he was making himself out to be this very wanted person who was practically an ex special forces guy who had practically turn into some governent spy.

My own particular drama involved Uncle Ben more or less accusing me of working with Gypsey who was secretly trying to destroy OG all because everyone over here treated me super nicely during the 2-3 weks before oG went down. Somewhere along the way I made the unfortunate cooment that everyone was so nice here and was treating me like I was a rock star. UB saw that and he started his attack on me and roped in pretty much all the people I was friendly with on OG. All of whom were taking my comment as if I was some how saying that I actually thought of myself as a rock star. Even people who I communicated so regularly with I was sure they knew me better and would defend me at least to some degree. What proceeded after that was about a three week daily exchange were I felt so betrayed and hated, I felt the need to take a break from the site for a month or two.

Looking back on it all these years later I was way too overly sensitive about it and would find my reaction quite embarrassing and perhaps a bit shameful now. I should have pretty much ignored it all, not let it get to me and gone on with my normal routine (was actively posting grows back then) and never have felt I had to take a break from the site.
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Well-known member
Yeah, In a world we could all get taken out at once by an asteroid (don't snicker, it happened to the dinosaurs.) I guess a fair arguement could be made for the belief that anything can happen...Except for the just totally crazy stuff like being the only winner on the Lotto when the payout is in excess of 1 Billion dollars of course. :biggrin:
Those kind of lottery winnings boggles my mind, why so much, wouldn't it be better, if thousands of people won a smaller lottery?

Talk about destruction no one can deliver a knock out punch like the universe!

Good Day HempKat


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And a very good morning from London - England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - it's 5.25 am - not completely overcast - can see a bit of blue - peeping thru - but a bit chilly on the balcony - so I'm wearing a light house coat 😀 - anyways -

My daughter will be 16 years old today - Jeez - 16 years already - and she's slap bang in the middle of 11 G.C.S.E exams at school - and doing OK 👍 - so far - she's a smart one - and doesn't seem to have a problem learning academic things - and we hope that she goes far - bless her - her Mum baked a chocolate cake - and we will have a Happy Birthday singing event later today -

I'd left school by her age - and was already on one of my many journeys thru life - away from home - due to things not being good at home for me - clashes with my elder brother had got out of hand - and I was the one who had to leave - but none of that's gonna happen with my daughter - she's happy to be at home 🏡
I don't have children so I have to imagine these things but I can't imagine anything to make a parent prouder then to see one of his offspring being at a citical point in life and doing much better then the parent himself did at that same approximate point. Of course I also know enough that a prarent has to be very careful because 16 is right in the middle of the teenage years where things can go south in a heartbeat. :biggrin:
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Well-known member
And a very good morning from London - England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - it's 5.25 am - not completely overcast - can see a bit of blue - peeping thru - but a bit chilly on the balcony - so I'm wearing a light house coat 😀 - anyways -

My daughter will be 16 years old today - Jeez - 16 years already - and she's slap bang in the middle of 11 G.C.S.E exams at school - and doing OK 👍 - so far - she's a smart one - and doesn't seem to have a problem learning academic things - and we hope that she goes far - bless her - her Mum baked a chocolate cake - and we will have a Happy Birthday singing event later today -

I'd left school by her age - and was already on one of my many journeys thru life - away from home - due to things not being good at home for me - clashes with my elder brother had got out of hand - and I was the one who had to leave - but none of that's gonna happen with my daughter - she's happy to be at home 🏡
Good Day Gypsy
Family dynamics can cause mayhem, been through it myself, like you quit school very early. When I did go back to school at 50, had to work like hell to get the qualifiers for college.

Nice thing is you can generally tell with your children how they might make out in life, your daughter sounds like she is thoughtful and being academic is a plus. I wish her well and I know it makes a father feel good, when their children are doing well.

My son just came back from visiting his family in Mexico, after two flights with a 4hr. lay over he arrived back in Calgary at 9:00am and went directly to work at his job. It makes me smile he has that good work ethic.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well, God bless you guys!! Nothing makes an author happier than someone volunteering a positive opinion.
Are there any movie producers in the crowd? I'm cheap.

A coincidence here: My novel, The Cadet -- The Adventures of a New World Pioneer in the 17th Century was gonna be made into a two-part TV miniseries. They were talking Ioan Griffudd for the title character... Hello Plandemic. :cry:
Maybe it's sitting on someone's desk somewhere and someone will revisit it soon. I see a lot of remakes and show that are just someone else'd take of a previously popular shw. So they need to start injecting something new. Maybe one day someone will pick up your novel and say "Yeah yeah, that's the ticket." :biggrin:


Cabana’s bitch
talk about wild stuff…

if you were around during the days of the Plural of Mongoose , those days set the bar for wild and frankly those wild days have never
been matched let alone exceeded…
Boy, those are some crazy days weren’t they. I never thought it was going to be stopped until from what I remember Pom was put in jail… he was probably the most deranged individual on the site. There are some very odd ducks here on this site, but none of them hold a candle to Pom


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Saw these guys live at "Nude Fest" :D
Yep, many of the band members did played in the nude.

we took a lot of lsd-25 back in the 60’s orange sunshine Owsley blue cheer Sandoz drops on sugar cubes stuff like that

anyway , your post reminded me that many times while tripping our clothes were the first thing we took off….topanga canyon Big Sur Ojai we would have been arrested in all those places if we did that now😂


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Help me get thru today...i wanna dig into a member regarding cannabis genetics and me being right...but i think it better i didn't...need to forget
Just keep remembering that meme about two people arguing on the internet
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