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The Original O'l Farts Club.


I feel primal sometimes...no consequences whatsoever cross my mind...like blind anger
Welcome to the club.
..i need to visit PNW...been all over east coast
Try the Rockies I did and never went back..........gonna die in these mountains.
Ugh, another sleepless night. This sux. Actually slept from about 11 PM until 1 AM but woke up around 1:15 AM and tossed and turned after that.

Strange how it hurts after I lay in bed or sit in a chair for more than an hour or so. Once I am up and moving, it gets a little better.

I think my Synovial fluid has somehow been converted to beer.

Fuck this.... I'm going to the gym.
Hurts when I lay down as well so I sleep in a recliner on some heating pads most nights........tlok me a long time to realize I could sleep without laying flat for some reason.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This is today's installment of my big FARK OFF to; buggy bill gates and
all those 'we should all eat bugs to save the planet!' crazy mofo's.

Contrary to popular ($$ driven) beliefs; Beef heals the body, Cattle heal the land.


This is true, we were designed to eat meat as well as plants/fruits,nuts, fungi, etc. for a reason. Sure with the right mixture od certain plants you can get a balenced nutritious diet eating nothing but plant based food and get everything you're able to get from meats. That being said their are certain important nutrients and amino acids that you can get a better amount and guality, then what you can in the plants you try to replace that meat with.

I never really went with that argument some use that by eating that meat I'm killing something. Sure something had to be killed to supply that meat but it's not like that animal was killed just because of my needs.. As bad as taking somethings life just to eat when you don't have to mighht seem to others. What seems even worse is if something is killed anyway to make sure the meat is there if I want it but then I don't get it and it spoils and has to be thrown out only being of benefit to microorganisms in the land fill or one of many scavengers who might get it when it's still in the trash can (flies, ants, raccoons, mice etc.) There would need to be a huge shift in people's food choices to really bring about a major reduction in the amount of animal life killed just to make sure people have easy access to those meats


Well-known member
This is true, we were designed to eat meat as well as plants/fruits,nuts, fungi, etc. for a reason. Sure with the right mixture od certain plants you can get a balenced nutritious diet eating nothing but plant based food and get everything you're able to get from meats. That being said their are certain important nutrients and amino acids that you can get a better amount and guality, then what you can in the plants you try to replace that meat with.

I never really went with that argument some use that by eating that meat I'm killing something. Sure something had to be killed to supply that meat but it's not like that animal was killed just because of my needs.. As bad as taking somethings life just to eat when you don't have to mighht seem to others. What seems even worse is if something is killed anyway to make sure the meat is there if I want it but then I don't get it and it spoils and has to be thrown out only being of benefit to microorganisms in the land fill or one of many scavengers who might get it when it's still in the trash can (flies, ants, raccoons, mice etc.) There would need to be a huge shift in people's food choices to really bring about a major reduction in the amount of animal life killed just to make sure people have easy access to those meats
Ironicaly, processed foods are allowed ( by law ) to contain a certain amount of bugs. There is NO way to clean all the bugs from several tons of grain as it comes out of the silo. I hate to tell you guys this but you are already eating bugs. You have been throughout your entire life. 🫣


Well-known member
I never really went with that argument some use that by eating that meat I'm killing something. Sure something had to be killed to supply that meat but it's not like that animal was killed just because of my needs..

In a way it was killed for our needs. I dont think about it everytime i eat some meat either but when i go visit relatives with farms i think about it more and it has made me think about it more generally at home too.

I appreciate the animals and their life given for me to eat.

I also say a thank you to all my plants just before they get the chop :rasta:



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good Afternoon Hempkat,

I see it the same way, chaos would dominate. The strong and powerful would take what they want.
The list of things that could go wrong is tremendous. Old people...how would they survive in a world turned upside down. I just hope it never happens but at the same time, it seems possible
Yeah, In a world we could all get taken out at once by an asteroid (don't snicker, it happened to the dinosaurs.) I guess a fair arguement could be made for the belief that anything can happen...Except for the just totally crazy stuff like being the only winner on the Lotto when the payout is in excess of 1 Billion dollars of course. :biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
In a way it was killed for our needs. I dont think about it everytime i eat some meat either but when i go visit relatives with farms i think about it more and it has made me think about it more generally at home too.

I appreciate the animals and their life given for me to eat.

I also say a thank you to all my plants just before they get the chop :rasta:

Yeah that's probably the best way to look at all our food, for the sacrifice made. If I could afford it and had easy access to it, I'd get all my meats from small farms where all the animals were given a normal life and space to roam in and where they were well cared for with appreciation and respect. Allowed to more or less live a nomal full life before they were harvested for food. I've never been able to put this to the test but I hear that meat from animals raised like that has a superior flavor that you just don't find in the meat produced on corporate farms.

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