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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
True dat.

Not like it is some bullshit Internet rumor. This is verifiable in seconds by anyone.

The thing that bothers me is that even here, I see zerio in the way of the average person doing anything to protect the value of what they currently own.

When the dollar buys NOTHING (like the bolivar/peso/pengo/yadayada) just what TF are these folks RIGHT HERE gonna do?

The "money" they have in the bank or mattress will be toilet paper.

And it will be too late then. Normalcy bias can actually be deadly.
answer your damn phone or get a cell for pete's sake...call me when you can


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
answer your damn phone or get a cell for pete's sake...call me when you can
Just like Walt. Scares us to death then disappears. Where is his side kick Big to put icing on the cake!!!!



True dat.

Not like it is some bullshit Internet rumor. This is verifiable in seconds by anyone.

The thing that bothers me is that even here, I see zerio in the way of the average person doing anything to protect the value of what they currently own.

When the dollar buys NOTHING (like the bolivar/peso/pengo/yadayada) just what TF are these folks RIGHT HERE gonna do?

The "money" they have in the bank or mattress will be toilet paper.

And it will be too late then. Normalcy bias can actually be deadly.
Discussed this with the wife over lunch and our conclusion was lead,powder,more guns and some power storage.
Also may switch the house from natural gas heat to wood next year if shits still unstable.
No matter how many propane tanks we have eventually they will run out.


Well-known member
Premium user
Whats up OFC? Been working outside in the heat. Nothing like Boo is dealing with but plenty hot for me.

Heat makes me lazy. Just checked to make sure everything has plenty of water. Peppers are wilting from the sun. I plant the peppers between the maters and beans. They both provide shade but the beans are just breaking ground and the maters are only about 18" tall so no shade yet. Clouds are moving in so that helps.

That is ridiculous! Everything costs a fortune now. Going out to dinner costs about 40% more than the last election. Then Walt says the dollar won't be worth anything but toilet paper. I am looking forward to the future.

My Buddy Spetz took 6 peeps out to a pub with 4 beers and it was $300.


Well-known member
Just in case this has not been noted by anyone:

In just TWO DAYS the US dollar is going to take the biggest, hardest hit** in its history.

** The Petrodollar will have ceased to exist this coming Monday morning.

For 50 years, the Saudis have made the entire world use US fiat for their oil. That deal is OVER. [door slams shut]
The Fall of the Roamin’ Empire. Watch the National Debt clock speed up from $100k/second to 100,000k/second. America is fkd.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I just get a dog tongue in my mouth. Wakes me up quicker than anything I can think of short of an unlubed finger in the ass…🥸
Miss Layla wakes me up by rooting her nose under my neck, while wiggling and whimpering, accompanied by the whapping of her wagging tail hitting the wall.

I'm already awake and just lying there, so I hear her coming shaking her head so that her tags jingle and her ears go whap, whap, whap slapping together.

If I try to fluff her off, she gets insistent, resorting to presentation of the paw..........................

Layla 10.jpg
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