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The Oregon Weed Thread -Grows, News and Laws and Whatever


I just recently heard something interesting that i hadn't considered before. One of the larger cartridge companies is selling a line of strain specific distillate with that strains terpenes added back in. I don't do carts much myself but this is what i prefer to stock over flavored carts. I was going to order some of this line when I heard this. I know isolating terpenes can be prohibitive cost wise on a large scale. Apparently, this company is taking a strain, isolating terpenes from it, then synthetically recreating those terps to add back to the carts on a mass scale. I don't know how this is cheaper than actual terps. My guess is since no actual product (except small amount for initial terp isolation) is needed the savings lies there. Craziness.


Active member
The terpene re-intro tech has been out there for a while. GW pharma and others were looking into this technology a while back. Mainly due to the fact that terpenes also affect the high (terpenoids interact with cannibinoids). Organic/plant produced terpenes are all the same molecular structure. As in lemon extracted limonine is the same as Cannabis limonine. As such, I would go with plant extract terpenes over synthetics myself. Though I do not use cartridges and I only smoke or vape buds.

This site has a good explanation


PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I just recently heard something interesting that i hadn't considered before. One of the larger cartridge companies is selling a line of strain specific distillate with that strains terpenes added back in. I don't do carts much myself but this is what i prefer to stock over flavored carts. I was going to order some of this line when I heard this. I know isolating terpenes can be prohibitive cost wise on a large scale. Apparently, this company is taking a strain, isolating terpenes from it, then synthetically recreating those terps to add back to the carts on a mass scale. I don't know how this is cheaper than actual terps. My guess is since no actual product (except small amount for initial terp isolation) is needed the savings lies there. Craziness.

I don't know that there have been any recent changes to the regulations, but it used to be that adding non-cannabis material into any extract for the Oregon recreational market wasn't legal. About a year ago, shortly after extracts became for sale to the rec market, most of the shops would only sell the flavored Truly Pure carts to OMMP carded customers for this reason (OMMP rules didn't excluded the citrus sourced terps back then).


I am really familiar with terpenes being added back to distillate for use in cartridges. Natural fruit terps are what i see mostly. Strain specific terpenes are around in a number of higher priced carts as well. If these guys are synthetically reproducing an exact copy of the actual herb-derived terps, there may be no distinguishable difference and therefore it couldn't be proven. Though, if they've figured out a relatively cheap process, the savings/profit would be crazy.


Oregon Medical Marijuana Legend May Be Forced To Stop Growing, Donating to Patients

Oregon Medical Marijuana Legend May Be Forced To Stop Growing, Donating to Patients

From John Sajo
Director Umpqua Cannabis Association
Founder of Voter Power

I have been an activist for legalizing marijuana since the 1970s and have been growing medical marijuana and providing it free to patients for over twenty years. I have given over a million dollars worth of medicine to hundreds of patients for free over those years. But proving that no good deed goes unpunished, I am now looking at the very real possibility that I may not be able to continue.

I have written extensively on how the over regulation of cannabis by the Oregon Legislature, the Oregon Health Department, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission and local governments has hurt medical marijuana. This trend has continued and accelerated. I have been struggling with when and how to report on the disaster that the Oregon Legislature’s Joint Committee on Regulating Marijuana has become.

They recently passed SB 1057 which will subject medical growers to expensive seed to sale tracking but does not allow them sell into the legal market. SB 2198 provides some partial temporary fixes but it has not passed out of committee yet.

The Legislature, lead by Portland democrats who live in fear of what Trump will do, and who are corrupted by the campaign contributions from the bigger marijuana businesses who want to drive out family farms and mom and pop stores, are continuing to add expensive, unenforceable, unfair regulation upon regulation.

Millions of dollars are being spent tracking marijuana plants but no one is tracking the results of thousands of patients using cannabis to treat cancer.

No one is tracking which businesses are helping patients through charitable contributions.

No one is tracking the ownership of the big marijuana companies buying up little companies.

On top of all this the OMMP recently released a bulletin stating that they would no longer register medical marijuana gardens that do not have a street address and number. Identifiers that they previously accepted like GPS coordinates or legal parcel descriptions will no longer be accepted. This directly contradicts what OMMP recently told me and could mean that lots of rural medical marijuana gardens will not be allowed.

Obtaining a legal address for some rural parcels from a county planning department is virtually impossible. This is an outrageous decision from the health department. Given that these gardens now will be subject to seed to sale tracking and inspection by the OLCC it is hard to imagine a justification for shutting down even more medical marijuana gardens by creating requirements that cannot be met.

I intend to continue fighting but this isn’t getting any easier. Please join me in writing or calling OMMP and object to this new OMMP bulletin.

Contact the Marijuana Regulation Committee and tell them to pass 2198 and stop killing medical marijuana. Please join me in mounting a new statewide initiative to save medical marijuana in Oregon!


Forest Grove Police Log

Forest Grove Police Log

Owner with too many chickens vows to eat a few

May 7

* Officers assisted a man suffering a mental health crisis and having delusional thoughts. The man was convinced he worked at NASA's jet propulsion laboratory. Officers engaged the man in a conversation about the practicality of faster than light travel in space, which established the rapport necessary to convince him to go to the hospital.

* Police responded to a residence where a woman was experiencing a mental health crisis and had barricaded herself in a house. Upon arrival, officers heard crashing sounds and screaming coming from inside. Officers forced entry into the home and detained the woman for her safety. The Washington County Crisis Team also responded. The woman was transported to the hospital.

May 8

* Officers completed the investigation of an unattended death.

* A resident called police about a neighbor's dog that had been barking non-stop for a week. The neighbor acknowledged the issue and was in the process of ordering a bark collar.

May 9

* A patron of a local business became trapped in the bathroom and called for police assistance when the patron could not get out. Employees had the remove the doorknob to release the frustrated customer.

* A man reported that his girlfriend was being held hostage. Officers investigated and determined the girlfriend was simply moving out of a residence and her roommate wanted her to stay and talk but had not committed any crimes.

* Officers checked for a deer reportedly running around a neighborhood but did not find it.

May 10

* A citizen called to complain about the neighbor's loose chickens.

* Police handled a dispute between roommates over money.

* A woman called after her intoxicated husband began throwing things around the house. Officers convinced him to go to bed and sleep it off.

May 11

* A woman allowed a caller remote access to her computer and entry into her bank accounts online to complete money transfers after being told her computer needed repair. She later realized it was a scam and phoned police.

* In another complaint regarding smelly chickens, an officer noted that a resident had more chickens than was allowed by city code. The resident promised to eat a couple to bring the total number of chickens into compliance.

May 12

* Police responded to a report of several juveniles drinking and smoking marijuana with one reportedly armed with a gun. Officers stopped a vehicle leaving the area reportedly associated with the subjects. After a search of the vehicle and occupants, an allegedly stolen handgun was located along with a loaded magazine. Two arrests were made.

* Another scam victim paid $1,000 in iTunes gift cards to a caller claiming to be online tech support.

* A woman called police for advice after a man contacted her on Facebook asking to accept a wire transfer in return for a money order. She was advised it was a scam and to cease all contact with the subject.

May 13

* Officers checked on a noise disturbance and found residents playing "Cards Against Humanity." They agreed to quiet down.

* Police looked for an alleged drunk driver after a vehicle was reportedly all over the road. Officers went to the registered address and found the car crashed into a garage. They contacted the man at the residence who allegedly admitted to driving drunk and was arrested. His blood alcohol level registered double the legal limit.


From John Sajo
Director Umpqua Cannabis Association
Founder of Voter Power

Millions of dollars are being spent tracking marijuana plants but no one is tracking the results of thousands of patients using cannabis to treat cancer.

^ is the most frustrating thing about the program.

all that money and no data to show cannabis has medicinal value

groundhogs day for cancer patients when it comes to advancing the science and possibilities of what this plant can do for someone and their quality of life


Active member

The problem as I see it is that MJ is being treated as a fast profit producing and taxable recreational item in the now legal rec weed states. As a result, MMJ is being put on the back burner and ignored, or being replaced or merged into rec weed state controlling bureaucracies (as is happening in California).

Which is basically a crime against humanity, as Cannabis has over 140 cannabinoids that have direct analogs to compounds in the human endocrine system, upward of 500 terpenes that have psychoactive as well as physiological applications in human medicine, and many cannabinoids and terpenoids have anti-inflammatory, anti carcinoma, anti seizure, anti depression, and anti dementia actions. But we have a DEA that completely denies this and says that Cannabis has zero medical value, Big Pharma that wants no completion from potential Cannabis derived drugs, the church which has been anti-Marijuana for over 500 years, and a large anti-marijuana lobby that is and has been determined to stamp out the evil weed, ala' Emperor Nixon and the producers of Reefer Madness. The very same entities that claim that global warming is a farce and that evolution is a hoax. As a species, these are just more examples of why we are doomed to extinction from our own social stupidity. Once convinced (or "educated"), people can and will believe anything.


Active member
Bloodly cold here today. I am having a hard time keeping my greenhouses up to 65 F. in partly cloudy skies. Add to this the fact that there is a WINTER STORM ADVISORY up today with snow levels dropping to 3k feet in the Cascades! Its snowing in the Sierra, its snowing on the Cascades, and its snowing in the Rockies today. Nucular winter! Yes, brought to you by global warming, which will result in more chaotic weather events, not some evenly distributed overall warming trend.

Maybe this will be the last of this shit weather though. Supposed to be in the 90's on Monday. Then I will not be able to keep my greenhouses cool enough. Its been a rough year to grow outside this year already.


Oregon Economic Forecast Includes Marijuana For The First Time

Oregon Economic Forecast Includes Marijuana For The First Time

Recreational marijuana sales and taxes were included in Oregon’s quarterly Economic and Revenue Forecast for the first time. The report came out Tuesday and projects an upward trend for marijuana revenue.

Even though voters passed the measure legalizing recreational weed in 2014, sales didn’t actually begin until October of the following year. With a limited amount of data, the Office of Economic Analysis drew on numbers from states that legalized recreational cannabis before Oregon did.

State Economist Mark McMullen stressed that the outlook for this new industry is highly uncertain. But he told OPB’s “Think Out Loud ” the overall outlook for Oregon pot sales is positive.

“Right now, we’re looking at Colorado and Washington as guides, which would suggest that we have quite a bit of growth remaining,” he said. “The next couple of years we’ll see our revenues go from the $60 million they are now to something along the lines of $80 or $90 million a year going forward.”

Cannabis revenue doesn’t go toward the general fund and does not affect the state’s budget shortfall or the possibility of a “kicker” tax rebate.


Active member
Well, the day that they actually forecast Oregon weather accurately will be a first. I have never seen longer range forecast models ever hold up here. Never mind the day after tomorrow. This year they have been pathetic at predicting weather a week out.

So we shall see... summers used to more like this when I was a kid growing up here. Rain and overcast. Good thing I have greenhouses and HID lights indoors to fall back on. If things are ~really~ bad I have a place in Southern Oregon to move them to.

Don't get your hopes up for a stellar outdoor year....


The model-makers seem to be settling on a slightly cooler, damper summer than normal followed by a potentially energetic fall...the only question is when the storms start.

All based on data-driven assumptions though...assumptions rarely hold when systems are non-linear and perturbed.


Active member
It is Cold As Fuck up here at 3500 ft. I'm a Light depper and I am holding out hope on June July August. From my experience it will be a hot June July August. Last year we had 2 fluke frosts on June16th and June 19th. It cleaned out several local farms near me. This is the weather I like the best for a good summer grow, heavy wet cold winter, than a light switch and bang! Summer.

Doubt I'll be posting too many pics this year, Best of Luck to all. Keep working hard, the ground is holding a lot of water.



Active member
Just had a Plant Count. 2 toned Blue Heli with a yellow strip. 6 passes or so, came in between 5pm and 6pm.

You can feel your butt hole pucker up when they sit right on top of you.

Good Luck everyone



House approves tighter tracking for medical marijuana

House approves tighter tracking for medical marijuana

The legislation, already passed by the Senate, follows concerns about a federal crackdown.

SALEM — The Oregon House of Representatives Monday passed a bill 51-to-7 that requires medical marijuana to undergo the same tight-looped tracking as the recreational product.

“The core purpose of this bill is to make sure that we eliminate the illegal market by enhancing tracking and other associated things that will prevent diversion from Oregon’s legal marijuana sector to the illegal market,” said Rep. Ann Lininger, D-Lake Oswego, co-chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Marijuana Regulation.

The effort to pass the reforms took on more urgency after the Trump administration indicated it could crack down on marijuana commerce in states where the drug has been legalized, committee members have indicated.

The requirement is the most significant of several tweaks the bill makes to Oregon’s marijuana regulations.

The Senate passed the bill 23-to-6 on May 10.

Under existing law, medical producers, processors, wholesalers and retailers have to self-report to the Oregon Health Authority how much marijuana they have. The bill requires all of that product to be tracked with a bar code or computer chip that follows the plant from a seedling to its final product.

The bill exempts medical marijuana cardholders and home growers from the tracking requirements.

The legislation also requires:

• OHA to create an electronic database to track medical marijuana cardholder activity and to share that information with the Department of Revenue and the Oregon Liquor Control Commission.

• Adding two commissioners to the OLCC from Eastern Oregon and Western Oregon.

• Financial disclosures to the OLCC by people with a financial interest in a marijuana business applying for a license.

• OLCC to pursue disciplinary action against a former licensee even if the license has been revoked or suspended. (OLCC previously did not have that enforcement authority over former licensees.)


Not sure if I'm misreading this but is it saying ommp growers will now have to track through metrc instead of self reporting? Or maybe they have a different tag/chip system in mind. If so, and they're forced to pay for tags etc., that's pretty major.


Not sure if I'm misreading this but is it saying ommp growers will now have to track through metrc instead of self reporting? Or maybe they have a different tag/chip system in mind. If so, and they're forced to pay for tags etc., that's pretty major.
Looks like a "seed to sale" system like rec weed.