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The Oregon Weed Thread -Grows, News and Laws and Whatever

Seeded weed? Are we back in the 70s agian?

But hey, great way to get cheap seeds. If they are any good, that is.

If it was grown on the east side of PDX, it was probably pollinated by a hemp field. There were a lot of hemp farmers in the Boring / Damascus / Canby area and they all had to pull males after planting regular seed. I don't know of a single hemp farmer in that area who was 100% successful in removing all their males from the field, and some were growing untested varieties that proved to be 1:1.

Here's an image I put together to show the potential pollen drift if each of these sites were a grain farm (red circle = 14 mile circumference around each site). More sites this year (still waiting for the updated data from ODA) and even more questionable seed being imported into the state. We are trying to do our part by offering feminized seed for CBD production, but it only takes one shit head to ruin it for everyone.


Big Sur

Ya, I have found some hemp growers that are very anti marijuana. I tried to buy some high quality strains of hemp seeds from a hemp grower for crossing with a high THC strain last year (in my greenhouses, the pollen is not going to go far). However, he found out I was intending to cross "his" hemp with high THC MJ strains and he got all torqued off and read me the riot act about hemp not being marijuana. I said it is all Cannabis... but to no avail. We are all evil dope smokers in his eyes.

Anyway, Durban Poison seeds are what I am interested in, and it is a rather high CBD strain (typically just over 1% CBD). Most South African weed strains are landraces originating from Thai strains. If they turn out to be S1 seeds, then great. If they are some odd hemp cross seeds... well, then it will likely result in some low grade headache shit, with one in a hundred being a good THC/CBD cross that I am actually after. I am also growing Lebanese landraces this year for that same perfected blend and effect. Again in greenhouses, to keep any stray pollen away. I am up in the Cascade foothills though, and likely the Boring hemp drift will not make it up here (though obviously with a good west wind, they could be affected).

Good Oregon map and post there though. I have been trying to warn people about wind pollination from male hemp plants, but people do not seem to get this aspect about growing cannabis at all. Another reason to grow indoors or in a GH in Oregon, on top of the crappy and endless cool and wet weather here.

Big Sur

By the way, to be to scale, your circles would need to be 14 miles in radius, and not in circumference. Which would be a 28 mile diameter. A 14 mile circumference would be 14 = 2 * pi * r, or a radius of only 2.2 miles. Oregon is roughly 400 miles east to west, and 300 miles north to south. But even with that, I think that your circles are a tad too large for the scale of the map of Oregon.

-Sorry, I am an engineer... the map is a great tool and shows the potential for wind pollination from hemp, graphically. Weed pollen is a very fine dust, especially sativa pollen.
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Big Sur

And as an aside, *ANY* male Cannabis pollen can travel these distances, not just hemp. Though indica pollen seems to be more damp and clumpy, and I do not think it would travel as far. But any douchebag growing weed from seed in his 4 allowed Cannabis allotment can wind up with males, or herms that can pollinate and ruin a lot of outdoor sensimilia grows in the local vicinity. Another issue for growing weed here in Oregon that I foresaw when growing weed was first legalized: there will be a lot of unwanted pollen that will be put out there in the air by hemp growers, home growers, and rec/medical marijuana growers.

So maybe Douglas and Marion County, and most of Eastern Oregon are at an advantage and the best places to be to grow your own outdoor home grown weed? Well, in the areas that do not grow acres of hemp anyway. So forget Marion and Deschutes Counties.


Sorry, - I might be half-drunk but you guys are giving me ideas.
I'ma grow 40 acres of hemp
With my luck
It will turn out to be marijuana
Meet you in Idaho

Big Sur

Sorry, - I might be half-drunk but you guys are giving me ideas.
I'ma grow 40 acres of hemp
With my luck
It will turn out to be marijuana
Meet you in Idaho

With that kind of logic, I have to ask you, do you work for the state of Oregon in government? Or even better, are you an elected official of some sort? :moon:

Big Sur

And yes, before you go hemp on me... if you grew only female hemp in a marijuana growing area where they let the males go to pollen, you would get hybrid seeds which would result in much of your next generation Cannabis having higher THC content. Which if you look at this from the Hemp grower's perspective, we are ruining their seed crop. But... if you read old essays about hemp growing in North America, there has ALWAYS been an issue of hemp declining in quality as it naturalizes to local growing conditions, and growers having to be diligent about selecting the best plants for harvesting seeds from. I believe (a pet theory of the mad engineer that I am) that Cannabis also deploys gene switching based on current growing conditions which will affect the character and qualities of the next generation of plants grown from those seeds. That would explain the observations of rapid decline/adaptation to local climate in Cannabis wherever it has been grown in the world, and for whatever purpose (fiber, seed, or bud). That compounds the already wide array of genes in Cannabis, and the results of crossing strains with widely different characteristics. Crossing hemp and marijuana typically results in a huge array of resulting characteristics, and is one reason I have decided to not cross these two types trying to get a high CBD and high THC bud. Why re-invent the wheel when I can just grow Lebanese red landraces that already has those qualities?


But... if you read old essays about hemp growing in North America, there has ALWAYS been an issue of hemp declining in quality as it naturalizes to local growing conditions, and growers having to be diligent about selecting the best plants for harvesting seeds from. I believe (a pet theory of the mad engineer that I am) that Cannabis also deploys gene switching based on current growing conditions which will affect the character and qualities of the next generation of plants grown from those seeds. That would explain the observations of rapid decline/adaptation to local climate in Cannabis wherever it has been grown in the world, and for whatever purpose (fiber, seed, or bud).

Very interesting. So you're saying either Hemp or Marijuana when grown from seed in a stable environment tends to decline with each generation?

Big Sur

Very interesting. So you're saying either Hemp or Marijuana when grown from seed in a stable environment tends to decline with each generation?

Yes, but I would add that it seems to degrade during naturalization when grown in a new environment if left on its own. At least that is what farmers have said about hemp culture in colonial America and the US. I have read 300 year old essays about hemp growers in the South having to be wary and select only the best parents for crossing seed stock, lest hemp harvest quality goes into decline. More modern USDA booklets say the same thing. In the US, Cannabis escaped into the wild more recently during WWII when it was grown in large quantities for the war effort (by law). Since then it has become a native weed species common in the Midwest. The weedy plants are not great for hemp fiber though, and they were never great for getting high.

I have also talked to several growers in and from Mexico that said the same thing about their landrace strains in Southern Mexico. They noted that if left on its own, mota would degrade in potency. So they select the best plants for sourcing seeds. Marijuana is not indigenous to the Americas, and was brought to the New World as hemp by the Spanish in the 16th century to grow for fiber. The indigenous native peoples of Mexico coaxed out psychoactive marijuana from boring hemp stock over about a 300 year period of time. Exactly how that was done remains somewhat of a mystery though, as the Catholic church frowned on the use of psychotropic plants, so marijuana cultivation was kept under wraps in New Spain and later in Mexico. In the 19th century when anthropologists in Central America asked what the plant source of marijuana was, they were amazed to find that it was the tops of hemp plants. They did not realize that it had been carefully cultivated over centuries, and that what they thought was common hemp by then was not common hemp any more. It was marijuana. In Mexico they spell it marihuana, and the name was coined in Mexico at some point, but no one knows where or when that happened either.

So in a nutshell, in the New World at least, one has to be selective of Cannabis parents for seed stock. Clones are not affected in the same way, though clones of plants can and do change over longer periods of time through sports and mutations. One has to wonder if marijuana in places like the Middle East, South Asia and Africa have been naturalized for long enough to remain stable as a wild weed, or if the locals also breed the plants to get better results over time.
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Big Sur

Oh, and the Durban Poison eighth oz was $13 with tax (Wednesday special) and smokes just like old school skinny Thai stick. Similar buzz too. The label says its 19% THC, 0.1% CBD. It also has a warning label about the effects being "immediate". Imagine that! I smoked a bowl to test that, and they were right. Though it took more like 2 minutes. Also the label says that it was harvested in early January of 2017, so it is not outdoor and there is no hemp male pollinator. So it is an indoor cross, either a herm self cross, or another herm father that popped open nearby from another strain. The seeds may be anything. The weed alone is worth the $13 though. Eighth oz's at gram prices? OK. My brother may be right about weed getting so cheap in Oregon it will not be worth growing any more.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Smoke the weed before you grow the seed isn't a bad principle.
I grew out about 40 dispensary bag seeds last summer. The females all would have been good plants for indoor growing, most suffered later in the season outdoor because it was cold and wet, but I did catch one that did great in our climate. No idea what strain sadly, but I made seeds with it for this summer. No odd behavior gender wise from any of them.
If Old World Genetics, Homegrown Natural Wonders or some of the other well known local breeding stables started selling seeded flower I bet they could get a good price, plus save themselves a small fortune in time spent picking seeds from flower.


Oh, and the Durban Poison eighth oz was $13 with tax (Wednesday special) and smokes just like old school skinny Thai stick. Similar buzz too. The label says its 19% THC, 0.1% CBD. It also has a warning label about the effects being "immediate". Imagine that! I smoked a bowl to test that, and they were right. Though it took more like 2 minutes. Also the label says that it was harvested in early January of 2017, so it is not outdoor and there is no hemp male pollinator. So it is an indoor cross, either a herm self cross, or another herm father that popped open nearby from another strain. The seeds may be anything. The weed alone is worth the $13 though. Eighth oz's at gram prices? OK. My brother may be right about weed getting so cheap in Oregon it will not be worth growing any more.

Well it is a 7 week strain so people are growing it for a quick massive harvest. 7 weeks is nothing to wait. Sativas are a huge part of the cannabis business. The craziest thing is I don't even see good Sativas out here. Almost null amounts of CBG/CBGA and CBC in any test. These are key in my opinion for a good complexed Sativa high if you're looking for more then just a normal racy high.

You'll always have cheaper cannabis without question. TJ's Durban is good but nothing like the OTH I grew out. Blows that away without question and flowered under 400 watts. I'm guessing their Durban was indoors under 4k watts or in a Greenhouse. I called around and no ones got anything over 16 weeks flowering... I can only think of one reason why.


Active member
Oh, and the Durban Poison eighth oz was $13 with tax (Wednesday special) and smokes just like old school skinny Thai stick. Similar buzz too. The label says its 19% THC, 0.1% CBD. It also has a warning label about the effects being "immediate". Imagine that! I smoked a bowl to test that, and they were right. Though it took more like 2 minutes. Also the label says that it was harvested in early January of 2017, so it is not outdoor and there is no hemp male pollinator. So it is an indoor cross, either a herm self cross, or another herm father that popped open nearby from another strain. The seeds may be anything. The weed alone is worth the $13 though. Eighth oz's at gram prices? OK. My brother may be right about weed getting so cheap in Oregon it will not be worth growing any more.

I still have a little Durban left over that i was gifted the . hits hard right away but lacks complexity and i dont care for the licorice/slight musky smell and tast like licorice / slight hashy. Looks to be indica style buds on a sativa style structure .


Big Sur

Ya, Durban is straight forward and not complex, but that is typical in landrace strains. I am used to growing and smoking landraces though, and as such I am after simpler and less complex things in weed strains. I actually like the taste of this stuff. Reminds me of 1970s Thai stick weed. I also like the high. The issue for me with all of these Amsterdam/NorCal Nurple-OG-Diesel-Blue-Haze-Candy-Hash crosses is that we are drifting toward one giant mutt of a united Cannabis cross.

I have grown a lot of indoor weed outdoors here and they seem to do just fine. Though I grow in greenhouses, and this year I had to finish some later strains indoors under lights with the early rains in September. I have LOTS of seeds in this eighth of Durban, so I will be growing this out and soon. If its a mutt, so be it. But hey, it beats the crap out of BUYING seeds. I see the demise of the overpriced seed companies coming with weed like this. I also see the demise of local black market weed (which is as intended). Who can grow, test/cure, sell and compete with these prices? I did not see the demise of home grown, simply from the price point, as my brother predicted. $13 a eighth is only $104 an oz. That is as cheap as I have paid for good weed going back over 35 years! And for small quantities?!?!?!

We are entering a new era as legal weed progresses in the western states.
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$100 a oz is a great price, you got that right. $1600 a pound so their probably paying 1k a unit and make 2k with taxes. That Durban definitely doesn't look like a pure landrace Sativa by any means. Top notch landrace Sativas give a ton of complexity. Landrace Purple Haze, OTH and Green Haze all have tons of complexity and are all very unique. That's just too name a few.


I figured it out. When Yuppies die they come back as Red Wigglers. I've never seen anything go after coffee that voraciously save for maybe a Soccer Mom.

Big Sur

$100 a oz is a great price, you got that right. $1600 a pound so their probably paying 1k a unit and make 2k with taxes. That Durban definitely doesn't look like a pure landrace Sativa by any means. Top notch landrace Sativas give a ton of complexity. Landrace Purple Haze, OTH and Green Haze all have tons of complexity and are all very unique. That's just too name a few.

Well, this may be a loss leader to get people into the store. Like me. ;:tiphat:

I dunno about these seeds, but I will be getting a batch of fresh uncrossed Durban landrace seeds from ZA in about a month. Its going to be a good land race grow year for me. 2 types of Lebbies, Durban, and Ganja. :dance013:

Big Sur

I popped out all the seeds from the Durban eighth that I got. Used my seed cleaning/rolling tray for the first time in about 4 years. 40 fat ripe seeds, olive green with black camo stripes. So this was definitely an intentional cross of some type. Now to find out who the father was?

$13 for 40 seeds weighing about a gram + 2.5 grams of smoke. Not a bad deal!