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The Oregon Weed Thread -Grows, News and Laws and Whatever


PDX, that actually makes a lot of sense. Much like compost tea fogged on your leaves seems to keep White Powder Mildew at bay. Bad analogy on my part but kinda the same right? If something beneficial is already thriving then it makes it harder for an invasive organism to take hold in it's place?


Just about 15 years ago some folks in the Willamette Valley started experimenting with seeding an orchard with truffle appropriate fungi. Apparently it has to be done to the trees as seedlings & they said it would be at least 12 years before they knew if it worked, I read about this a long time ago & haven't heard anything since. Hazelnut & Douglas Fir are the species with which the truffles are willing to have a relationship. Delicious fungi last time I ate them, certainly worth looking for.

Yes I read an article about this maybe in mycological text. You put the matured fungus in a barrel of water and create a slurry with the spores suspended in the liquid. You dip your bareroot trees in the slurry before planting. This can Be done in Douglas fir forests at planting with Chanterelles being symbiotic with Doug. Fir.

Hey all Iam in Douglas county Oregon:tiphat:

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I scored a pile of Horse, Cow, Goat manure this week. Been sitting out behind a barn for 3 to 4 years. They just keep adding to it. I know it's loaded with worms as they are right down the road and my place is full of Reds. I just got to go get it now, 'bout 40 yds worth.

I always liked the Cauliflower shroom, beer battered and deep fried. Baked Matsutake (Pines) are top shelf. Never did like the Chanties, they sure smell good though yellow ones anyway. Great money in Shitake growing too, if you got a good source for blocks.

I'm going to start grinding used Shitake blocks up in my mix. Loaded with Mycelium. When I top dress with Pigeon Poo I get shrooms outdoors. 9 out of 10 pots. Had Shaggy Manes growing out of an indoor pot last Fall, couldn't believe it. Supposed to be impossible to cultivate.

At 1200' your likely to see more White Chanties than Yellows I bet. Wicked tip for you all, You will find insane patches of Hedge Hog shrooms at about 3500' in the Rhododendrons. I'm not sure if that's what the shrubs are called. I know you can go through several hundred feet of it and never be able to stand up. Or see 10 feet in front of you. Those always pay good and give heavy buckets in a very short time. Oct-December Shroom. I came face to face with a Black Bear in one of those patches. Clicked her teeth and grunted like a pig. I swear she barked like a dog. She burned through that brush like it wasn't even there. Did 3 tight circle around me at a full run then split. So did I.

Shaggy manes at pretty easy to cultivate, maybe you're confusing them with morels? Morels are impossible to cultivate according to a lot of sources, but it has been done. The method was discovered in the late 70s in a bay area academic lab and some of the method was published. Its challenging and involves some sort of intermediate subterranean growth stage which is difficult to manage. The person who discovered the technique was murdered in the 1980s and I'm not sure if that happened before or after the Domino's Pizza guy bought all the patents. Apparently he though he was going to sell a lot of morel pizzas. Not much has been seen of cultivated morels since then I don't think. I read up on the topic a long time ago so maybe things have changed since, I'm just pointing all this out because its a facet of mycological history riddled with intrigue, greed and complex indoor cultivation technology so it seems like the right crowd for it here.
Its not impossible to grow morels spuriously though, landscape morels aren't too uncommon in the right type of landscaping when its relatively fresh and you certainly seem to know what you're talking about mushroom-wise. Do you remember what kind of dirt was it in those pots?

I have a patch of mixed forest that I go to for hedgehogs - mostly midsized doug firs and red-cedars with a lot of rhododendron and huckleberries in the understory - about 2500'-3000' on the west side of Mt Hood. Thats the only place where I've seen a bear in the Oregon Cascades. Makes me wonder if they eat hedgehog mushrooms.


Tho it is Possible I Was Present

I have No Knowledge

Of the Previously Mentioned

And Other,

Some Such.

Big Sur

Hey all I am in Douglas county Oregon:tiphat:

The double dry county? I moved here to the Clack. Co. Cascades from there about 10 years ago. I was between Elkton and Drain off of Hwy 38 in a ghost town called Skelly. Shrooms galore down there. And trees. Fantastic place to grow weed. It rained an average of 100 inches a year there. Here I get 'only' 80 inches a year of moisture. Raining right now too. Glug glug glug... the rivers are running high.

Big Sur


Dayem. I was in there about 3 week sago looking at glass stuff. I was not aware of the Herer connection... Portland is in transition being run over by people and money. Hawthorne is changing. It is getting impossible to drive across town any more. PDX is now the 10th worst city for traffic in the US, and #40 worst in the world now.

Big Sur

You are right. I checked out Deanz on Sandy and they have seeded Super Silver Haze, Durban Poison, and Tahoe OG Kush for $13-15 an eighth. That is cheap as chips. I presume that they are S1 seeds... and hopefully not grown near a hemp farm?

We are back in the 70s again man! Where is my tie dyed t-shirt? I still have my vinyl record collection. No turntable though.

I am a gonna go get me some of those Durban Poison seeds. That looks like an uplifting tasty landrace day weed strain. Weed is getting cheap again. $100 an oz... for seeded sense. I never thought I would see this again. My brother is right. weed is going to be so cheap it will not be worth growing. Well, indoors anyway. I will always have my hemp garden here.
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Active member
Apparently government tax receipts from recreational sales started to decline last November for the first time. January's were down to about 2/3 of the October 2016 peak.


I saw a dispensary selling seeded bud too. Deanz has seeds for $13/eighth

Not surprized a bit . i am happy i stayed out of the rec market/hopla . i dont like walking that fine of a line and i am sure many others dont aswell hence the seeds .

Kinda missing the old days sitting at the river and makeing just enough to pay for my own smoke .


Oregon Senate Votes to Alter Marijuana Penalties

Oregon Senate Votes to Alter Marijuana Penalties

Senate Bill 302 was given approval today by Oregon’s full Senate with a 21 to 8 vote, sending it to the House of Representatives for consideration. The measure would make multiple changes to the state’s cannabis laws, including reducing the penalty for possessing over the legal amount of one ounce but less than four ounces, and increasing the penalty for possessing over a pound.

The measure also “repeals additional penalties for the possession, manufacture, or sale of marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school”, and “moves criminal penalties and related provisions from the CSA [Controlled Substances Act] to the Control and Regulation of Marijuana Act.

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