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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Active member
:tiphat:Broskies you make me laugh, thanks for the entertaiment.
How many peeps invented the HEMPY bucket new?
With this or that addition?
KIS smiling stoner.
Post Number ONE!

Using HB Outdoor since many years.
Indoor b4.
Dont overcomplicate brothers.

Respect and good Vibes to Hempy wherever he is.


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]dansbuds


[/FONT] Yes i know it did not happen if there is no pic
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Active member
:tiphat:Broskies you make me laugh, thanks for the entertaiment.
How many peeps invented the HEMPY bucket new?
With this or that addition?
KIS smiling stoner.
Post Number ONE!

Using HB Outdoor since many years.
Indoor b4.
Dont overcomplicate brothers.

Respect and good Vibes to Hempy wherever he is.


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]dansbuds


[/FONT] Yes i know it did not happen if there is no pic
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Adapting is human I guess. The most basic way of doing passive hydro I have stumbled across is straight up bottom feeding on trays and 100% perlite. You only have to water those suckers once a week.

What I learned from hempy's was where the max waterlevel should be.


Active member
Yeah I think it was you in the other thread who used such a system. It just looks so obvious and (as I look at it) has many benefits when the reservoir is outside. Eg. you can see how much they drink, you can use normal pots, you can use AIR PRUNING POTS (total awesomeness) and you don't even need to bother drilling holes.

As I understand it, the goal *should* actually be that the plants should use the water as fast as possible, basically just so you don't need to water many times every day. This would also mean the solution can never go stale..then I understand why an airstone wouldn't even be needed.

I will see in Summer when it gets VERY hot here, then I'll experiment with perlite/vermiculite to find the best balance/ratio. Right now I am using the standard 3:1, seems to hold water a long time but then it's still chilly.


By the way, question about using root stims etc. in your Hydro solution. Someone said never to use anything organic in Hydro, which makes sense. After I transplanted, I am using a root stim for the first week or so watering, my plants are still very tiny. Did I mess the grow up by putting a root stim in or won't it matter? Like when I later switch to just giving normal GH nutes, would it flush out/replace whatever organics is still in there when I water with, say, 30% runoff?

Never measured anything. At the end I just used Hesi bloom from seed to harvest.

My old grow was cold as fuck so I really can't say how it responds to heat.

To nail it I would take a look at mr Kratkys work and look closer at basic bottom feeding.


Active member
straight up bottom feeding on trays and 100% perlite.
What I learned from hempy's was where the max waterlevel should be.

Bottom feeding is a good thing.
Medium depends on enviroment.
Imagine 100% perlite OD:laughing:
Water retention has to be adapted to temps and humidity.

Was growing pure perlite with good results in another location.
Where i am now its not possible, needed to learn it the hard way.



Bottom feeding seems good once the roots reached down into the reservoir...but what about the time where they didn't reach down yet? For me it makes sense to top feed, at least in that time. Solution should go where the roots are. So, possibly normal drip/top feeding in the beginning, and THEN later switch to bottom feeding. That might work.


Active member
until the roots.......
any lang prob?
water from downunder so roots search their way with young roots down

Let the rooots go down!


Active member
until the roots.......
any lang prob?
water from downunder so roots search their way with young roots down

Let the rooots go down!

After a couple hundred plants I can assure you that the roots are just fine after a day (or two-three) submerged.


I came across a custom feeding schedule for Drain-To-Waste on

They recommend this schedule, compared to the original GHE feeding schedule which has all those added nutrients.

The custom schedule was in tsp/gal which might work for you guys, but I converted the table to metric (eg. ml per 10L) and used more clear coloring.

What I want to know is whether this custom feeding schedule is a good one? The reason I am asking is that they have two custom schedules, one for Drain-To-Waste (Perlite, Coco etc.) and one for Recirc systems.

I am not 100% sure how to categorize Hempies, I'd say Drain-To-Waste even with the small reservoir, am I right?

Here is the metric schedule:


Please give me your input whether this works for Hempies :)



Furthermore is interesting whether applies what they say "plain water for every other watering" since I never heard that, at least for Hempies.


Active member
my guess is that though it mentions coco in the notes.. the schedule overall applies to all "soil-less mixes." Even still I think a lot of soilless (i.e. promix) folks feed every time.. but I'm sure they'd rather you play it safe...

It's from growweedeasy... catering to basics I think.

All the basic resources say "plain water every other.." or "flush once a week."

Experience within this thread and the boards in general shows we need not do that.

I'm sure someone will chime in with experience with GH.

Just go with a proven schedule to start and get try to figure out how your plants are reacting.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Nice, justanotherbozo. I stick to white cans as I'm cheap and can buy them for under two bucks. I also use gravel on the bottom-works great and keeps them from tipping when the plants get top heavy.
Before the last run I spray painted the pots black to help control algae. Although the algae never seemed to effect the plants I didn't like seeing it. The trays I use are 10 lb. fish fillet tubs I get for free from a buddy who is a chef. The foil bubble wrap (also free) I have on the walls and floor is used to wrap whole tuna in when they are caught, packed on ice and brought to market.

Tester run of Bugman's GG#4 crosses 18 days after being transplanted.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Not to beat the dead horse.. :deadhorse... I use Floranova grow then bloom along with Floraliscious+ later in the grow. Never saw the need for plain water during the growth/flowering phase but then again I've never used full strength according to the recommended dosage. Half-3/4 strength is enough for daily feeding. What seems important,from my experience,is making sure you get ample run-off each time you feed. A couple of cups each time,at least. That way you are "flushing" the old nute solution out for fresh every day.

my guess is that though it mentions coco in the notes.. the schedule overall applies to all "soil-less mixes." Even still I think a lot of soilless (i.e. promix) folks feed every time.. but I'm sure they'd rather you play it safe...

It's from growweedeasy... catering to basics I think.

All the basic resources say "plain water every other.." or "flush once a week."

Experience within this thread and the boards in general shows we need not do that.

I'm sure someone will chime in with experience with GH.

Just go with a proven schedule to start and get try to figure out how your plants are reacting.


Active member
Do you have another youtube video this one at the bottom of the page does not work. Very good tutorial i am going to try it.


Active member
I'll second the bucket head. Would be even easier if I had at least a tray.. I just runoff onto my pond liner-covered floor. Not easy to vac up... I get most of it every few days.. I kinda let it rock since it keeps my humidity a few points higher and it's not actually touching my medium.. but it gets scuzzy, so after the vacuum I give it a quick wipe with bleach.

Get a tray though.

Or use seedling trays (10x20) pieced together in your desired pattern.. i did that my last run, but a few cracked from me stepping in them btw grows.

cpt. ahab.. that's how see it and do it too... Just trying to reason with why a lot of basic resources say flush every ____..

flush the last 14 days or if you fucked up a feeding (got too high and forgot to pH or measure EC kinda thing)


Active member
saw these in HD today. figured I just needed to drill a hole.

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Those pots are cool.. I have a few.. but they have holes in the bottom.. and they are expensive..

Got a florist near you? Hit them up for some of the flower buckets.. variety of sizes btw. 1.5 and 3.5 gallons.

Or try to find cheaper buckets.
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