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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Active member
I too would like to know the final dry weight from that bucket. Hope you did well!

Unfortunately, I don't know the weight. Since I don't sell it, I don't concern myself too much with the weight, although it's nice to get large plants. Quality of the smoke is my priority, but that plant had a bunch of fat colas. It bushed out so much, it would not fit out the door without tying it up. Also, I slacked off a bit and didn't give them water/nute solution every day as I should have. I was hitting the 5 gallon buckets about every third day. I also had some two gallon buckets, but don't have pix. A couple of colas broke off the pictured plant as the branches couldn't support them. After that, everything had to be tied up.


Unfortunately, I don't know the weight. Since I don't sell it, I don't concern myself too much with the weight, although it's nice to get large plants. Quality of the smoke is my priority, but that plant had a bunch of fat colas. It bushed out so much, it would not fit out the door without tying it up. Also, I slacked off a bit and didn't give them water/nute solution every day as I should have. I was hitting the 5 gallon buckets about every third day. I also had some two gallon buckets, but don't have pix. A couple of colas broke off the pictured plant as the branches couldn't support them. After that, everything had to be tied up.

Looks like a pretty good yielder to me. About 3 zips or more I'd say. I would suggest tomato cages in the future.
Unfortunately, I don't know the weight. Since I don't sell it, I don't concern myself too much with the weight, although it's nice to get large plants. Quality of the smoke is my priority, but that plant had a bunch of fat colas. It bushed out so much, it would not fit out the door without tying it up. Also, I slacked off a bit and didn't give them water/nute solution every day as I should have. I was hitting the 5 gallon buckets about every third day. I also had some two gallon buckets, but don't have pix. A couple of colas broke off the pictured plant as the branches couldn't support them. After that, everything had to be tied up.

Nice work Retro. About 3.5 - 4 zips I'd guess.

Tomato cage would have solved the "big cola snapping" issue. Personally I simply use a bamboo stick or two and tie up the fat colas lol. Or rows of strings along the tent, just to rest the colas on (that's what I do when flowering a few big plants in a tent). Cutting off a few light blocking fan leaves during veg and flower would've increased your yield too, if done correctly IMHO.

What veg/flowering lights did you use? Once again, nice Hempy bucket grow mate ;)


my problem is my veg space is not all good enuff for vegging monsters.
my plan is to build a hempy style sog bed kinda like jrosek did but with drains i can turn on and off ill run 9 plants in 9 quadrants a week apart from the next


half cat half man half baked
Nice work catman!!!
How long did she veg for and under how much light?

Jesus catman! Can't wait to watch my buckets go into bud. Yeah how long did you veg?


That's the PD X C99?

Thanks guys.

My vegging conditions varied way for me to have anything useful to say. That one was Merlin's Magic, but this is a PD x C99 and a clone of it at 4 weeks since a flip from 12/12 to 24/0.



And what is underneath every 5 gal bucket..


No side holes here.


Active member
Nice work Retro. About 3.5 - 4 zips I'd guess.

Tomato cage would have solved the "big cola snapping" issue. Personally I simply use a bamboo stick or two and tie up the fat colas lol. Or rows of strings along the tent, just to rest the colas on (that's what I do when flowering a few big plants in a tent). Cutting off a few light blocking fan leaves during veg and flower would've increased your yield too, if done correctly IMHO.

What veg/flowering lights did you use? Once again, nice Hempy bucket grow mate ;)

This response is to Lowman also.
Tomato cages would have been appropriate here. It was topped numerous times, and when you do that, the branches get thinner and thinner, and the colas fall over easily. The main cola broke off early on, and after that I had them all tied up. I don't like to do tall plants since I am not vert. I like to keep them under 4 ft., so the whole plant gets plenty of light and no popcorn buds. I would guess the yield was between 4-5 Zs, but as I said, I lost the main cola early on.
Light was 1000 watt HPS, and nutes were Floranova Bloom & Floralicious+, which is a great product and makes an excellent foliar spray to correct deficiencies, if you have any.
I used two 5 gallon buckets for each plant, one to catch and test the runoff.


Active member


I'm curious what some of your experiences have been with flushing your plants toward the end of flowering. I have been using Maxibloom @ 1 tsp per gallon with every watering. I've got plants at almost 7 weeks, a few have had hairs turning orange for a few days and it's had me thinking about when or if to "flush".

I'm thinking about backing off on the nutrient strength when I water the plants that appear to be nearing ripeness. I water every other day so I was thinking 2 waterings @ 3/4 strength, 2 waterings at 1/2 strength, 2 waterings at 1/4 strength, and finish with 2 or more plain water... waterings. That would put the harvest at about 9 weeks from flipping the lights. Its simple and would be easy to do but is it unnecessary or detrimental in some way? I've heard the argument for feeding them until chop but I always flushed in soil :dunno: any insight from the experienced Hempy growers here?

Here's a Sweet Deep Grapefruit bud @ 46 days


Thanks in advance for the help, take care



in the thick of it
@gill: I'd keep feeding that pretty lady...for at least another week if not two. Then flush for two weeks. But to answer your question....I don't weaken the nutes prior to flushing, while using the 1 part Maxibloom. When I used the GH 3 part, I would weaken as we neared the end but with MB I don't. I just cut it out & keep the same watering schedule. Never had any issue & the ashes are nice & white.
I've thought about whether or not flushing with a molasses tea would be helpful for taste, but don't know how that would work in a hempy bucket.


Active member
@gill: I'd keep feeding that pretty lady...for at least another week if not two. Then flush for two weeks. But to answer your question....I don't weaken the nutes prior to flushing, while using the 1 part Maxibloom. When I used the GH 3 part, I would weaken as we neared the end but with MB I don't. I just cut it out & keep the same watering schedule. Never had any issue & the ashes are nice & white.
I've thought about whether or not flushing with a molasses tea would be helpful for taste, but don't know how that would work in a hempy bucket.

I'm flushing with molasses as we speak dub so i'll let you know if it impacts the flavor as I hope.

Peace, SOG


Active member
Depending on the strain....

Switch to plain R/O water the last week to two weeks.

Some strains will eat all their fan leaves in just a week, most others take around 2 weeks.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


in the thick of it
What's up people! Hope everyone is doing well.
May the new year bring your hempy buckets full of sweet buds!


Active member
heres pics of my hempy beercups.


group shot.


#1 the one i topped.


#2 the biggest one looks to be the keeperest. pressed against the ceiling, thats why that leaf looks like that.
the red cup isn't a hempy so it doesn't count.
Hi everyone,
Welcome to the official hempy bucket thread, several years ago now I was among the first if not the first growers to give hempys method a try and had excellent success right away. From that point on, the method has literally spread all over the world and is being used in even the most remote of locations. What we have is a very basic method of cultivation, that with the appropriate environment conditions allow the plants to flourish in a very simple method that even the most inexperienced growers can find success in.

Having used it for several years now, my advice for anyone is to follow hempys basic instructions and too develop a comfort level with the system before experimenting with different mediums like turface, coco etc. One of the great things about hempys method is its flexibility in the mediums the grower can use. There are many reports of satisfied growers who used coco in stead of the traditional perlite and vermiculite reciple. Also great success has been found with just straight perlite. So the ability of hempys method to flourish under numerous different mediums and its practicality and ease of use make it an alluring method of cultivation for the novice to expert grower.

The original method, as by hempy himself. (Dalaihempy here at Icmag)

And for those who like a little visual stimulation, a video I put together detailing the above method.


Good luck out there people, if you have any questions feel free to shoot me a pm and I will do my best to help you out. I hope this thread helps some of you out there finally get the crop you always wanted. I promise you it can be done.

Peace compadres.
The video does not work , its private ?


in the thick of it
What's up fellows? I've got a question and would like some guidance on how to approach it. Here's the deal. 2 plants in one container (15gal hempy style tub) w/ 90/10 perlite-hydroton, vegged under 500w T5 & bloomed vertically w/ 1k HPS. Fed maxibloom throughout. The plant was vegged for 8 weeks and LST'd heavily to accommodate a vertical screen. She grew very well and never had a lack of anything. Temps were well within range throughout.
After she finished and was harvested, we yielded 5oz. Way less than I was anticipating. Also to be noted was when the roots were removed from the medium, they only occupied about 60% of the container. The roots were healthy and white. If I had vegged for maybe 12 weeks, what do you think the root mass would've been then? Is it safe to assume that with more roots, we'll have a bigger output?
Thanks in advance!


Active member
i had something similar with one of my hempy's on a much smaller scale, i was using a 2qt container. but the roots got to a certain point and balled up and never went below a certain point. someone said something about a water table or some jazz like that, but based on what i remember him saying and what i could deduce from my own investigation. looks like the bottom part was staying too wet and at a point in the perlite slightly above where the drainage hole was the roots got bound never went any further since there was always water right at that level and at the bottom the perlite is much more compact and harder to root through. i learned 100% perlite isnt a good move for hempy and its like roots trying to grow through rocks and gravel. i've since decided i will use perlite only in the res as the roots do eventually get down to the bottom of the pot but not many and they always travel around the outside and down. wait i think i have a picture.

i have a better picture but im in a hurry. maybe this is what happened to you? if so try mixing something else into the perlite if you want to keep using mostly perlite, maybe try those foam peanuts, actually i think that would work really good in my head. the ones that look like figure 8's not the puffed S. but anyway just something to make space for the roots to get through the perlite. hydroton is prolly too hard.


a question about feeding a hempy bucket? are you suspose to feed everytime? or feed water feed? ive been wondering for some time..
