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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Active member
hey say feed everytime, but i just watch my plants anyway, if they say feed me i feed, if they say too much i just give plain water.


I have a 2.5 gal sour D in a Hempy peralite/vermiculite.. Have been feeding everytime in veg.. Just flipped it 4 days ago and stated feeding it everyother time I think she needs feed every time..! these pics were rite before the flip she has lightened up a bit since!


Active member
High man, I use Maxibloom and while I prefer coco to the perlite/vermiculite blend, either way I would be feeding every watering.

Peace, SOG

btw, if you actually take the time to read this thread you'll see that feeding every watering is recommended like a zillion phucking times.


thanks for this post ! i am going to make a Hempy Bucket today and see how this goes! ill keep it updated for you !
High man, I use Maxibloom and while I prefer coco to the perlite/vermiculite blend, either way I would be feeding every watering.

Peace, SOG

btw, if you actually take the time to read this thread you'll see that feeding every watering is recommended like a zillion phucking times.
Like SOG said, it has been said in this thread literally, prolly 100 times, at least. Feed every day. As far as my knowledge goes, a lot of people do a flush once or twice on the way through, but feed again the next day. Your medium doesnt have any food in it, Perlite and Vermiculite are both inert media, meaning youve gotta give your ladies everything they need
Hi everybody hope all is well and I hope you all had a nice xmas and new year.

Hempy waters his established Hempy buckets once every two or three days, following the instructions on the bottle. He has also pm'd my mate that you must learn from your plants. This indicates to me that if your particular strain are showing signs of over feed, feed lees and vise versa.

When the Hempy buckets are not established (ie. roots not hit the rez yet) then water everyday, just a little around the stem, as directed by the instructions on the bottle.

My mate feels very honoured that he has regular contact with Hempy to guide him through Hempy bucket growing experiences and I feel extremely honoured to get these Hempy bucket grow tips from my mate.

Some very nice pics of decent Hempy bucket grows lately. Well done y'all ;)
Oh and by the way, seeing as I've got my mate's permission, I just thought I'd throw up some of his latest work...

Week 1 flower


Week 2 veg

My mate says sorry about the shit cam, but you know what it's like when taking pics under an hps bulb.

Til next time folks. Happy Hempying everyone.
Like SOG said, it has been said in this thread literally, prolly 100 times, at least. Feed every day. As far as my knowledge goes, a lot of people do a flush once or twice on the way through, but feed again the next day. Your medium doesnt have any food in it, Perlite and Vermiculite are both inert media, meaning youve gotta give your ladies everything they need

Hi ELP. I wouldn';t recommend feeding EVERY day, you could run into problems if over watering.

As a rough guide, feed every 2 days, but experience will tell you to learn from the plants (strain dependent).
I don't think E.L. Patient was referring to actually watering the plants every day, but rather feeding(nutrients) at full strength, everytime you water. This is also the method I use, feeding full strength Spurrs formula everytime I feed the plants. I do however, give the plants a heavy plain water watering every two weeks during flowering and then allow them to dry out completely over the next few days, other than that its always full nutrients(until I start flushing of course).

How often you water your Hempy buckets all depends on 4 different factors in my opinion/experience(I have used/dialed in many different size hempy buckets in my setups). The size of the container you are using, how high up you make your drainage hole, how big/developed the plant is and of course the environment. With my setup, 16oz solo cups and a ~1.25" reservoir I have to water every 2-3 days during flowering and every 3-5 days for my veg plants. Again, like I said this will be different for every single grower depending on those factors above.

There's no way to make a rule that says "water every day" or "water every 2-3 days" or whatever. The best way to figure out how often to water in my opinion is the same way as soil, lift up the pots and see how heavy they are. Pick up a cup when its dry and note the weight, then water it and once it has drained pick it up again. Note the difference in the weight and then just water the plant when the container returns to the original 'dry' weight.

Also, I wouldn't worry too much about over watering your hempy buckets. From my experience its almost impossible to do given the nature of the method itself(with the correct sized reservoir/etc). If you water too much/often, it simply drains off. This is, however, wasteful and I don't like having a lot of runoff/wasted nutrients since thats messy and costly in the long run. So overall its in your best interest to find out the correct amount of water to feed your plants and at the correct intervals.


Active member
Like SOG said, it has been said in this thread literally, prolly 100 times, at least. Feed every day. As far as my knowledge goes, a lot of people do a flush once or twice on the way through, but feed again the next day. Your medium doesnt have any food in it, Perlite and Vermiculite are both inert media, meaning youve gotta give your ladies everything they need
Thanks man and sorry to hear about your security breach, you're doing the right thing laying low for a bit and now you'll have the time to do it the way you want it and you now know enough to know what you want, lol, ...always look for the bright side of life.

...anyway, I agree with 100% Dundee, ...i feed every watering but I don't water every day, every other, sometimes every third day.

...again like Dundee said, there are several variables that determine how often I water.

Peace, SOG

btw, I mix my Maxibloom a little weak, 5 grams per gallon rather than 7, because I see a lot of clawing in my leaves otherwise which I believe is a sign of nitrogen toxicity.
hey everybody, i personally did water and feed everyday, but i also grew in beer cups, with my drainage hole only about an inch or so up the cup, so my plants pretty much NEEDED water everyday. And yea, SOG, it was pretty unfortunate, but i'm extremely excited for the next go around!


Invertebrata Inebriata
imho- A good starting point for Hempys 2 liters or larger, is- feed AND water (all at once) every other day.
A good starting point for hempy's is whatever sized container your grow can fit imo. All of the containers I have used so far were smaller than 2 liters, some as small as 3oz(apple sauce container) before with perfect results. The size doesn't matter as far as the method "working", only in so far as yields/plant sized are concerned.

And again, water when your plants need to be watered. Using my method above gives you a fool-proof way of knowing when they need to be watered, rather than just guessing. As E.L.Patient mentioned above, he HAD to water his plants everyday in beer cups in his environment. I use the same sized containers, under different lights and a different environment and I have to water every 2-5 days depending on stage of growth. Perfect example of what I am trying to get across.

Edit: VVV I read it right the first time. What I was illustrating is that you cannot tell how often to water based purely on container size and even then I don't really have a problem with what you suggested because you said it was merely a 'stating point'. Read my post again, I didn't say you suggested a container size bud.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Read my post again, Dundee. I wasn't suggesting a container size, just a feeding/watering sched.


What's up fellows? I've got a question and would like some guidance on how to approach it. Here's the deal. 2 plants in one container (15gal hempy style tub) w/ 90/10 perlite-hydroton, vegged under 500w T5 & bloomed vertically w/ 1k HPS. Fed maxibloom throughout. The plant was vegged for 8 weeks and LST'd heavily to accommodate a vertical screen. She grew very well and never had a lack of anything. Temps were well within range throughout.
After she finished and was harvested, we yielded 5oz. Way less than I was anticipating. Also to be noted was when the roots were removed from the medium, they only occupied about 60% of the container. The roots were healthy and white. If I had vegged for maybe 12 weeks, what do you think the root mass would've been then? Is it safe to assume that with more roots, we'll have a bigger output?
Thanks in advance!

Yes...a longer veg would of made a big difference. I can yeild 5oz in a 2G Hempy pot if vegged long enough. Roots are where it's at. A 15G tub is huge for a hempy system. Overkill as far as I'm concerned. The rez is what the plant feeds from...and the media is just to anchor the plant. Thats why hempy uses 2G pots for 8ft plants. I use 3G for the most part...only cause I'm a little lazy and I like a little extra time between waterings. A 3 or 4G pot allows for a longer wait between waterings, cause I drill the hole 3" up not 2".
Yes...a longer veg would of made a big difference. I can yeild 5oz in a 2G Hempy pot if vegged long enough. Roots are where it's at. A 15G tub is huge for a hempy system. Overkill as far as I'm concerned. The rez is what the plant feeds from...and the media is just to anchor the plant. Thats why hempy uses 2G pots for 8ft plants. I use 3G for the most part...only cause I'm a little lazy and I like a little extra time between waterings. A or 4G pot allows for a bigger cause I drill the hole 3" up not 3".

I think Lowman hit the nail right on the head there. Bigger containers would need longer veg time for the roots to fill out.

Currently, my mate's hempy buckets are in 1 gal buckets. I asked to him,

"why use 1gal instead of 2gal?" He replied,

"I found a load of 1gal buckets in a skip and Hempy recommends a minimum of 1gal buckets. Also saves a bit on medium and each pot uses less water and I still think I'm gonna get over a gram per watt on this run. I also got some mini hempies going just to fill out some space. The mini hempies are in them tiny 12 oz cups".

@Dubwise: Just can't help wondering why place 2 plants in a massive 15gal tub when you could've placed 3 plants in their own individual 2gal buckets saving on medium? Watering a 15gal tub till run off every couple of days must have been quite a bit of a chore lol. Were they outdoors?


Active member
hey everybody, i personally did water and feed everyday, but i also grew in beer cups, with my drainage hole only about an inch or so up the cup, so my plants pretty much NEEDED water everyday. And yea, SOG, it was pretty unfortunate, but i'm extremely excited for the next go around!
i'm glad you came away safe man and you DID succeed, ...you're smoking the fruits of your labor even now and you've learned enough to never need to buy weed again!

Peace, SOG
i'm glad you came away safe man and you DID succeed, ...you're smoking the fruits of your labor even now and you've learned enough to never need to buy weed again!

Peace, SOG
Hell yea! thanks a lot man, you were definitely a huge factor in my success!! Cant wait to smoke this last batch, its sittin in the jar right now, reeks like a skunky lemon


in the thick of it
Hey guys thanks for the replies. Usually we run 3g-5g containers but wanted to drop the plant numbers and increase the used floor space. Rectangular containers fit better than round ones do. I'm not too worried about using too much medium if the payout is there. So if we have to veg for a longer time than what we usually do and we end up with a much heavier yield, than to me, it's worth it. Mostly, I am concerned with plant numbers....but if we get popped, I really doubt it would matter if we were running 10 plants or 20. I really would like to get smaller numbers with much larger plants. Also, the use of the rectangular container works (IMO)better for blooming vertically. We've been able to build vertical scrogs and I don't really know how I could do that with a round container. Again, many thanks to all of you who are willing to help a fellow gardener out.