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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Active member
Yeah, I was going to use the directions in the beginning of the thread, & use perlite, & vermiculite. Should I try to knock some of the dirt off, or just leave it?
Yeah, I was going to use the directions in the beginning of the thread, & use perlite, & vermiculite. Should I try to knock some of the dirt off, or just leave it?
ive read about people saying that you can manage to shake loose most of the dirt before you put it in and you should be fine


in the thick of it
I'd shake off as much dirt as you can, then rinse all of the remaining dirt off. Seems like you could be needlessly introducing or starting off with a potential problem down the road.


Active member
Yeah, I was going to use the directions in the beginning of the thread, & use perlite, & vermiculite. Should I try to knock some of the dirt off, or just leave it?
High man, below is a link to Hempy's upgraded thread where he uses coco rather than the perlite mix.

hempys coco thread

Anyway, I have a friend who grows in organic soil and he brought me a couple of clones he didn't have room for that were potted up into 9oz cups of dirt and, being lazy by nature, I didn't bother rinseing off the dirt but instead I just up-potted them into 2liter coco hempys and flipped them.

...as it happens I already had 3 other clones of the same AK47 at the same stage but cloned in straight coco. ...in any event, it's been 4 weeks now and while all 5 are nearly the same height, the 2 originally in dirt are scrawnier and noticably less dense.

...so I guess the moral of the story is you should follow dubwise and E.L.P's advise and rinse the dirt off.

...and read that coco thread, you won't be sorry.

btw, here is a picture of 2 i'm potting up, note that one has perlite only in the res and one has some hydroton, i'm still dialing in so i'm trying different things.


...heres the same 2, on the left, with a clone sister on the right thats maybe a week further along.


...they're only about 5 weeks along so still small but you can see they do love the coco.


Peace, SOG
Can I use a clone that has been in a solo beer cup with dirt, in the Hempy Bucket? There will be a rootball with some dirt. Thanks!

Yeah, I was going to use the directions in the beginning of the thread, & use perlite, & vermiculite. Should I try to knock some of the dirt off, or just leave it?

I'd shake off as much dirt as you can, then rinse all of the remaining dirt off. Seems like you could be needlessly introducing or starting off with a potential problem down the road.

Hi Bobbo. Yeah, stick the clone in a Hempy bucket. Just shake off some of the dirt off the rootball. Also, veg her in the bucket for a couple of weeks to ensure that the roots are in the rez BEFORE you start to flower it.

The roots doesn't have to be rinsed. Rinsing can risk damaging the roots and shocking them if the water's not at the right temperature.
IME I've used clones rooted in dirt then xplanted to Hempy buckets. They turned out great. Just remember to veg them proper before 12/12. What size buckets you planning on using?


Active member
I believe its an 11lt bucket. Yeah, I plan on vegging her for @ least a couple of weeks. I have another couple questions, what about using Azatrol, or Organocide? Do I just mix it in with the nutes every so often? When I go to initially make the Hempy Bucket, it says to wet the vermiculite & perlite to avoid dust kick ups. What if I don't use all of the bag?-can I reuse it? My bucket is blue, do I need to wrap it in duct tape so algae will not grow in there? Thanks again guys! I'm excited to try this method!


in the thick of it
Yes you can reuse it....both the remainder of the bag and your used perlite/vermiculite from a previous grow. Just be sure to clean it before reuse.
I believe its an 11lt bucket. Yeah, I plan on vegging her for @ least a couple of weeks. I have another couple questions, what about using Azatrol, or Organocide? Do I just mix it in with the nutes every so often? When I go to initially make the Hempy Bucket, it says to wet the vermiculite & perlite to avoid dust kick ups. What if I don't use all of the bag?-can I reuse it? My bucket is blue, do I need to wrap it in duct tape so algae will not grow in there? Thanks again guys! I'm excited to try this method!

What lights you gonna use for veg and/or flower?

I've never used Azatrol or Organocide. I just use hydro nutes and follow the instructions on the bottle.

Stop wasting time and plant the thing already lol. The sooner you plant her, the sooner you'll be harvesting her.

No need to wrap up the bucket. Blue's fine. Any colour's fine as long as it's not transparent.

Drill hole 2" from the base. A pencil sized drill hole is best. 11L = a good sized bucket ;)


I was wondering what all you hempy heads whould do in a 4 x 4 tent with 1000w lamp.
im looking for input on pot size, plant numbers, veg hights/time, how often to water and anything else you would think would be important.


Active member
I was wondering what all you hempy heads whould do in a 4 x 4 tent with 1000w lamp.
im looking for input on pot size, plant numbers, veg hights/time, how often to water and anything else you would think would be important.

I flower 4 plants per 1000w with hempies. they finish between 6and 8 ft. tall and need watered almost every day in 3 gallon hempies . It has been my ticket to get max yield and low plant counts. At that size if you dont get a qp per plant something is wrong. My record is ten zips in a 3 gallon.
I was wondering what all you hempy heads whould do in a 4 x 4 tent with 1000w lamp.
im looking for input on pot size, plant numbers, veg hights/time, how often to water and anything else you would think would be important.

Hi. I'd go with 6 x 2Gal (10L) buckets. Veg them for about 6 weeks. Depending on your experience you'd be doing some LSTing or topping/fimming during veg? If you got another area for vegging then you could repeat the cycle, (perpetual cloning). Plant size is dependent on strain. Some strains would get over 4ft tall with 6weeks veg time.

Water once every couple of days once roots are established in the rez.
With a dialled in environment you should be reaping the rewards of 6 decent sized bushes. Good luck!


in the thick of it
I'd go with 4 containers (14-15gal) w/ 2 plants in each one. Veg for 8 weeks and LST the heck out of them. Or five 5gal containers w/ a 6-8w veg. I've found that top watering is far easier on a few large pots rather than SOG. If you know your strain & your environment is dialed in, the sky's the limit. Good luck & let us know what you decide to try out.


Active member
For Hydrosoil:

Vegging Hempys: View from the top and side. Notice how the bush obliterates the 5 gallon Homer bucket.



And the finished product after 2 month veg and multiple toppings:





The strain is Critical+. I used 80% perlite, 20% vermiculite. Worked like a charm, and has to be the simplest method to get high yields.