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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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ICMag Donor
1/3 of Americans could not, and did not pay their July housing payments.

Stock market is good though.

And hey! Did you hear about that black unemployment rate? Lower than Obama!


The Dow was down 500 last time I looked today. This phase of the pandemic has to brig it down much more. Several earnings reports coming up that will be a downer too.


Well-known member
The 1 Percent's Quarter-Trillion Dollar Tax Cheat

"nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which found that between 2011 and 2013, $381 billion of taxes went unpaid every single year. Couple that data with recent Harvard University research showing that the top 1 percent of income earners are responsible for 70 percent of the tax gap, and you see the full picture: The wealthiest sliver of the population is depriving the American public of about $266 billion of owed tax revenue every year.

There are about 1.6 million households in the top 1 percent — so that means among this income group, the rate of tax cheating is about $166,000 per household.

That tax gap didn’t just magically happen — it is the result of conservatives’ huge cuts to the Internal Revenue Service’s enforcement budget, which resulted in a particularly precipitous decline in audit rates for the super rich. In fact, the $266 billion figure could be an understatement, because the congressional budget analysts were estimating the tax gap that existed before those IRS budget cuts.

“With the money that these tax cheats owe, this year alone, we could fund tuition-free college for all, eliminate child hunger, ensure clean drinking water for every American household, build half a million affordable housing units, provide masks to all, produce the protective gear and medical supplies our health workers need to combat this pandemic, and fully fund the U.S. Postal Service,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders, who requested the CBO study.

Just after the congressional report was released, the Tax Justice Network released a separate study showing that newly released international data prove “that instead of declaring profits in the countries where they were generated, multinational firms operating around the world are shifting over $1 trillion in profits every year to corporate tax havens” — moves that deprive governments of $330 billion of tax revenue that is owed but that is not being paid.

The study noted that just four small countries — the UK, Netherlands, Switzerland and Luxembourg — “are together responsible for half of the world’s corporate tax avoidance.”

The United States alone is losing about $60 billion of revenue a year because of these corporate tax evasion schemes, according to Reed College economist Kimberly Clausing.

In case you thought the tax haven shenanigans were just limited to corporations, jog your memory and recall the Panama Papers and Credit Suisse scandals that spotlighted how wealthy individuals have gotten in on the offshore schemes."


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
too bad we won't get to see trumps taxes before november....somehow i'm positive it's as ugly as everyone thinks...but i suppose i can settle for the thought of him going to jail after he loses...
ol' lickspittle lindsay got a tweet lashing today,i wonder of ol' turtle neck is next? it would be awesome to see the spineless republicans turn their backs on trump!

blue tsunami 2020!


Kiss My Ring
huh...between 2011 and 2013.
guess who was president then.
and the article tries blaming the conservatives, priceless.
you're fighting the wrong enemy.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
crawl out from under that rock. Muller did not see any on Trumps taxes. None of it.
Trump sued everyone that wanted to see his taxes. The law prevented anyone from getting there eyes on them(including Muller). This is common knowledge. Why do you think the SC was involved. Come on dude. Stop being a Trump lackey..

Mueller laid out possible incidences of obstruction. Did he list or mention taxes?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The virus is so terrible they had to release Michael Cohen from prison.
Some how it is safe enough to reopen all the schools -
Harvard stated they are only going to have classes on line.
Would suggest taking health advice from a public health source,
may be more safe than taking it from a politician.

Michael Cohen is a DeepState operative. Of course they let him out!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
too bad we won't get to see trumps taxes before november....somehow i'm positive it's as ugly as everyone thinks...but i suppose i can settle for the thought of him going to jail after he loses...
ol' lickspittle lindsay got a tweet lashing today,i wonder of ol' turtle neck is next? it would be awesome to see the spineless republicans turn their backs on trump!

blue tsunami 2020!

Something tells me you will see them before November:)


Well-known member
huh...between 2011 and 2013.
guess who was president then.
and the article tries blaming the conservatives, priceless.
you're fighting the wrong enemy.

lol you think im a democrat lol

also if you want to be a partisan hack, budgets are controlled by the house, and IRS budget cuts came in 2012-2013 when cuckservatives controlled the house under John Boner.


ICMag Donor
Mayor Bill DeBlasio lends a hand.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Just saying....If Mueller didn't look into Trumps finances and tax records, what the hell was he doing with our roughly $44,000,000 in tax dollars?


Kiss My Ring
lol you think im a democrat lol

also if you want to be a partisan hack, budgets are controlled by the house, and IRS budget cuts came in 2012-2013 when cuckservatives controlled the house under John Boner.

honestly, i think you're worse than a demoncrat.

The president submits a budget to Congress for the federal government every fiscal year (October 1 through September 30). Congress must then pass appropriations bills to provide money to carry out government programs for that year. Appropriations bills are usually divided up by type of program and agency into thirteen separate bills: Agriculture, Commerce/Justice/State, Defense, District of Columbia, Energy and Water, Foreign Operations, Interior, Labor/Health and Human Services/Education, Legislative Branch, Military Construction, Transportation, Treasury/Postal Service, and Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development.



Well-known member
huh...between 2011 and 2013.
guess who was president then.
and the article tries blaming the conservatives, priceless.
you're fighting the wrong enemy.
Were you of the impression anything has changed for
the better since 2013 ?
Am inclined to agree with you, Cannavore is
devastatingly effective.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
honestly, i think you're worse than a demoncrat.
The president submits a budget to Congress for the federal government every fiscal year (October 1 through September 30). Congress must then pass appropriations bills to provide money to carry out government programs for that year. Appropriations bills are usually divided up by type of program and agency into thirteen separate bills: Agriculture, Commerce/Justice/State, Defense, District of Columbia, Energy and Water, Foreign Operations, Interior, Labor/Health and Human Services/Education, Legislative Branch, Military Construction, Transportation, Treasury/Postal Service, and Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development.


power of the purse
The influence that legislatures have over public policy because of their power to vote money for public purposes. The United States Congress must authorize the president's budget requests to fund agencies and programs of the executive branch. There is no obligation for either or both houses of Congress to pass a budget resolution.There may not be a resolution every year if none is established, the previous year's resolution remains in force. In general, funds for federal government programs must be authorized by an "authorizing committee" through enactment of legislation. Then, through subsequent acts by Congress. 1 item can kill any appropriations bill submitted.

If you remember Trump Shutdown the GOV in 2018 because the house would not pass his request for wall$$. There was many other programs included in that bill. The house doesn't have to pass a POTUS Appropriation bill. It was the longest shutdown in history.


Kiss My Ring
Were you of the impression anything has changed for
the better since 2013 ?
Am inclined to agree with you, Cannavore is
devastatingly effective.

i am inclined to believe that this admin is fighting to right the wrongs committed over the last four admins, why else would the left fight the President over fighting corruption?

both aisles of political persuasion have corrupted the process and it is and was a political outsider responsible for exposing the inherent criminality festering in government.

no president ever has had to contend with this vitriolic madness.

i did not say cannvore was devastatingly effective, whatever gave you that idea?

and i didn't say he was a democrat either, fwtw.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Trump was the first person to ever mention his taxes. When out of the blue, he tweeted that he wont be releasing them. The media took the bait. Here we are now. So, if you are trying to hide something, do you tweet about how you will never show what you are hiding? Or, do you remain silent about it?
A stupid person might argue that Trump is just not very smart. But, clearly that is not the case.

I suppose I could be wrong but I believe most [all] presidential candidates have historically released all financial information. Am I wrong?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Where did Trump fight any Corruption?. He filled his admin with mostly corrupt people. He is a crook after all. There's def bad politicians on both sides. Rep are far worse IMO.


ICMag Donor
Shepard Smith, Formerly of Fox News, Joins CNBC as a Nightly Anchor.

Being interviewed Shep described his new show as the difference between telling the story and feeding opinion. Worth a look.
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