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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Not rage quitting my dudes, its all good, its just these conversations aren't really going anywhere. I looked at some things I have said recently and thought they were dumb as shit and did a bit of reflection and well...they were reasonable in the context of the conversation but still pretty dumb so I decided its best to dip out. Believe it or not I did take unc's comments on people not growing into consideration, yall got some pretty crazy folks over on the other side that seem real ok with calling the police, so I wanted to go back to weed talk but I'm a longtime criminal and not going to put myself at risk due to crazies trying to call the fuzz because some guy was mean to them on the internet and then showed off some number of plants over a limit. That was a long sentence....but yeah, looking forward to talking weed shit with yall as I see many folks I like in grow threads but I don't participate.

Hempy!!!! You are on an exciting path growing old sativas and appear to have a good handle on where to look for stuff you might like! Boogie my midwest amigo, same...i saw you mention maybe being interested in super speedy sativas in some thread, some dude may have something for you down the line.

Anywho, really, the best to all of yall (except a few that can gargle aids infected semen) and not doing a rage quit. I just saw myself as part of the divide and figured it wasn't worth it. For the batshit fuckers on both sides, eat shit and die, but for the rest, try and remember you are talking to your fellow weed heads and different views doesn't mean they are some sort of enemy. Try and figure out where they are coming from and how life experience effects world views.

yeah,i really don't get why this has to be so contentious,i'm just high having a laugh and busting chops...given the amount of utter nonsense and goats i post i'm sort of bewildered anyone would take anything i say seriously...

i mourn for the loss of a sense of humor...

Deep State

Not rage quitting my dudes, its all good, its just these conversations aren't really going anywhere. I looked at some things I have said recently and thought they were dumb as shit and did a bit of reflection and well...they were reasonable in the context of the conversation but still pretty dumb so I decided its best to dip out. Believe it or not I did take unc's comments on people not growing into consideration, yall got some pretty crazy folks over on the other side that seem real ok with calling the police, so I wanted to go back to weed talk but I'm a longtime criminal and not going to put myself at risk due to crazies trying to call the fuzz because some guy was mean to them on the internet and then showed off some number of plants over a limit. That was a long sentence....but yeah, looking forward to talking weed shit with yall as I see many folks I like in grow threads but I don't participate.

Hempy!!!! You are on an exciting path growing old sativas and appear to have a good handle on where to look for stuff you might like! Boogie my midwest amigo, same...i saw you mention maybe being interested in super speedy sativas in some thread, some dude may have something for you down the line.

Anywho, really, the best to all of yall (except a few that can gargle aids infected semen) and not doing a rage quit. I just saw myself as part of the divide and figured it wasn't worth it. For the batshit fuckers on both sides, eat shit and die, but for the rest, try and remember you are talking to your fellow weed heads and different views doesn't mean they are some sort of enemy. Try and figure out where they are coming from and how life experience effects world views.

Farewell comrade :ying:

Whatever happened to White Beard?
I appreciated his perspective....


#metoo regarding Mr beard, he posted really great and insightful stuff. I felt great shame as I once tried to make a bad joke and think I offended him.

Edit: that wasn't any sort of criticism unc, just a pov I considered, and I did miss talking weed, then thought about why I didnt.

Deep State

I hope i wasn't in your 'go and gargle hot cum' list FWIW :biglaugh:

I thought you came across as a well intentioned soul, and definitely understand your reasons for wanting to separate herb life from political opinions.


Active member
does this count as another "i'm quitting this thread"?

i got money riding on this in the betting pool!:D

Once I discovered your mostly just trolling I started to kinda warm up to you a bit...
Word to the wise put your money on me.
I 'm not quitting the thread but instead of continuing useless arguments
I'll just say the same thing over and over everyday y'all do I might as well.
I'll save my talking for Nov.I've got alot of noses to rub in trumpturd's turd
I will say to you personally next to mine your pic's were always first rate.
Under this name I've only got some pretty good pics...All my best pic's are under my orginal name here Heavy dank nugg...That account is banned for years now but i'd love to be able to get access to my albums is that possible
Sorry for the off topic long winded rant but wanted to get it out b4 I forgot


Active member
#metoo regarding Mr beard, he posted really great and insightful stuff. I felt great shame as I once tried to make a bad joke and think I offended him.

I'm sure I'm on your drink cum list but no worries friend
I wish you well...I've been in jail too. I find it hard to believe people would call to rat on someone over a fucking political disagreement.It disgusts me to my core...I get and get others rilled up but it's all in good fun bro I assure you.
Be well.
Forums are never easy. I'm deadly serious about my beliefs but I'm sure I'd get along with most of my "adversaries" on here just fine.

I think the important thing to remember is that we're all just a bunch of plebs with zero ability to change the world on any level whatsoever lol. None of our scorching-hot high IQ takes actually mean a fuggin' thing.

Solidarity fist-bump to all my fellow wage slaves.


Active member
Hello all,

The scotus will release its final decision on tRump financial records...As I mentioned before, I am confidant that Vance will get his but I am hoping that the SC will uphold the lower courts decisions.

They could send them both back down to a lower court...a possibility but I hope they make a stand an d side with congress...the president is not above the law, ay?

Feels like the night before christmas and your hoping for that “official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time” but worry it is going to be a pack of underwear....buahahahahahaha



I'm sure I'm on your drink cum list but no worries friend
I wish you well...I've been in jail too. I find it hard to believe people would call to rat on someone over a fucking political disagreement.It disgusts me to my core...I get and get others rilled up but it's all in good fun bro I assure you.
Be well.

Well damn, i had a long reply written out that was all insightful but my internet crapped out right when I hit post. No dude, not on that list and what I was going to say was it was the sort of situation where you fight in a parking lot and then start laughing and go inside and have some shots.

Anywho, good luck guys and have fun. I just think its best for me to opt out and get back to cracking wise and ideally talking weed.


Active member
Hello all,

The scotus will release its final decision on tRump financial records...As I mentioned before, I am confidant that Vance will get his but I am hoping that the SC will uphold the lower courts decisions.

They could send them both back down to a lower court...a possibility but I hope they make a stand an d side with congress...the president is not above the law, ay?

Feels like the night before christmas and your hoping for that “official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time” but worry it is going to be a pack of underwear....buahahahahahaha


Except that there's no law that requires a president to turn over tax documents,so there's that ay ....The Irs has been after Trump since the 90's I know it's before your time but if he's as crooked as you say then the Irs must be grossly incompetent ..


Active member
We're all a little crooked are we not ay.So I'm 200 % confident Trump is too.
Also I could'nt give a flying fuck
Trump's been a damn good president...change my mind.


Well-known member
Forums are never easy. I'm deadly serious about my beliefs but I'm sure I'd get along with most of my "adversaries" on here just fine.

I think the important thing to remember is that we're all just a bunch of plebs with zero ability to change the world on any level whatsoever lol. None of our scorching-hot high IQ takes actually mean a fuggin' thing.

Solidarity fist-bump to all my fellow wage slaves.
Congrats on one of the more insightful posts here.


Well-known member
What are you talking about? Lincoln was of the firm belief that blacks were an inferior race. It was a given for Lincoln; he didn't even argue the point. In Lincolns mind the inferiority of blacks was so patently obvious that it didn't even warrant addressing as such.

The idea of letting blacks live in the United States as free men among the whites? Any serious study of Lincolns world view reveals that he would have never invaded The South if he thought that would happen.

Lincoln planned to set them all back to Africa (he did not think blacks had the agency required to pursue this on their own and thus recommended government assistance on the matter). This is why Lincoln supported the Liberia project.

Lincoln was a "racist" by their definition in every sense of the term.

Sorry conservatives... I hate to be the one to tell you this. But your heros? They were all white nationalists...just like the ones you claim to despise.

And for that matter, the white nationalist guys you call "nazi's?" Aka Richard Spencer, et al? Check political polling of American WW2 vets. They have effectively the same politics.

Post-Reagan conservatism really is just one big delusion of history and the nature of power.
Impressive encapsulation.


Well-known member
Oops, yes I did, although from where I'm from we spell it with an s not z, which is why I ignored the spell check. Btw, meant, has an a in it.

Yes I am aware that Americans view other countries as fucked up, but that seems to be much more acute since Trump has been elected.

Hmm, under Trumps watch former allies against ISIS, the Kurds, were thrown under a bus in favour of Erdogan's invasion of Syria. Complicated as both Turkey and Kurds were allies. The real winner in Syria is Russia and al-Assad.
Nice to see some new input.


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor
Supreme Court - Trump Must Release Taxes

Roll the Alice Cooper "Schools Out" riff.
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