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The Mill's Pride Club


Weedomus Maximus
sumo said:
For those who don't know simon this is the sort of stuck up, self gratifying, narcissist he is. His theme is often boo on you yea for me. Previously he said when designing his cab he studied all the cabs ,dismissed all of the ideas, and built something completely original.

Why the rudeness? Yes, my cabs were mostly original in their design, because what I saw made little sense to one with a greater than a 5th grade education.

If he had written a novel it would have been pure plagiarism.

That makes no sense, Einstein, given your own words. If I used ideas common to no one before me (later copied by others in droves), how can it be plagiarism? Apparently, your knowledge of the English language is even more pathetic than your persona.

It's a statement of fact that you're a lame grower and that you clearly lack the intellectual ability to think for yourself, as well as process information with any degree of competence common to most humans.

My cab is a combination of everything I learned from other people including self centered simon.

Case and point. It's a shame that you didn't learn how to grow well in the process.

There were people growing out of cabs pre-simon? But simon thinks he invented weed.

Are you just inventing things as you go along? When, exactly, did I say that? Let me help you out - never. Tell me, how many times a day do you need to be watered?

What fun. I feel better.

<grin> Still?

Irony at its finest, genius.

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This is the meaning of this thread. I should know I started it.

sumo said:
Hey, when Maliboo started the legendary C-13 club noone knew how ubiquitous these cabs would become. C-13,C-22,C-1,C-24 and so on. They are heavy as hell and no two are exactly alike. It isn't a grow cab it is a lifestyle. It is in this spirit that I attempt to jumpstart this think tank of collective wisdom. With the inclusive name of The Mill's Pride Club it encompasses all who had a spare $100 and a Home Depot within an hours drive. It also represents personal use growers. These are the growers who are trying to please themselves the toughest critic. Trying to achieve the highest quality for the least amount of output. Dig? Not the Commercial grower. I have not felt threatened by all this hoo ha but am concerned for those with commercial interests for where will I get my affordable genetics? I appreciate all who have taken risks for my benefit. I became a member of Overgrow because I appreciated and believed in them. Still do. You want your heroes to be perfect? Tear down my grow? Someone has to keep going and I bet those cool headed Mill's Pride growers didn't skip a beat. Hell we have to keep going or we run out. Subsistance growing, trying to stay within misdemeanor laws in our state. You're still there right?

Simon be honest. This is not your forum. Commercial growers should play real nice here or go somewhere else.


Weedomus Maximus
sumo said:
This is the meaning of this thread. I should know I started it.

Just as you went after me for reasons that seemingly hinged on your own insecurities. Please don't blame me for your standing as a raging fool.

Simon be honest. This is not your forum. Commercial growers should play real nice here or go somewhere else.

Please illustrate who appointed your insipid, aggressive self as the local net-cop. Let this thread stay on topic and you just may learn something, if you have access to an interpreter who can translate the text into dumbass.


Active member
simon sometimes you do have some good info for people but I agree with sumo, as I remember in the OG days I can't comprehend how many post I read from you and I thought man what a self centered individual.

Sumo grows great buds. Have you not looked in his gallery? If you see those huge buds and try to tell me he doesn't know how to grow, then I'll take anything you say with a grain of salt.

Please leave your ego out of your posts, they would be a lot better.


Weedomus Maximus
icough2getoff said:
simon sometimes you do have some good info for people but I agree with sumo, as I remember in the OG days I can't comprehend how many post I read from you and I thought man what a self centered individual.

Sumo grows great buds. Have you not looked in his gallery? If you see those huge buds and try to tell me he doesn't know how to grow, then I'll take anything you say with a grain of salt.

Please leave your ego out of your posts, they would be a lot better.

This is none of your concern. As for Sumo's mediocre bud, clearly you have no idea what a "real" bud looks like. By that I mean one that was grown well. As such, you may want to learn something instead of basing your claim to (dubious) fame on taking shots from the sidelines. You can call me names if you like, but that won't change the facts and those facts revolve around growing, not around a popularity contest.

I can pull +3oz per square foot. Can you? Would you like to know how to? If you would, then try to pay attention.

Each of these plants took a little less than 1 square foot of space and delivered over 3oz each (dry/cured). I'm not bragging for the sake of bragging.

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Weedomus Maximus
No one has any questions/concerns about growing better? Amazing.

Really, it's fine by me. It's not like I'm getting paid for this, not to mention putting myself at a less than favorable place when it comes to security.

Best of luck to all. :yummy:

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Multiple use cab ventilation ?

Multiple use cab ventilation ?

I've put together a Closetmaide cab from HD. It's the larger model with two sides and a top section, and some shelves. I'm using one side for Flowering, the other side for a place for a mom or two, and a veg area. I'll also have a little space in the top section for some clones.

My thought is this: On the back use a photo louver for an intake near the bottom on the flower side. On the wall that seperates my veg and flower areas, maybe 12 to 18" up put another photo louver. Put another hole in the shelf that seperates the mom area from the veg area (the shelf over the veg area). Then another hole in the bottom of the top section.

While half of the top section will house a can 33 and fan the other half will be for clones. This seems like it would let me pull air from the back of the cab all the way through the cab, scrub it, and shoot the exhaust out the top.

Does this sound doable? Is anyone else doing this or something similar? My intake will be right next to an air conditioner vent. If it can be done though, I'll have everything stealth, and all in one place, and one scrubber/fan combo.

Any thoughts or assitance would be appreciated.


Weedomus Maximus
gruvygreen said:
Does this sound doable? Is anyone else doing this or something similar? My intake will be right next to an air conditioner vent. If it can be done though, I'll have everything stealth, and all in one place, and one scrubber/fan combo.

Any thoughts or assitance would be appreciated.

Yes, this is doable, albeit with several caveats. It looks like you've put a lot of thought into this and it's an admirable effort. Having a pic/drawing would help greatly, especially if it includes the dimensions relative to each room along with a thorough description of the lights you have in mind.

If I may introduce some general concerns:

1. You need as much flowering height as possible, unless you're working with proven clones that stay very short and yield well. It's not an easy combo to gather.

2. Not knowing the light intensity complicates matters greatly.

3. Small clone rooms can be a giant PITA to work with.

4.Again, under the assumption of max yield, a veg room needs to house the plants in flowering pots, as to allow the individuals to spread their roots before flowering.

5. At the risk of stating the obvious, working with the constraints above can be very frustrating and somewhat counterproductive. It's much easier to have a second (small) cab for clones and pre-large pot veg.



Weedomus Maximus
No response and/or followup? I'm so glad that I took the time to give your post some thought. Ruts-a-ruck. :rolleyes:
sorry Simon. I definately appreciate your chiming in. I could only make 10 posts and got cut off. Also had a heck of time uploading a pic.

Anyway here's the Closetmaid :

Outside dimensions: 71-3/4"H 48"W 20-1/2"D

Inside Dimensions:
Top Section: 20"H 47"W
Left & right Sections: 47-1/2"H 23"W

I'm currently using 342 watts CFL. the max on the rigs I have would be 504 watts.

Also, I'm using a can33 and a modified Stanley blower. connected together side by side are roughly 13"H 27"W.

I also have a cool mister available for extra humidy in the veg area when required.

So: Top section will house my blower and scrubber, and a 10 site DIY Cheapo Aero-Cloner. I actually put 5 cuts in the cloner last night. I'm thinking one 26 watt CFL mounted in the top about 6" from the right side of the cab.

The left side would be a flower area. I know I'm not going to get 504 watts of CFL in there but, I'm going to start with the 342 I have and adjust the bulbs and wattage as necessary to maintain temps. Ambient temps are 75 degrees.

The right side bottom would be the veg area. I'm not putting both shelves in, only the top one. 30"H for actual veg, and 17-1/2" for a couple of moms.

Ventilation thoughts: 8" photography louver Intake near the bottom in the flower section. 8" photogrphy louver about 12" up on the center divider between the flower and veg area. Then a 4" hole in the shelf into the mom area, and a 4" hole to the top section.

Well, I guess that's about all I can think of right now.

Again, I appreciate any thoughts anyone has.

And Simon, again man, just had some technical difficulties, I appologize if you felt slighted in any way. It was definately not intentional.


Weedomus Maximus
No offence taken; I understand. Before I comment, please allow me to ask a couple of questions:

1 .What strain(s) are you thinking of growing?

2. How many plants do you have in mind?

3. What are your yield expectations?

4. Are you married to non-HIDs?

1 - Strains are White Widow, White Rhino, and AK47
2 - I'm attempting a 24 plant perpetual SOG in soil (pulling 2 plants per week)
3 - At some point I'd like to pull an OZ per plant when I get things "dialed in"
4 - Eventually I think I'll be using either a cool tubed 250 w or 2 x 150 w HPS for flower. More than likely I'll stick to the CFLs for veg; at least for the forseeable future. I'm not married to non-HIDs but I'm using the CFLs for the first couple of grows at least. I need to learn how to water, apply nutes, and in general keep them alive. I'm a total newb on my first grow, and actually just started being able to keep them dark green instead of yellow/green with nute burn, nute deficiency, and overwatering problems. (LOL)

Here's a link to sort of the model I'm looking at:


Thanks again.


That link is sick, Gruvy, thanks, inspiring!

I'm really torn now, cfls are super cheap and available locally, now, but a 150w is just a 4 day wait for shipping and slightly more expensive.

I guess I should get the cab first, huh . . . .
BTW - Folks if I'm posting this stuff in the wrong forum let me know. This just seemed like the place to post as a lot of you are growing under similar conditions.

If not if you could point me in the right direction that'd be cool.
Siddartha - Yeah doc seems to have things dialed in ...and I do mean dialed in. At some point I'll switch to HID lighting, but I'm not in any hurry to do so just yet. In my case it doesn't make a difference whether I overwater, nute burn, and nute deprive my plants under an HID or CFLs at the moment.(LOL)

I'd think an experienced grower would get better yeild from HID lighting, if they were to get things truly dialed in the way he does.

I'm not knocking any other growers on here, just this style seems to fit my particular situation pretty good since my wife and I smoke about an oz a week each. Or did until I quit buying it about 1-1/2 months ago.


Active member
Lol gotta luv this guy. Simon you are a guru to the fullest. It dont matter what you say or where you say it your always going to have haters around this type of shit. Keep doing what your doing cuz your ALWAYS 100% correct of the 411 Ive recieved from you. Even back to Mals cab and those 1 pound growers from a c13.....remember that?lol.....you had haters back then.....cuz the truth hurts most. Well enough of the rant lets get back to growing.


simon said:
No one has any questions/concerns about growing better? Amazing.

Really, it's fine by me. It's not like I'm getting paid for this, not to mention putting myself at a less than favorable place when it comes to security.

Best of luck to all. :yummy:


Dude, we all want what's in your 11/18 pictures. Very impressive. If I had some random extra time, I'd have thousands of questions for you, as would most of this board's readers. Don't let a few abrasive people turn you off of ICM.

People like you keep this sort of knowledge available to quiet people like me, who read and simply "listen" here for advice. Thanks for giving some...

...And on that note, how do you keep such a dense grouping of buds from one pot? They look so short and compact!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
ok we are using same hinges that come in all mills cabs.. Wat is the closest you can get the gap when the doors are closed.. Im talking the gap nearest the hinges.. cos with my experience in regular cabinetry those are some hard bitches to adjust. any help would be awesome.. peace..



They are designed for no gap. Most seal their doors with foam weatherstripping. Best to put on cab side with doors off. Then you will want to achieve a small gap to accomadate weatherstripping. Important to level and square cab so it doesn't rock. Hinges can be adjusted in all directions as per instructions with cab.


For those of you who think I was too hard on simon we have a history and some oldtimers know exactly where I am coming from even if they don't agree with me. I admire modest people who don't pin medals on themselves. Also empathy or being able to see things from someone elses perspective is a trait I admire. Not everyone is burning 600w hps's. In fact few on this thread are. I read simon also has a 1000w closet/room started further distancing himself from our goals. Some grow with hydro. Simon wouldn't want anybody saying his weed sucked because he doesnt hydro. My method works for me but simon won't have it ,can't see it. Simon is all about yield. Thinks everybody wants maximum yield. I don't want a bunch of extra weed around. I am trying to stay within misdemeanor laws in my state. I will take quality over quantity. Simon can't grow trees. Cab is too short, but everybody's plants should be short and trained like his. I am wasting vertical space if I train my plants. My plants grow higher than my light so my plants get side lighting, simon's don't but my method doesn't work. My weed sucks. I spoke the truth. Simon made up insults to avoid facing the truth.
Maliboo got more people to self sufficiency than simon ever has but simon doesn't respect Mal because he made a mistake determining the area of a circle once. And since I won't unnecesarily vent my hood my weed must suck. If you are trying to make money growing weed simon is the man. Imagine the prices he must charge for his spectacular bud that is better than everybody else's. I couldn't afford it.
However if your goals are somewhat more modest and stealthy look around for other advice also.