I was thinking of investing in an Odorsok for the vortex. Does anyone have any experience with these? Should I build a scrubber instead? Thanks, that's awesome news!!!
i was thinking that grow bags would be best for cab grow as ya can form them to the shape needed. i'm not sure what my cab is but it measures 20"dx31.5"lx60"tall, i seen some one saying they had 5 gallon grow bags i'm curious to the size of these bags when filled
Alright, i have a standard closet, its probably 2-2+ feet deep, and im thinking of making a false wall about halfway through it and keepin the sliding doors to the left of the closet. this is where the growing area would be. and keep my dresser and clothes on teh right side thats open and visible, and having a divider between the 2 sides...if that makes sense. when i get home tonight im goin to measure it all and get exact dimensions. would any of the millspride cabs fit in there? i was contemplating puttin one in there or havin one made by my woodworking friend that would fit. either that or just using hte open closet space ot grow in and venting/intaking in the false wall that i put up. any input or suggestions? ill get the dimensions and post up when i get comp access again
kuskus nice setup all the way around. I too run a 400w hps 4" vortex without cooling the hood/bulb. I grow in a basement and also had heat issues which way stunted my plants. Producing about half the weight this harvest. You have weathered the heat wave better than I. I think having a complete canopy cools things down considerably. I never acheived that total canopy and I believe some of the light was converted to heat by hitting things other than leaf. I only flower 5 plants compared to your 15 though. Dig the tot loks too. Just like mine.
AbbieDoobie....well well well I remem you from back in the OG days. Your was the set up I got mine from. Thanks for sharing. Do you remem a guy named simonc and pincone? I wonder how they are doing? Even O mal .......keep er green!
Heck, yeah, mysta, I remember those guys and I remember you tellin' me about my cab being the inspiration and all. I'm very flattered, btw. I'm looking at the weather and it looks like it's still gonna be too warm to start this Friday. Now it looks like next Friday is better. I'm planning on a double grow: Oct-Jan, then Jan-Apr. Lots of variety on the first grow, some new stuff like Matanuska Tundra and Blockhead, then a full-on Apollo 11 grow in the second (my favorite daytime smoke). Same shed, same C13 setup. Next grow will be my fifth, damn, has it been this many? I'm starting to become an old-timer, instead of a noob at this stuff. Take care...
Just wanted to let everyone know that until October 14th at menards, C-24 cabinets are on sale for $79.99 and then when you buy a 1/2in piece of plywood for $15 its still less than $100 total!!! What a deal, i also picked up a stanley blower for another $40 now im putting it all together, wish me luck, here she is so far
still need to cut and fit the back and putt the weather stripping all around. Ill post up some more pics as it evolves. Peace.
Hey KushEater what was so bad about the GF? Just curious because Im vegging a couple out right now and plan to throw them in a C24 when the time is right
Hey all just wanted to update you all on the cabinet.. put in reflectex insulation and spent a lot of time getting it to seal up, its near 95% light proof i want to fix the last 5% soon but im not in too big of a hurry.
Hope you like it all... much more work to come.... peace.
Home depot no longer stocks mills pride cabs in my area, but I did find a nice cab at my neighborhood lowes. Dimensions: 36"W 21"D 80"H $89
Bought the cab with an additional sheet of 3/4" malamine cut to fit the back.
I'm pretty stoked to say the least!
Now doing research on how I should configure it, I came across this web page selling low profile ducting and other cool things if anyone wants to look. http://www.securimax.co.nz/ducting/110.htm
I think there can be very interesting ways to use this stuff in our cabs.
I also purchased a Stanley blower but may return it for a Grainger unit or a Panasonic whisper fan. Stealth is priority.
My question is: I've searched around here pretty thourough and have not seen any how-to's on modding the Stanley blower to use in a cab like this.
anyone know how?
Thanks for the compliments but a beginner would really have to search this thread to get the useful info needed to build a box. The original c13 club Maliboo started was a tutorial with step by step instructions and lots of pictures. This has become a thread for intermediate and advanced growers to share and tweak their grows. You sound well versed and are searching other threads so I am sure you will get the info you need.
Home Depot no longer stocks Mills Pride, which I'm sure someone mentioned during this thread. I'm too impatient to read it all. Lately, they've carried this brand called ClosetMaid, which stocks all the same sized cabs as Mills Pride. They also provide an appropriately sized piece of chipboard to nail to the back of your finished cabinet. It's easy to cut through to allow cables and such, plus it keeps you from having to buy an extra sheet of plywood or melanine to attach to the back.
I'm currently running two cabinets:
The veg cab is a wall mount cabinet (12280):
It's got a 150w HPS and 2x 100 cfm fans to cool and exchange the air. There's also a 50 cfm fan in there to stir the air and rustle the plant's branches.
The flower cab is a base cabinet (12283):
This one has 4x 23w CFLs and a 100 cfm fan to cool, and a 50 cfm fan to exchange the air.
Consider this a thank you to ICmag for showing me how it's done...