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The Mill's Pride Club


Get two birds stoned at once
Kindred they dont carry it at most home despot stores anymore.


Deft said:
Kindred they dont carry it at most home despot stores anymore.

thanks man,but a friend already bought me one,I just got to borrow a truck and go get it. I was wanting to grab the piece of melamine backing while I had a truck to use.

can anyone measure the back of their C25 for me?
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I bought a 4 x 9 sheet of Luann ( sic ) doorskin and painted it white with two coats of primer. You can cut it with a jigsaw, table saw, or utility knife. I made mine wider so I don't know the measurements of the factory one.


Well-known member
Jnugg said:
Yeah,I am in the south and even in the winter warm temps can be a bitch.I have found that since my outdoor climate is the way it is that I need to blast my central A/C all day and night and that costs way too much money,notinterested in a portable A/C either.

Have you tried cooling through a misting system? This of course also increases humidity.


Misting cooling fans


Misting stick



New member
ok, i have been looking all over the internet for good containers that i could use for my c25. i would like to find ones that have thesauccer attached at the bottom, so i dont have to worry about cleaning up the water. can anyone tell me what sizes they use to start, and eventually use as their final container size? are 2 gallon pots to finish off too small for the c25? im curious to see what others use. also, if anyone could provide a link to where i could get some good containers that would be great.



Active member
Well I am ready to setup operation HEAD RELIEF again only this time I want to do a perpetual grow where I can get say somewhere between a half ounce to two ounce every 2 or so weeks.

If you don't remember me that's cool,I did a grow a year ago in my C-13 with a 400w HPS A/C light and some Chrystal bagseed that came out pretty damn nice (search grow diaries for thread started by Jnugg).

I was thinking of selling my 400w HPS and going with a 250-270w HPS in a cool tube (pyrex bake around) for the flowring chamber of the C-13 (the bottom half) and then using about 100-120w of fluoros (tube bulb or compact fluoro) in the top half which will be the mom/clone area.

I figure I'll use my existing 4" 170cfm Eco Plus inline exhuast fan for a combo...open end cool tube so I can cool the light and room while exhuasting the hot stale air and replenishing it (much like the last grow only with a cool tube instead of an a/c hood).I'll run a length of 4" flex duct from one end of the cool tube up through the shelf into the mother/clone chamber and out the top to the exhuast fan and a carbon filter on the other end.

Exhuast for the mother/clone are I guess will be done by the same fan if at all possible then I will setup an elaborate passive intake starting with the flowering chamber and leading up into the mother/clone chamber if possible.

Any and all ideas are appreciated so please lets here them.I have many ideas in my head so we'll see where what goes but I plan on being up and running again by the start of february if not sooner.

My favorite pic from my last operation......


Active member
Hey have any of you cabbers out there used anything to quiet the swoosh noise the cabs can make from air going through the ducting? I'm curious if anyone ever had a noise problem and solved it with layering some noise dampening material along the inside of the cab. A friend says he thought insulated ducting helped quiet the fan noise in a closet grow he did so I was thinking about that too. I dont really have much of a noise problem, I just want to know if it would improve it much, to the point of super stealth.


New member
Hey all! I was wondering if I may jump in on this thread? The C13 club thread is dead.
I have a c22 w/400 MH/HPS and 465 Dayton cooling. I'm on my 5th soil grow and these boxes are awesome. I haven't had to buy for over a year now and that saved me thousands of dollars.
I used the partition and shelf that came with the c22 and made a mom/clone box that is attached. I haven't got the mom/clone box going to my satisfaction (having hard time cloning) but it works sweet germing seeds.
I'll pics up when I figure out how.


Jnugg you may not have to air cool the 250w. Why switch if you do? Keep the 400W. I have a 250w hps sitting idle after upgradding to 400w. Thought I would switch back to veg but never took the 400w out for many grows now.

Icough. The quietist ducting is either insulated which is bigger/fatter than standard ducting, or very smooth rubber type tubeing I've seen used. However, carbon filters act like mufflers if you blow into them with any kind of ducting.

StickyBud, Welcome. You stated this threads mission statement. To save you thousands of dollars. Money put into your pocket that used to support organized crime. To give thanks, pass it on. Don't pay it back but pay it forward.

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Continuously man. Don't want the negative pressure to be compromised or the stink will escape. I built a relay switcher connected through a speed controler so that when the lights go out, my fan speed reduces to a low hum. That same switch unit also is set up to swith the power supply over to an inverter/battery bank if the power goes out.


Well I'm the contrarian once again. My box is stealthiest with everything off and yes during the day everything goes off including exhaust fan. I don't vent my hood with a 400w hps in a c13. I grow with Miracle Grow moisture control mix with no added anything. I only fertilize a few times throughout grow with MG reg and MG bloom. Water with Plain tap water that has sat in my pump sprayer.

What sumo is up to now. 11 day flower Nir indoor mix. 18" tall.

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Former Maliboo Admirer

Former Maliboo Admirer

Hey All,
I too was seduced into building a c13 by following Maliboo's priceless contributions.I ran a 400w hps with the passive floor ventilation.I had pvc pipe in my 2" holes with angles on the end so I could direct the air over my canopy between the light.It kinda got to be a pain though cuz I had three different lengths of pipe and they had to be changed to accommodate growth etc.My cabinet is also a Sauder not a Mills Pride and a little shorter 59".
Anyway after two decent grows I built a bigger box.It is 34" wide,5 ft tall and 5 1/2 ft long.Roughly 75 cubic ft.I'm going to use my 600 hps in a cool tube with my 6" Vortex, and I have the small carbon scrubber a lot of people are using in Hydro Huts...can't think of the f'ing name , its not the 33 or 50.
It hasn't come yet.I've never used a carbon filter before and have been given different advice on the ideal set up.
I was thinking the filter should be first,follwed by fan,so the air could be pushed through the cool tube..The fan is strong enough to pull the air through the filter and cool tube I'm sure..just don't know which is best.
Help Please!!!


Sumo..I remember reading your posts at og.Plants look tight too.Any suggestions on proper order for my filter ,cool tube ,and fan?Any help much appreciated.I'm an outdoor specialist going in the closet :woohoo:
Also Sumo my temps are a lot like yours.Antique house,box is in basement.Temp now in basement is fifty...so I'll have to put a milkhouse heater on a thermostat.I could heat the basement too but thats where my passive air is coming from.I don't want a heater to take away any co2.
Can you confirm co2 is best used when temps are at least 80 degrees and preferably between 85 and 90? Is it a waste otherwise? Thx Budluver


Hey budlover, Sucking through filter just takes up cab space. Blowing into filter muffles fan noise. I'd try first no heater and see how they like it. Basement temperatures are probably close to night temps in much of ganjas growing regions. Co2 only works in a sealed environment. You would have to raise the co2 level in whole basement which in antique house is hardly a sealed environment. Besides co2 levels are going up everywhere as are temperatures so just be patient and your basement will get better and better.. Alot of the "extra stuff" people do I think has a certain amount of placebo effect. "Wow my plants look great it must be the newt testicles I put in the soil." My plants look just fine sans newt gonads.

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Sumo..thx for the reply..My friend and I were joking tonight about not being too nice to our plants..they are after all aweed.
About the carbon scrubber question..so in your opinion it would be best to start withthe cool tube to fan to carbon scrubber.I can have the scrubber outside cab....if its going to be better.Thx
P.S.I'm surprised you think I'll be straight with my basement temps.Hopefully my cab 'll stay@ 65 and it won't be a drastic drop off every evening.Thx again


Active member
sumo said:
Jnugg you may not have to air cool the 250w. Why switch if you do? Keep the 400W. I have a 250w hps sitting idle after upgradding to 400w. Thought I would switch back to veg but never took the 400w out for many grows now.


Yeah but I live in the southeast (in fact miami is only a 4 hour drive) and would like to keep a perpetual grow going all year long but temps in the hot months get up to teh 90's and sometimes 100's with the heat index not to mention I have no possible way of exhuasting into an attic wall or outside so it just recirculates as my places a/c tries to balance it out.

the protege

So, no more mill's pride cabs? too bad, i am going to have to try and do something else. unless someone knows of something comparable...

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