Isn't there something else you can reduce the Potassium so you can just use AgSil?
Thanks clearheaded, I was referring to his salt formula... I was wondering if he (Jidoka) could cut back or replace something that had a lot of K in it, so that he could replace it with the K found in AgSil..
Like if he was using Potassium Sulfate in his formula.... He could cut that out of the formula and replace the K with the K found in Agsil, and then all he would need to do is find something to replace sulfur...
That's just a basic example... He (Jidoka)said he is only using 4 salts for his formula, so I'm guessing he wants to keep it simple in that respect
"Weekly drenches in soilless or other low silicon soil/media systems. 45-50 ppm Si (~100ppm SiO2)" from the above link
apparently I rattled off the SiO2 ppm originally... the actual Si ppm is closer to 50ppm
Yeah I did the same in my spreadsheet. And it probably should have been closer to 110~ (K2O)
Edit 85. I'm not on my game today
Edit again 107. Fuck. Jeezus.
I still do all my salt calls by hand. It helps me think what to use vs chasing numbers
52.8 times ten equals 528 ppm from one gram Agsil 16h in one liter final volume solution
divide 528 by 3.785 and you get 139.5 ppm in one gallon final volume solution from one gram Agsil 16h
SiO2 is 46.75% w/w silicon(Si), so ...
139.5 times 0.4675= 65.22 ppm silicon (Si) from one gram Agsil 16h in one gallon final volume solution.
65.22 x 0.7 = 45.7 ppm Silicon from 0.7 grams in one gallon final volume
65.22 x 1.25= 81.5 ppm Silicon from 1.25 grams in one gallon final volume
the solubility limit is ~120 ppm SiO2[~56 ppm Si]
2-3-1 Fish Hydrolysate, CaCo3, B, Agsil16.
Pure goodness. Agsil emulsifies the oils in the hydrolysate carrying the Ca and B like a champ.
Anyone up for a trial?
Can you go into more detail about pot size, plant size, how much you water in? Any photos? That is in the neighborhood of 850 ppm N...literally 10 times the normal amount of fish I use... I did a test on one plant at your rate...all is well. You can use fish and build a fully balanced 1-1-1 around it with other amendments including Ca and micros... pretty simple to put together depending on the needs.Thanks GC could you say something about the ratio of lime,borax and agsil to fish mix? I use a lot of the Fertrell Hydrolysate I put the whole 32 oz bottle into a 6 gallon bucket of water and feed that mix in the stretch and early flower I thin it by half for veg and later flower. I use the armor si in the second watering of the stretch. Combining the two in one drench I like. More calcium? Yes please