Hi so I have a question about mixing salts by weight or ppm. Using Jacks for example plugging into a nute calculator. 3.6 grams part A and 2.4 B gives 660 ppm total. 448 for part A, 212 for B.
Now looking back through notes mixing by ppm meter for 600ppm total would be 360 A and 240 B.
Doing my own testing in my tap water starting at 80ppm. Adding 3.6 A brought me to 590ppm. Then adding 2.4 B brought me to 920 total. 590-80=510ppm of A. 920-590=330 of B.
How does this even make sense? I thought dry nutes absorb moisture, and would therefor skew my results making me use more nutes to achieve same ppm. According to the nute calculator Im using 4.1 of A to get 510ppm and 3.75 of B for 331ppm. Using 2 different scales to weigh nutes, could both scales be off half a gram? Should I mix nutes according to ppm instead of weight?
Now looking back through notes mixing by ppm meter for 600ppm total would be 360 A and 240 B.
Doing my own testing in my tap water starting at 80ppm. Adding 3.6 A brought me to 590ppm. Then adding 2.4 B brought me to 920 total. 590-80=510ppm of A. 920-590=330 of B.
How does this even make sense? I thought dry nutes absorb moisture, and would therefor skew my results making me use more nutes to achieve same ppm. According to the nute calculator Im using 4.1 of A to get 510ppm and 3.75 of B for 331ppm. Using 2 different scales to weigh nutes, could both scales be off half a gram? Should I mix nutes according to ppm instead of weight?