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The 'inventor' lawsuits for ice hash kits

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Slap-A-Ho tribe
Call me dumb but i don't see how this clown thinks he could win a Patent infringement lawsuit as he describes. His patent specifically states:An improved method and apparatus for extracting resin from plant material. It would be one thing if Bman and Mila were selling a copy of a stainless apparatus like his but to say a bag system is a patent infringement is totally asinine.

PS: There is no record of a US. patent that you listed

PSS: An apparatus for extracting resin from plant material, said apparatus comprising a washing chamber having an agitator and an open top. Dude you have no case unless mila is selling bags with an agitator.

Sure wish i was your lawyer, i'd be a rich mofo
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Hey Willieboy,

would you kindly explain the following:

PS: There is no record of a US. patent that you listed

this is not the first person who has looked for it? hm i wonder why ?
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"It would be one thing if Bman and Mila were selling a copy of a stainless apparatus like his but to say a bag system is a patent infringement is totally asinine."

chief..on that same premise...i could "repatent" the telephone...in "stainless steel"..

the material used isnt whats being patented...read the last portion..the extractor is simply an EXAMPLE of the PROCESS and not restricted to that specific singular design expressing the process...read the abstract...same working process as ALL bubble bags...clear patent infringement...

cold water+specific gravity+agitation+filter to isolate grades=xtr "ice water method"

sound familiar??
i think it should..

"An improved method and apparatus for extracting resin from plant material"

yes..as opposed to praying for bubble..or using a john deer tractor to make your hash..its an improved method which requires tools...which can be sold for that purpose...

just one problem...and THE problem...the idea isnt HIS...

"having an agitator"

yes like a spoon...there is no mechanized agitator if thats whta youre looking for...even if you dropped agitation...youre still ripping the rest of the process which is particular to hash extraction and the aptent...i think your under the impression that unless you word for word copy the idea...youre not infringing...

furthermore...apple of cupertino sues all day and all night with frivolous suits and ripped patents..WHY? well regardelss of their patent strength... rip companies cant contend legal pressure and are removed from the market...a patent is a market barrier--end of story..it increases the overhead of production if every producer gets sued and bounces before the case settles in court...
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just because a Patent is granted doesn't make it bullet proof at all..that's the first thing you learna bout Patents..many are frivolous or stupidly far reaching and are easily open to challenge by anyone..

I read somewhere recently that a guy successfully applied and was granted a Patent for how to use a playground swing


what's he gonna do? ..sue every kids under 10 years old?...lol....hmmm..hang on a sec..he's a lawyer, that's exactly what he's going to do.

What do call 10,000 lawyers laying dead at the bottom of the ocean?

An excellent beginning!

some Patents are clearly and sharply defined within a narrow field and are solid, strong (usually Design) Patents......while others (usually Utility Patents) are incredibly vast in their claims and so are very open to interpretation in the real world and in court...the latter example is often a mistake by the applicant and sets the Patent up for a possible challenge, difficult to defend &/or makes the Patent weak rather than strong....a good idea is to find a balance between the two extremes.

the problem with narrowly defined claims are that a competitor only has to change the invention slightly and copy it without fear of infringement....so Patent lawyers tend to make wildly extensive claims to discourage this...but this tendancy has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous as there are too many lawyers chomping at the chunk..hence the out of control amount of litigation.

Have a read through USPTO site....it makes for very interesting reading..that's if you can read Patentesethat is
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Active member
Amount of trim the XTR can process?

Amount of trim the XTR can process?


How much trim can you process through this machine in one run? And the Percentage's?? And what if you are in situations where you only have dry material to work with?? What do recommend since your machine only works with Fresh Material?????

And does anybody remember the Swiss-olator???


I bought one of the Xtractor 1000 about 3 weeks ago and Joe dropped it at my house himself, VERY nice guy and the machine KICKS ASS. Makes soem really good hash and yes you can use dry or fresh material, it will work either way. I have done 6 runs now with all dry trim and I'm getting about 20+ grams of hash for every 300 grams of trim.


Active member



do you have any photos of the process and the finished product?? Have you used other systems before??


ilife i beleive this is the same machine, different name.
all these processes/devices we are currently debating came out of the swiss having too much grass.
Reinhart's thing and the bags were (re)thought of in the lush green valleys of years gone by.
makes me chuckle. the guy we have to thank for the bags with screen bottoms hasn't even been credited once.
wish we still had too much grass then none of us would have the time to waste on this...

sounds nice oledad420. Would you happen to have any photos you could share with us.
We would all love to finally see some of the hash made with the xtr.
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I have gotten as much as 17% return, at High Times I got 13% from 56 grams, pure melt, super flavor, Depending on your material, you should all was get 10-12%. Oledad 420 is still learning how to run machine, you get better the more you use it. Yes it's the same machine as in 1997 still sate of the art. Can you believe they added seiving systems to Ice Water Extraction? I am having to teach everyone a new. Rheinhard never got his due, they should build a statue to him in Amsterdam. Who has done more for our culture Albert Hoffman. His method was the biggest improvement in Agricultural processing in who knows 5000 years back to the great Chinese Cannabis Cultures. Reality being that hash making was set back ten years by people selling cheap fabric at wedding dress prices, using Ice Water Extraction Method as profit multiplier, when the reality being that the method made all traditional forms of processing as well as the use of solvents obsolete. Attaching seiving bags to Ice Water Method is retarded.
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Runs fresh or dry material no problem, the Patent is a Method Patent, same as Big Pharm, the machine has a separate patent. Rheinhard being the Hashish genius, patented the method ICE WATER EXTRACTION METHOD, Milla is boxed by not one contract, but two!!!!! Patent cases on this level cut and dry. Bubbleman an out and out thief, who has ripped off our entire culture, by promoting systems that ruin your medicine. Every trichome is full melt if you collect them properly. When you use fresh bud straight from the plant, results outragous, melts in your hand on the counter, completely see thru, you have to freeze it to handle it, completely melts away in your pipe! You need several screens. It all comes out full melt in the machine. But of course you have to get proficient in using the equipment. We recommend 100-250 grams, I have done as little as two ounces with great results, reports from Spain has them putting a thousand grams into the machines. I have never put more then 250 grams at a time. When you use completely fresh material you gain 10% return more than you would have. The ease of running the machine, set it for get it type thing, when the water turns to green you have begun to process plant matter, your process is done, in NYC at High Times ***** picked the exact second the machine stop pumping trichomes and started processing plant matter, my old eyes are not that good.
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They sell cheap fabric at wedding dress prices, WE UNDERSTAND, NEXT

What you dont understand in :

They're multiple size of Trichomes;

Not one single size have the same effect, not surprising because they have all their own profile of THC/Terpenoids ;

You're crappy machine only give a product containing ALL size of trichomes, so the potency is reduced by 10 fold (while we're at it...because your machine dont separate trichomes by size, BHO is technically better) ;

Why dont you concentrate your sell effort on other commercial needs? There are Trichomes containing essential oil everywhere. You're method is totally dumb for Cannabis, but for other essential oil extraction its very nice....


QUOTE : " Every trichome is full melt if you collect them properly. When you use fresh bud straight from the plant, results outragous, melts in your hand on the counter, completely see thru, you have to freeze it to handle it, completely melts away in your pipe! You need several screens. It all comes out full melt in the machine. But of course you have to get proficient in using the equipment "


Do you read when people write or you simply dont give a fuck?


I even mentioned I use fresh trim with some pictures of the typical fresh trim I use. (page 2)

Will you're doing a terrible job of presenting and representing your product to 'potential' online customers here. Go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan of attack. All I hear is the same repetative un-business-etiquette-like bashing... not very productive.
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I QUOTE WILL IN ANOTHER THREAD "Are you all nuts? Soma is a CRI Confidentail Reliable Informant, who has given testimony in two cases I know of one in Gainesville Florida and one in Oregon, where he ripped off the strains he now calls his own, The true breeder told him that he used a Korean strain, but reality being that was old school Kryptonite. He is still controlled by his DEA handlers, and has been planted in Amsterdam to gather information. There are people who want to do him harm in the States! So he left with the real Somas genetics. He has been arrested for beating his women, several times! He has a get out of Jail free card. There are two dozen people in several states, Florida, Oregon, New York, and Pennslyvania who would like to talk to Soma ********* If that cat is Rastafari I am Jesus Christ!!!"

Gypsy, DG, anyone? BAN THIS FUCKER


Separate the trichomes so they buy bags, when you can collect all the trichoimes as unbroken and damgaged as possible. What Bull shit. As for as Soma they're papers and witnesses on that cat. My friend just wrote a book The Bandit of Kabul, JB created Poona seeds early 1970's in Cali he was the one who breed Californisa Spice now known as California Orange, he as well as the Brotherhood brought those original seeds from Southwest and Southeast Asia, the first time I smoked Haze was 1973-74. You now have the liar Clarke saying that Skunkman was breeder behind California orange, and purple strains and blue strains, what bullshit. Those indicas the brotherhood brought over as well as JB were pre coup, from the best farmers in Balhk. The seeds they brought to Hawaii created the Haze, I remember the seeds going for $100 a pop 30 years ago. Yeah a bunch of us old Smugglers are writing books and coming back to straighten out our beloved cannabis history. Every year Skunkman gets ten years older soon he'll be Chinese. We are all coming to the cup the OG's for real.
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Youre so full of BullShit , it is truly captiving

The Skunkman bred the Cali-O,

The Haze Bros made the Haze, and then the Skunkman inbreded it.

Get your fact straigth, your one step deeper in shit everytime you open it.


There is a difference between confidential informant and confidentail reliable informant. That is Soma's category. The whole Cannabis scene is made up of phoney baloney rip off artists. Clowns who all they do is tell each other how great they are. They have ruined the culture, cause you just don't know what to believe anymore.It's pathetic, just as attaching seiving to the Ice Water Method was retarded. The Skunkman they'll never get a patent, was wrong, Milla bet on the wrong horse, now you get that patent stuck up your arses. All of us brothers will be there to see it.


Dude are you a friend of PoM?

Because beside PoM you are the only jackass that piss me off as much on the fuckin entire internet.

"Separate the trichomes so they buy bags, when you can collect all the trichoimes as unbroken and damgaged as possible"

We are thousands of people here that can attest that a fuckin huge quantity of trichomes are shit compared to the good one....Have you ever tried?
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