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The 'inventor' lawsuits for ice hash kits

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Will said:
Keep believing your own lies, problem is I have pictures to prove it!!!!!!!
Then post them! Do you think we can all just go hop on a plane, and go to the CC just to watch your demonstration, that may produce some good hash? We have lives man, ONLINE CONSUMERS! We will not be personally purchasing this unit off you, so if you want us to buy it, give us some visual evidence this thing can produce better hash. That's what bubbleman did, he proved to us he had a method that made some wicked, clean, solvent-less extract. In my opinion if you are expecting any positive outcome from your ranting, you would do that.
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Where did that come from, and what was the purpose of that post?
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I have been waiting since the beginning of this thread, to see your pics Will.. I havent posted until now, but jesus, please for the love of god, post the pics of your product..

Do you even want business/sales of your device?

If so, potential buyers, Im sure, even though its not me at this point, would want to see some pics, as I do very much.. :confused:

edit: all bullshit aside, I want to see this percentage of product in images..
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I mean, you can make shitloads of hash, you say.. but cant buy a digital camera?
not to sound rude, but you know.. theyre pretty cheap.. dont mean to bag on you but a picture is worth a 1000 words.. and youve already typed 30x that many.

~crawling back into the woodwork now..


Will wrote
Dude lotsa of people here in the States know that Soma (edit name) worked for the DEA! That is public information!!!!!

number one - you are spruiking out about who's a give up (aka "rat") and the only give up I see here is you for posting for someones name...remove it.....you should change your name to William Tell

number two - I mentioned before about telegraphing punches....if you ever manage to get this case to court anywhere in the North America, there's an excellent chance the DEA will handcuff you on the court steps or intervene in some way thanks your "go tell it from the mountains" way of letting the World know what you are gonna do...you are either misinformed and arrogant or just plain dumb....if you are lucky, just the Patent will get cancelled due to the Patent owner's connection and the Patent's intended advertised use as an item to manufacture an illegal substance (apparently the DEA is a bit touchy in this area). You've said plenty enough already to get them moving

....check out the DEA site..read the Paraphenalia section of the Drug laws listed on the site to see how a products is deemed "paraphenalia"...and look how fast they put that funnel thing you are connected with onto the banned list.....and you'll have only yourself to blame for mouthing off like a goose!

statute of limitations...does that apply to Rico?...anyways....damned if I'd be talking as long and loud as you have been..as well as making enemies along the way.

number three......so you do made the contraption in China....and it's retail is a 1000 bucks ......lol, who's the greedy one here?..isn't that like the wedding ring calling the weddling dress expensive?..that thing should retail at $399 ~ $499
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If I was running this site I'd cyberly pick you up by the scruff of the neck and throw you out along with your negativity, your over priced contraption spamming, personal name outing, know it all, foot-in-mouth, broken record ass...in a NY minute

we tolerate a bit a gentle spamming here ...but we certainly don't like give ups (rat finks) here....you crossed the line.....didn't you know that you never ever give someone up, under no circumstances...what kind of person are you?....how the fuck did you last 10 seconds in the hash biz?..usually the one who runs around saying " he's a cop" or " he's a fink" is reality is the rat fink himself

we don't want your kind here...you were given a chance and chose pigheadedly to keeping on being an ass while ignoring the fact that we all seem to know a little about hash here ...go away....spruik your bs to an audience who doesn't know and you'll be able to rattle on all you like and impress them.....either that or pay for an advert here and change your attitude

here's some free advice Will, stop posting here, you should go to planetganja....you'll like it there....they seem to attract your type by the dozen...the know it all dissenters, rats and wankers...you'll fit right in!
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Active member
Will, please help us ......

Will, please help us ......


It is an honor and a privilage to be in the virtual presence of such a great and experienced inventor such as yourself. I am humbled at the thought. Please forgive me if I stutter. A few thoughts if I may, oh great one.

Let me get this straight. You charge $1,000.00 for a piece of waterbed plastic and a tin can, and you criticize others for charging too much for their "wedding" material. It don't figure there. But I know, I just really do, that you're fully able to set us straight on this little matter.

You have sold untold numbers of these, you can afford flying to Amsterdam, set up a booth, but you can't afford a camera? That is very odd to me. Just posting good pictures would go a long way to help folks believe you, if that's what you want. And in the future, as now, when folks read this thread and see you won't post pictures that prove your claims, well, there goes the sales. No biggie to you maybe, but think of your employees. Poor things, they'll be having to eat lunch at McD's dumpsters because your sales are down.

And why, Will, when folks ask for pictures, do you send them to Amsterdam? Do you really think that we, as interested purchasers, would fly all the way over there just to possibly see a demonstration? Why, for that amount of money I could afford to buy one of your machines, discard it after the first run, and still be money ahead. Now that makes more sense to me....

And how about a series of runs every day while your there. With all your contacts, fine raw material won't be a problem. All you'll need is water, ice, and a 220v mixer to beat those trichs into submission. Me, I prefer a nice gentle spoon - and fresh material from the plant. You should try it sometime.... Yummm, 73u, it's not just for breakfast anymore.

It has always been a belief of mine that when a politician has no virtues of his own, he attacks the opponent to draw attention away from his own weaknesses. However, to thinking people who see through this, he looks like an ass. The same holds true in selling something. If your product has no merit, you attack the other persons product. That's exactly what I see here. And Will, guess what you look like to a lot of folks here. Tsk tsk, and here you claim to have done all this stuff so long ago. You must be older by now. Most people mature as they get to that age...

Ya know, I was interested in your product, and I saw one at OCBC. But it was overpriced, so I passed on it. 4 times the price of bubblebags, which don't mangle MY trichs none neither. I'd give them a whoopin if they did.

Besides, I appreciate the differences between the different screen sizes. Some melt, some taste better, some are best for cooking, but yours, well, it seems to gather it all together into one mix. Certainly no good for medical users, as medical users use different sizes at different times for different effects on various ills. And no good for connisseurs either, who want to taste the different layers. How do you provide for these folks needs, or do you? I'm sure they are a part of your targeted audience of buyers and part of your corporate marketing plan. Right?

Bubblebags have a 25u bag, and everything smaller than that, just trash under a good microscope, seems to gather in the bottom of yours, mixed in with the rest of the hash. This stuff, like the 190, is only fit for my drain. Or do you filter it off somehow. I must have missed that part.

Oh, and thanks for the history lesson. I'm sure that we will all think about it, meditate on it, and use this valuable information to make our hash so much better. Why, I loved history. NOT. That's why I found so much of your valuable prose to have to do with the lawsuit, and all the rest about other folks to be so relevant. Uh, how did that go again. Oh, yeah. NOT....

Now Will, believe what you may, but the only way you can get anywhere with this crowd, true experts many of them, is for you to post good picture proof. Might I suggest you get a microscope and camera, and post some pictures of the mangled trichs, and compared with your perfect unmangled trichs. Barring that, I'm afraid that many folks might think you're just another one, like the others, which pass through here from time to time.

I trust I haven't said anything you haven't already read here, but I hope I put it in such a way that you can grasp. Can you? Did I succeed? I hope so. Thanks for being such a good guy.

Time for another bowl of 73u topped with BHO, then off to bed. I wish all of you the best.


Legend ⭐
Will, You have no direct knowledge about much of what you are speaking about. When you say that:
"If you have never taken fresh bud straight from the plant into XTR, then you have not smoked the purest hashish, by the way when you use fresh you get 10% more than dried bud.

(This is because the resin has not yet been dried, of course it weighs more then dry resin.)

"I have personally been involved in Hashish the past forty years, smuggling from just about every hash producing country, pre 1970's, I started for real 1968, sold water hash in New York City in 1968."

Sure like everyone knows that water sifted hash was available in NYC in 1968? I do not believe it, and if you tell me to look in HTMQ as proof then what can I say? They are referring to water pressed hash, something that was very commonly done with lower quality resin in Afghanistan. But the resin was dry sifted not water sifted as you imply. Are you saying the water hash you sold was water sifted? From where?

"The Ice Water method is the biggest improvement in hashish making in 5000 years beyond a doubt. The people who ripped us off also ripped off the culture by confusing the patent and attaching a sieving system that the method made obsolete, in order to sell cheap fabric at wedding dress prices!!"

So you are saying that anyone that prefers a different method then yours is stupid and they do not know what good hash is? And they are ripping off the culture? Don't you believe the consumer can tell what is best? What if they prefer dry sifted resin? Why do you need to attack so many people, do you think that tearing down and insulting others makes you or your product any taller or better? It makes you look rabid to be honest.

When you say:
"The Skunkman is a thief and hopefully go to jail for his misrepresentations."

I ask what are you talking about? I stole what from whom? Try and remember that I published my method years before Reinhart introduced his Ice-O-Later. And I do not sell any resin extraction methods, nor am I connected with any business that does.
I suggest that if you keep making such wild claims your reputation will suffer, you need to chill out Will. Insults do not make your case for you. Your lies are to numerous to even respond to. I feel sorry for you, you are obviously suffering and full of hate of others you have never even met and do knot even know.

"You now have the liar Clarke saying that Skunkman was breeder behind California orange, and purple strains and blue strains, what bullshit. Those indicas the brotherhood brought over as well as JB were pre coup, from the best farmers in Balhk. The seeds they brought to Hawaii created the Haze"

FYI, I was in Afghanistan pre 1972 also, and the Brotherhood, some who were friends of mine, may have been amongst the first to bring back Indica Afghani seeds to the USA. So did I. Where are the Brotherhood Afghani Indica varieties? I still have mine. And of course the Haze was not developed in Hawaii, it was developed in Santa Cruz California in the early 1970's from Columbian and Mexican seeds, by R.L. I know because I was there, I lived next door.

In the 1980's I offered a $10 instruction sheet in High Times to extract resin from buds using just cold water and a jar. Quite a few years later the Ice-o-later and Reinhart showed up in Amsterdam claiming to have invented ice-water sifting. Mila and Bubbleman both came later. But Reinhart's method is a slight change to my published water method, I said the colder the water the better, he said use ice water. But his method does not work without water, it is not the ice that makes it work it is the cold water in fact. Ice improves the yield.
I never said his patent would not be granted, I said the patent would not be inforceable because of my prior publishing of the water sifting method.
Patents are granted all of the time because the patent office is unaware of the prior art, but if the patent is challenged in court and the prior art disclosed then the patent is useless, that is how patent law works.
The reason I sold my $10 instructions was to help people, not to make a bunch of profits, that should be obivious. Will, what is your reasons for what you are doing? Why did you guys patent water ice sifting? To help others or what? Why are you attacking others like Mila, Bubbleman, Rob Clarke, and myself? Is it to help others? Or to try and control a basic methodology for extracting resin with water, for personal profit?
Anyway, let the courts decide if Reinhart's method is new and unique, I do not think so............And it will have no effect what so ever on me anyway, I prefer dry sifted resin, it is the best..........its all about the taste.....
Talk is cheap, where is the science?

Conditions for Obtaining a Patent
If you want your idea to be patented, you need to meet three legal requirements:

1. Novelty - meaning that the technology is not "anticipated" or identical to an invention disclosed in a "single piece of prior art".

2. Non-Obviousness - meaning that the technology must be different enough from the prior art so as to not be obvious in view of the prior art.

3. Utility - meaning that the invention must have a useful purpose. Virtually all inventions meet the utility requirement which has largely been used to prevent the patenting of "quack" inventions such as perpetual motion machines.


well said Sam Skunkman

now..about that dry sifting method for making the World's best hash you mentioned about but never elaborated on about on Overgrow numerous times.....please feel free to tell us all about it!
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Active member
Yes, Please tell us all about it!!! or sell us a €10 instuctions!!!!
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great post Chamba, Keefhead and specially SamSkunkman. a very interesting post. i was sure this guy had no chance with that patent if challenged, due to prior knowledge of how to make water hash.

all this will has done, is attack people and tell foolish stories about destroyed trichomes and how his method, with 1 screen is the best lol. but that wasn't enough, he wanted us to be sure we knew what kind of a person he is, so he went ahead and outed Somas real name, what a rat, i don't even want to see your pics anymore will. you should be banned from this site for that alone.


Legend ⭐
I agree that Will or anyone else who is a rat and should be banned from ICMF for outing Soma's or anyones real name. A rat is a rat is a rat is a rat. Some people think it is OK to rat out people they think are bad people, I DO NOT AGREE. Ratting out anyone is still ratting......
And I will have nothing to do with RATS!!!!
Does anyone agree?


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I agree .... no one should ever be ratted out. If Will gave up Soma's real name then that should be a banning offence.


Legend ⭐
I am working on a way to make dry sifted resin of my quality (50%+ THC) automated, but it has not been easy. When I am successful I will let everyone know how I do it. Until then you will have to use one of the other known methods to make hash. I am busy with the work, but it is taking a lot longer then I hoped to automate it.


The Voice of Reason
Sam_Skunkman said:
I agree that Will or anyone else who is a rat and should be banned from ICMF for outing Soma's or anyones real name. A rat is a rat is a rat is a rat. Some people think it is OK to rat out people they think are bad people, I DO NOT AGREE. Ratting out anyone is still ratting......
And I will have nothing to do with RATS!!!!
Does anyone agree?
I wholeheartedly agree...


there doesn't seem to be any if about it. unless he invented a name to call Soma by. just check out post number 182 of this thread, one page back. if that's a real name he should be out, there was no need for it, we all know Soma as a member here.


you still are not allowed to use real names on this site, you stupid old fuck. this is a cannabis site! so why do it again? if what you say is truth you can spread it in person at the cup and folks will then be able to decide for them selves. but if your story has as many holes as your hash making theories you will convince nobody.
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