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The 'inventor' lawsuits for ice hash kits

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Will wrote trichomes do break when you seive my friend, and essential oil released.

no they don't!..have you ever used a 30X magnifying glass to check this out ..I have ....the trichomes are still encased in the sphere....none are ruptured...are we talking about dry sifted here?

when the dry sifted kif is pressed by heat and pressure, sure, they rupture...where live ganja plants are hand rubbed, the tric are ruptured..but not with gentle screening methods.

and you are an expert on hash?....(please feel free to use the edit feature)

Will ..I'd like to help you more with legal, Patent and basic hash making advice& info, but you'll have to hire me as a consultant for further advice ..time is money and all that.....lol

btw I read the articles on your site...very interesting

...and on a side note .... it's true and very sad about Nepalese young girls...they have been sold by the tens of thousands to whore houses in India .....back in the 80's when I was there....at least 50% of the girls for rent in the "cages" in Bombay were from Nepal....they are sold at puberty and taken across the border, zonked out on valium and raped by Indians at least 20 times a day for years until they have gone crazy or are too sick with disease to work......if you have ever been to the Cages in Bombay, you'll know what I mean, it's a sight you won't forget...and you'll thank your lucky stars you weren't born a Nepalese peasant girl who's father has a bad season on the farm
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Oregon Green Free it's just for fun, just egos no dough or adds. The Skunkman is a thief and hopefully go to jail for his misrepresentations. As for as any discovery claims by him I take that with a grain of salt. He charged for his Sadhu Sam BS, claiming it as his invention, now he claims it's chinese, I saw the technique when I worked the border of Pak-Afghanistan 15 years before and sold water hash in NYC in 1968. I don't understand the terpinoid Sativa/Indica, since both are different, the Indica strains brought into Cali in the 1960's and early 1970's were the best Indica Strain Afghanistan had to offer, things changed in 1973 with the coup. A new book out called the Bandit of Kabul traces those first strains brought to Cali and the quasi legal hash runs in Amsterdam of the 1960's and 1970's. ********* a real pioneer in outdoor growing in Cali, the Brotherhood also brought strains from Southwest and Southeast asia very early to Hawaii and Cali. I would imagine the terpinoids quite different between strains, since Indica is for hash making. My wife who recently passed ran the Rose Mushroom Disco in Nepal, her card read the drug trail ends here in 1972. She is in the book, as many of us from those days are as well. A good read
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Chamba I have looked under the 30X, but dude when you dry, grind, freeze, and then use 8 bags you destroy your product 11 times. Do you not agree! I am glad you like my site. Yeah mon I have been fighting for freeedom since I smoked my first joint. I laid alot of foundation stone so to speak. Don't need your advice have Rheinhard. When you break the tops you release oils, the trichome is skin inside essentail oils. You can not touch the quality of straight bud fresh off the plant, it's complete melt. I have a machine that all it does is make melt. Come to the cup.


Will said:
trichomes do break when you seive my friend, and essential oil released.

I was talking about dry sifted trichomes...not other types of hash making.... the trichomes in dry sifted kif are not ruptured.....and the slight amount of broken up plant material in with the kif adds to the high as does the fact that the flavor producing compounds are not leached out - which is why dry sifted buds give the best high..in my opinion.

I am also not talking about roughly hand rubbing the plant material over a metal perforated metal screen like some Afghans do - that will rupture some trics as well as add lots of contaminant..I agitate or use card to gently work the material over the mesh...never rub plant material over a mesh unless you want to produce low grade hash (like most commerical crap which consists of mostly broken up leaf to add bulk to the "product")

have you considered mass producing your machine in China, Korea or Taiwan..seriously, this is the direction I would be heading to if I were you..not pursuing the evil and negativity of lawyers, courts and all that bullshit....and the current price ($1000 is it?) is way too dear for what it is and is costing you thousands of dollars cos you are pricing yourself out of the market and out of profit...my advice would be to be way more aggressive in your pricing...do this by reducing your production costs,

the money you have set aside for suing dozens of alledged infringers would be better spent on trade shows, adverts on site like icmag.com and mags like High Times.....be positive!..if the machine is as good as you say it is then it will sell well and be profitable

anger and revenge is like a red hot stone you keep clenched tight in your palm..the longer you hold onto it, the more damage it does to you...let it go and free yourself from negativity​

but don't believe me..talk to a business consultant...for a hour or two of their time you'll get an unbiased, unemotional, professional view on your business situation from an expert
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Thanks for the advice, you are right you can dry sift, sort of like husking technique Nepalese women use to separate rice. Anyway the machine pumps out very similar to hand rub! Chamba you have seen first hand that is good. You can make a very good product with correct sifting which is different than seiving. Is that what you mean?


I just vented to let all know how I feel about all this duplicity.

i wish you had vented in the same manner as latter posts ....without the anger, emotion and "attitude" ........your earlier posts make you come across as a different person.

anyway that's quite common for those new to posting on forums..it takes a few posts to get the hang or feel for it.....

writing on the the internet is a different from communicating via other formats...it flows like a conversation, but without the help of body language to allow the full meaning to come across......often things are interpreted differently than was the intent causing an uproar from others..other times an attempt at humor is deemed sarcasm....and toss in people from different countries and tempers can rise.......do what I do - write once and edit twice...
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Well I guess we will all see what that paper is worth, believe you me I want to know if it's worth the paper it's written on! This is patent case very cut and dry, yeah mon I am curious to see what happens. Yeah Mon I am letting the lawyers handle the bullshit,

the case you have against Mila for breaking a contract sounds fairly straight forward.....but often it's not who is right who wins in cases like this, it's who has the better lawyer and she has the home ground advantage...but on the face of it you should have a better chance of winning than losing.

but on the other hand ...(I know the situation and have studied the Patent)....going against the Canadian ice hash bag companies with your current Patent would be an expensive gamble and would have a small chance of success as I see it ...but I do know who will win for sure and that is the lawyers on both sides, as they always do!...for one thing they are different products using different methods and there's prior knowledge to consider as well...but don't believe me...get a second opinion from another Patent lawyer at the same time you speak with some older, experience business people and or business consultants for expert advice.
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Active member
Verite said:

verite, you never let me down if I'm having a bad day...too funny...
got any pictures of asshats?


"the case you have against Mila for breaking a contract sounds fairly straight forward.....but often it's not who is right who wins in cases like this, it's who has the better lawyer and she has the home ground advantage...but on the face of it you should have a better chance of winning than losing"-champa

^^^ this seems most accurate...mila is a lil slow...and should pay for it..through the nose...

"but on the other hand ...(I know the situation and have studied the Patent)....going against the Canadian ice hash bag companies with your current Patent would be an expensive gamble and would have a small chance of success as I see it "-champa

once again..i agree...well..i think its an odd situation...currently they are infringing patent...all bub bags do..clearly the XTR uses sieving ("filter" and specific gavity in cold water to farm trikes (and yes haps.. trikes exist on MANY plants and are collected and studied by scientists for a bit now)...so essentially all bub bags (bubs/ice-o/schwaggs) use the same abstract as the XTR...they are CLEARLY breaking a US patent..

HOWEVER...you can not patent such a process considering the info is around indicating (and even hinted in this thread as common hash knowledge) that XTR was engineered off ideas that existed centuries before the patent filers..its NOT their invention and they will lose it if they push it..

with that said..its wierd..this WILL claims to have designed the patent..yet calls it a NONSIEVE tool...well why does it come with a micron screen and describe a water sieve tech in the patent itself..

anyhoo..i really just wanted Will to say we are buying fabric at wedding dress prices once more...since its just so fucking odd...hes correct/yet still a freak...

WILL YOURE DAMN WIERD & cant even describve your own patent..i think we are all being taken for a ride..cuz shit aint adding up...



Active member
Dry Material / Swiss-olator

Dry Material / Swiss-olator

Does anybody remember the Swiss-olator???

And in situations where you ONLY have dry material to work with ???



Ilife your a nuter hahahahahahaha crazy pics.

the only thing you can do with dry material is leave it to soak 10 minutes in the water until the leaves suck up water again and become less britle there by less prone to end up in your hash. only then start the stiring or mixing.
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Verite said:
I cant wait for all the beer companies to chime in with their 20 year old commercials showing ice cold filtered beer.

btw I have recently patented the process I call Jerky® which consists of any hand/finger manipulation of the genitals. All previous use of the word masturbation will cease and those caught making Jerky® without paying due royalties will be sued. Good day.
But the problem is Jerky is already copyrited to the peeps that make BEEF JERKEY. Do you really want your weanie being referred to as a "dried and smoke cured" peace of meat?
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Ah, but I think he means the process of masturbation being called jerky. So that would be the jerking off motion being refered to as the dried,smoked, and cured piece of meat. :wink:

Holy crap ilife! Well, now we know where your massive amounts of hash come from.
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