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The Impeachment Of Trump

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In our country we live with that assumption
What would you say if I told you Obama hacked Merkels phones?
Would that taint your bromance with 44?

Who says i'm a fan of Obama?

Compared to Trump he is like Mr. Miyagi though.... but a lot of people would be Mr. Miyagi compared to Trump, so.... :biggrin:


Active member
I would say, “PROOF or it’s just more of your crazy bullshit”...but we know proof is not required in your universe, or you’d come up with some
Here ya go cupcake....one for bingo night...



Invertebrata Inebriata
This guy is always so bitter, even on 4:20! Take a couple victory bong hits at least, bro. trump's 'good reputation' is safe for now. :laughing:


Active member
this is my president:


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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If anyone took the time to read Volume II of Muller's report you would see Trumptard 100% committed obstruction of justice. I find it mind boggling none of his Supporters can see the truth. These facts came from Trumptards own people in the White House.

Here's a link where they asked 12 legal experts the question of OOJ.

If there were to be impeachment proceedings, articles of impeachments under the “take care” clause and the “commander in chief” should be included in the case against Trump, whose budget cuts and failures to act in the national interest of the United States should not be overlooked or excused. These failures need to be explained to all of us so that we can decide in the 2020 election whether Trump is acting in the interest of the United States.
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Active member
Hello all,

The Mueller report, in the span of just 3 weeks, went from total exoneration to bullshit.

I wonder, has Jay and Rudy told dirty dirty donald that he is indeed fucked?



ICMag Donor

i. Oleg Deripaska Consulting Work

In approximately 2005, Manafort began working for Deripaska, a Russian oligarch who has a global empire involving aluminum and power companies and who is closely aligned with Vladimir Putin.843 A memorandum describing work that Manafort performed for Deripaska in 2005 regarding the post-Soviet republics referenced the need to brief the Kremlin and the benefits that the work could confer on “the Putin Government.?"844 Gates described the work Manafort did for Deripaska as “political risk insurance,” and explained that Deripaska used Manafort to install friendly political officials in countries where Deripaska had business interests.845 Manafort’s company earned tens of millions of dollars from its work for Deripaska and was loaned millions of dollars by Deripaska as well.

Manafort instructed Rick Gates, his deputy on the Campaign and a longtime employee, 839 to provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump Campaign — including internal polling data, although Manafort claims not to recall that specific instruction. Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.

Gotta wonder, Manafort's personal gain? paying off debts? Possibly a team play (everyone was in on it) to stoke the disinformation campaign?
Roger Stone recommended Manafort in to the campaign. He must have been paid by Deripaska for the favor. Pg134.
If that wasn't the atomic wedgie. :tiphat:


Active member
Hello all,

Does that not imply that a tRump campaign member (manafort and gates) were indeed colluding with agents of a foreign power to help them influence our election?

Just asking for a friend.



Mueller: “The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”

White Beard

Active member
I suspect you know that the “intellectual beatdown” squad isn’t capable of recognizing a hypothetical...nor an inference...as I’ve said before, they don’t ‘do nuance’ any better than they understand critical thinking, logical analysis, or most of what they read...probably why radio, and the ‘independent investigators’ of YouTube, are their preferred brain-packing.


Happy 420, y’all - May this be my last cannabis-free event. And hat’s off to you, Gypsy, for your good-hearted adherence to principles: hope *yours* was the very best!

White Beard

Active member
You keep forgetting. They did not want honest and admirable, they want a giant fuck you! I still struggle to grasp what the fuck that is supposed to help. But fuck you it is. So much facepalm.

Indeed: DJT-Rex is the biggest fuck-you to the United States of America since Newt Gingrich



I'm still waiting for Donny's tax returns. There's a reason he hasn't released the last ten years worth of returns.

Grab em by the deductions Donny!


ICMag Donor
Stone is in pretty deep. If they find that he took money from Deripaska to get Manafort in then Stone has to get cut off for the collusion denial.


Well-known member
... it looks like they're all in pretty deep, to one degree or another.

:laughing: In fact, it looks like they're all part of a worldwide criminal enterprise.:peek:

White Beard

Active member
Since it’s Easter, and this seems to be oddly on topic, a little ‘compare and contrast’ may be in order for those of us who went to high school....

From Newsweek, this morning:
Former President Jimmy Carter told a church congregation this weekend that he had spoken with President Donald Trump about China on Saturday, and said the commander in chief was worried that Beijing had outpaced its global rivals.

According to Emma Hurt, a reporter for NPR affiliate WABE, Carter spoke of the call during his regular Sunday School lesson at Maranatha Baptist Church in his hometown of Plains, Georgia.

Carter, 94, said Trump was worried that “China is getting ahead of us,” and suggested the president was right to be concerned.

He told the congregation that Trump feared China's growing economic strength. Economic modeling indicated that China would overtake the U.S. as the world’s strongest economy by 2030, and many experts have said that we were already living in what has been dubbed the “Chinese Century.”

Carter said he did not “really fear that time, but it bothers President Trump and I don’t know why. I’m not criticizing him this morning,” he added, to laughs from fellow churchgoers.

Carter—who normalized diplomatic relations between Washington and Beijing in 1979—suggested that China’s breakneck growth had been facilitated by sensible investment and buoyed by peace.

“Since 1979, do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody?” Carter asked. “None. And we have stayed at war.” The U.S., he noted, has only enjoyed 16 years of peace in its 242-year history, making the country “the most warlike nation in the history of the world,” Carter said. This is, he said, because of America’s tendency to force other nations to “adopt our American principles.”

In China, meanwhile, the economic benefits of peace were clear to the eye. “How many miles of high-speed railroad do we have in this country?” he asked. While China has some 18,000 miles of high-speed rail, the U.S. has “wasted, I think, $3 trillion” on military spending. “It’s more than you can imagine. China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that’s why they’re ahead of us. In almost every way.”

“And I think the difference is if you take $3 trillion and put it in American infrastructure you’d probably have $2 trillion leftover. We’d have high-speed railroad. We’d have bridges that aren’t collapsing, we’d have roads that are maintained properly. Our education system would be as good as that of say South Korea or Hong Kong,” Carter told the congregation.

Before he left the pulpit, Carter noted, “I wasn’t comparing my country adversely to China. I was just pointing that out because I happened to get a phone call last night.”

The Trump administration remains locked in a costly trade war with China, though Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said Saturday the end could be in sight. “I think we’re hopeful that we’re getting close to the final round of concluding issues,” Mnuchin told reporters, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Meanwhile, military tensions remain over Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea and its continued insistence that the independent island nation of Taiwan will eventually fall back under Beijing’s control.

Honestly, I think Carter is being *too* kind: a big reason for China’s economic growth is the US selling their industrial technology and IP to China so they could do it ‘for us’ - a perfect example of the suicidal nature of entitlement thinking in the upper ranks; also, I think it’s inaccurate to say the US has gone to war to get other nations to adopt our “principles”, because we have not: in most cases, the US has done so to make nations bend the knee to our economic and ‘diplomatic’ demands, or to make examples of those who refused - in short, to bully the world.

Can’t wait for the short brainstems larnin me about how I’ve been taken in by the media of the moment....
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Boreal Curing
Since it’s Easter, and this seems to be oddly on topic, a little ‘compare and contrast’ may be in order for those of us who went to high school....

From Newsweek, this morning:

Honestly, I think Carter is being *too* kind: a big reason for China’s economic growth is the US selling their industrial technology and IP to China so they could use do it ‘for us’ - a perfect example of the suicidal nature of entitlement thinking in the upper ranks; also, I think it’s inaccurate to say the US has gone to war to get other nations to adopt our “principles”, because we have not: in most cases, the US has done so to make nations bend the knee to our economic and ‘diplomatic’ demands, or to make examples of those who refused - in short, to bully the world.

Can’t wait for the short brainstems larnin me about how I’ve been taken in by the media of the moment....



Well-known member
well, seems the DT is getting less happy with the report hour by hour
he's pissed and more Democrats are talking the 'I' word
any Trumpers thinking this is ending soon? i do believe you can see the trend
and the trend is not your friend
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