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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
If you can’t keep straight the difference between asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants, you best leave the table - or at least stop talking

you seem confused...the line for asylum seekers forms to the left...those that choose to enter illegally.. makes them illegal immigrants and subject to federal prosecution
posting your indifference or ignorance of the law only serves to further marginalize your contribution and significance to the thread

Mr D

I see the post Mueller report narrative starting to take shape.

So if Rod is correct the report will be more about Russian election interference. That will allow the Russian conspiracy theory to continue, and serve as an excuse for surveillance.

Well played, taking down Assange right before the Mueller report comes out with the debunked lie that the Russians hacked the DNC server.

Rod Rosenstein at private lunch today at Metropolitan Club said don’t forget what Mueller probe was about: cyber crimes. When it comes out, lot of what we see will deal with *that*; it’ll clear up questions about Russian election interference, he said, people in room told me.

If there is proof to back up the claims that the surveillance started in 2015, that presents a new set of problems for the Russian election interference story.

I would really like to see what is on the hard drives that Dennis Montgomery turned over to the FBI.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
^ instead of harping on things long past,,, why not focus on things that are a current threat to freedom and righteousness ?

doesnt it make more sense,,, and possibly would give you a chance to make a real difference ?

or is it just easier to play the victim / oppresor games ?

I absolutely agree. Give the land and governance back to the real Americans, the indigenous Americans. Let's make America great again!!


Active member
Pretty sure The Assange thing has more to do with distraction from the Brexit delay. The Left is so self centered, they can't imagine that everything in the world doesn't revolve around their hatred of all dissenting opinion.

Here's an interesting clip.


Mr D

Stone's comments in his August 4, 2016, appearance are the earliest known time he claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks documents.

Interesting when you look at the date this video was posted

Published on Aug 1, 2016
WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, defends publishing the DNC emails...


Will Chuck Todd be indicted for knowing on Aug. 1, 2016 about upcoming DNC hacked emails that Assange said would be released?


Active member
I think your looking at Rod’s statement a bit on the pessimisstic side.

All he said is that it would clear things up on that Russian thing.

Probably a nothing burger like Rudy said, and all the lying about Russian communications was just an innocent oversight.

Dozens of instances of the trump campaign lying about Russian contact, I think it’s around a hundred actually.

But yeah, totally, it’s only a theory at this point. Maybe something will surface next week if it survives the redaction process.

I see the post Mueller report narrative starting to take shape.

So if Rod is correct the report will be more about Russian election interference. That will allow the Russian conspiracy theory to continue, and serve as an excuse for surveillance.

Well played, taking down Assange right before the Mueller report comes out with the debunked lie that the Russians hacked the DNC server.


If there is proof to back up the claims that the surveillance started in 2015, that presents a new set of problems for the Russian election interference story.

I would really like to see what is on the hard drives that Dennis Montgomery turned over to the FBI.


ICMag Donor
The republican party has taken on a mob mentality. Right and wrong don't matter any more. People, especially congress people, are empowered to do things that they ordinarily would not do. Lies don't matter any more either because they know he is talking to them and they will let him shoot someone in Time Square if that's what he wants..


Well-known member
It's a case of the end justifying the means.... as long as they get what they want they're content to look the other way and play dumb! :tiphat:

White Beard

Active member
Wish I could believe that, Zeez - but the GOP is neck-deep in the destruction of the USA: they will only ‘come to their senses’ if/when they *lose*...just like all the original Confederates declared themselves loyal and true-blue “Americans” once the rebellion was lost.

Otherwise, they’re quite eager to surrender our nation to the billionaires who’ve bought them and kept them in office


Well-known member
Enjoying my day off, just smoked. My god why do I come here? Only read the last 4 posts. Nobody want's to surrender our country to billionaires we just want a thriving economy so everyone has a chance at success. You don't have to be super rich to have a good life.


Well-known member
The republican party has taken on a mob mentality. Right and wrong don't matter any more. People, especially congress people, are empowered to do things that they ordinarily would not do. Lies don't matter any more either because they know he is talking to them and they will let him shoot someone in Time Square if that's what he wants..

while that is true, the Democrats have also been so focused on "the other side" they don't see how they are being led around by the nose by verifiably idiotic claims. They are Biting on any shit bait that floats past them. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Enjoying my day off, just smoked. My god why do I come here? Only read the last 4 posts. Nobody want's to surrender our country to billionaires we just want a thriving economy so everyone has a chance at success. You don't have to be super rich to have a good life.

The US is an oligarchy so yes we have been captured by a corrupt elite billionaire class who use the government for their own gains.

Is the economy really thriving when 50% of American workers make $30k a year or less? Most Americans cannot afford to fill their drug prescriptions. Income and wealth inequality is at record highs, ect.

So yes, the two parties, especially the Republicans have been handing this country over to billionaires and private unaccountable interests for decades.

Mr D

The world is an oligarchy and privately controlled fiat currency is the tool of enslavement. Fiat currency is how the slave owners get the slaves to pay for there own food and housing. The soft chains of debt are everywhere.

Which party rearranges the deck chairs on this sinking ship are of little consequence. Pretending that one party is more or less corrupt shows a lack of understanding of the real problems.

Redistributing fiat currency is not the answer. I also will not live under the delusion that some benevolent political party/politician is going to arise and solve our problems.


ICMag Donor
Wish I could believe that, Zeez - but the GOP is neck-deep in the destruction of the USA: they will only ‘come to their senses’ if/when they *lose*...just like all the original Confederates declared themselves loyal and true-blue “Americans” once the rebellion was lost.

Otherwise, they’re quite eager to surrender our nation to the billionaires who’ve bought them and kept them in office

Allot of truth here. I try to be optimistic.

Same could be said about the Dems.

It is the United States of Face-Palm.

I can't ever remember seeing this level of criminality. The shit going on now goes against everything we ever stood for and our closest friends.
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