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Hiya Taken nice looking Girl mate how long did you veg her for and how she smoke.

I actually didn't count veg days. I was in the processes of setting up my first own personal indoor grow in years so these were root restricted in way too small of pots for way too long and let to rip under a small LED veg light until I was ready, if I had to guess maybe 60 days veg?

They've really blown up since being put into flower, the #2 from that pheno was just upotted from 3 gal to 5.

This is my other one my #1

I had a 3rd one too but it was just weak and sickly and got culled to make space for a healthier plant.

Donald Mallard

el duck
That is the problem Donald when i post i find my ward and my life experiences that i alone have lived seams to be on trail (kangaroo Court ) .I value few things but my ward and integrity are up their with what i value most.

Hope this info helps Sam Donald Raho
oh i dont question your word at all hempy ,
to me you seem honest and particularly loyal to your friends ,
they are both excellent attributes and you should be proud of them,

with the other thing , im sure you are truthfully telling it as you were told , no question about it , i dont question your honesty at all ,
but a man can only go on what he is told ,
a bit like how shanti , also an honest fellow with integrity ,
said at one point that nevil met the haze brothers and got seed from them ,
we now know he was only repeating what he was told , which was incorrect , and imho it does not reflect on him or his honesty , he told it as he was told ....

people tell stories , they are renowned for it , and its rife in the drug trade ,

those stories are repeated by others , honest or not , its just how it is ,
making heads or tails of it can be quite difficult , like wading through a minefield of bullshit ,
your bound to get a little on your shoes ....

i only disagree that the thais went to the trouble of using opium on the thai sticks , they had no need to do that , it was the strongest weed around ,
opium would have ruined it ...

as i said in some instances im sure folks dabbled in such things , but exporting commercial amounts at the price of cannabis alone , it is just not good business , certainly not sustainable and unlikely for such shrewd business people to do ...

i know i said i wouldnt post on it again , but since you mentioned my name i figured wtf , i better clear up a few things ...


Well-known member
Im miffed...I give up with some of the stuff I hear nowdays..... didnt know how to take this one...but watever (respectfully)...supposed to be a clone going around labeled original santa cruz haze....its from the son of the real haze brothers an its a clone that theyve had since 87 or something....like I said I give up.....I prefer to be in my own bubble, atleast I know whats wat ther.


Well-known member
For what its worth I believe some of the Thai Stick batches were soaked in early water from opium production. The early water was a by product that was not worth any material value to the Thais. My thought process is that some rogue farmers used the early water on the sticks as part of the curing process and for the reason that it would create a better product than the other farmers as it was perceived as stronger (market advantage in a competitive market) but also to hook customers like they saw opium users were like. My two cents, Cheers Kit


for sure it was epic at the time a real game changer ,,that bud of yours looks denser like a cross altho them red hairs look familiar i cannot remember exact year was late 80s and a friend gifted me two haze hybrids and nl5 i recently grew out an nl5 x haze x thunk that reminded me of the old haze 5 in appearance as in the one we had,,back then i thought everyone thought like me didnt consider i wouldnt be able to get her back i did have a bunch of s1s but i sent em to a friend in tx who got paranoid one day an chopped the lot still in veg an that was that lol
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the taste was floral sweet deceptively smooth t would get em everytime they smell it not getting a skunk mule kick smell would assume weakness take huge pulls and soon be scratching there watches and winding there asses gave you an instant soaring sativa rush that tookk you off into neverland then when you thought you got the measure of it the indica aspect would kick in an give you a second helping really was the best of both worlds as oposed to the typical lift an drop on your face sativa hybrid effect ,,she tasted floral and of leather an clay an left a lovely aroma in a room

Nice looking Haze.

Lol! My original cut didn't have much smell, slightly sweet and woody fumes reminded me of a double malt whiskey my Dad used to drink when I was a kid, didn't smell like weed, and people always underestimated it. I have seen people do some crazy shit after their first bong...
It was mega expando... Thick blue smoke... Made you cough and see stars.

Believe it or not my original C5 was even denser than the bud pictured. It had a 108 day budding cycle. It was also a much darker shade of green, almost black, and if you can believe it, she had even larger trichomes.

The one pictured is 50% C5, and leans towards her in effect, and potency. The other side was a very sweet, fruity, outdoor California heirloom strain, purportedly a combination of Afghan and Hawaiian.

I do have pics somewhere of her in bloom, will dig some up in the next week or so.

Here's a pheno of C that reminds me of your thunk haze a bit.
This one has a very cerebral high with a more earthy flavor:


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
For what its worth I believe some of the Thai Stick batches were soaked in early water from opium production. The early water was a by product that was not worth any material value to the Thais. My thought process is that some rogue farmers used the early water on the sticks as part of the curing process and for the reason that it would create a better product than the other farmers as it was perceived as stronger (market advantage in a competitive market) but also to hook customers like they saw opium users were like. My two cents, Cheers Kit

I was trying to think of what they called it. Early Water. That was it!

There is an old documentary that showed the process being done. I thought it was common knowledge. We got several loads of the opiated Thai sticks. No buddha sticks were opiated that I knew of


The Haze Whisperer
The opiumated Thai sticks and opiumated hash i only saw say 1/2 dozen times at most here and Opium was also as common as hash here in the late 70s early 80s.





A Thai stick shown with American penny for scale, Thai stick is a form of cannabis from Thailand that was popular during the late 1960s and early 1970s. It consisted of premium buds of seedless marijuana which were skewered on stems. Several rows of fiber found in the stalk of the marijuana plant were then used to tie the marijuana to the stem to keep it in place. Thai stick bud may also be tied around bamboo sticks with a piece of string known as rasta hair. In modern terminology, Thai stick often refers to marijuana tied to stem as documented above and then dipped into a hashish oil, a potent cannabis derivative which saturates the buds and lends to a stronger smoke.

It was laced with hash oil / opium and came in regular also.

hard rain

I don't believe that Thai sticks had any opium. The high was nothing like smoking opium. The complete opposite in fact.
Not something you can prove either way. I just think people are repeating the same old myth.

As Donald Mallard said;
"i only disagree that the thais went to the trouble of using opium on the thai sticks , they had no need to do that , it was the strongest weed around ,
opium would have ruined it


The Haze Whisperer
Donald smoked opiumated Hash in the 80s so why would it be impossible to find opiumated Thai sticks ?.

That Thai stick pictured above from DEA look like regular Thai cannabis to you ?.


See the world through a puff of smoke
The photo from the dea site is not Thai stick.On the site there is something written in Arabic, not Thai lol.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Hi guys, you're all so very knowledgeable and experienced. I'm jealous.

But would it be possible to continue the debate about opiumnated Thai sticks in the thread linked below?
It makes it easier for everyone on the forum who wishes to follow the debate.

You guys post to many good info about it into this haze thread. It would be a shame to see all your posts about this subject become unfoundeable.

Opiumnated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth?



Well-known member
Im miffed...I give up with some of the stuff I hear nowdays..... didnt know how to take this one...but watever (respectfully)...supposed to be a clone going around labeled original santa cruz haze....its from the son of the real haze brothers an its a clone that theyve had since 87 or something....like I said I give up.....I prefer to be in my own bubble, atleast I know whats wat ther.

Excellent news!

Would be nice to see how the Haze Bros. Original SC Haze '87 selection compares to Skunkman's OHaze line. Being from '87 though seems a little off. Maybe they germed older seeds in '87 or continued to work the line in private?

Any grow or smoke reports?


The Haze Whisperer
I am going with Dark i call bull shit 35 years after Sam arrived in Holland a guy comes out of the wood works claiming to have a clone yea hype sells

Donald Mallard

el duck
For what its worth I believe some of the Thai Stick batches were soaked in early water from opium production. The early water was a by product that was not worth any material value to the Thais. My thought process is that some rogue farmers used the early water on the sticks as part of the curing process and for the reason that it would create a better product than the other farmers as it was perceived as stronger (market advantage in a competitive market) but also to hook customers like they saw opium users were like. My two cents, Cheers Kit
it wouldnt have been better ,

it would have ruined the delicious high that the thai stick had in fact,
the high from pure sativa would be obliterated if mixed with opium, overpowered and totally ruined...

opium and cannabis are quite different drugs kitcha and i sure wouldnt want any of that on my delightful thai stick , not only would i not be able to reach the moon , i wouldnt even get off the ground ..

most folks that have spent time in thailand know the people involved with the opium/heroin are not/were not the same as the cannabis growers , and many provinces apart , not just next door ... it would not be possible to unite them just to mix drugs and then share the profits, its just a white man fantasy of a magical place he knows little about and imagines all kinds of stuff goes on that in fact is just his imagination ...


Well-known member
Thai stick - ไม้เท้าไทย

No that is thai walking stick, ไม้ means wood or in this case wooden stick, เท้า means foot and in this case with the previous word it makes for walking stick. The last part ไทย is thai. Where did you find the information that ไม้เท้าไทย would mean thai stick as in ganja thai sticks?


Dread & Alive
Old School Haze SHOULD be an old skunk x haze, according to what I've read around...
About Thai Stick, I agree with Donald, although many years ago a game of black afghan hashish arrived where the presence of opium was tested and found, but it is another matter ....
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