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star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Starcrash, what was the flowering time on that pheno?

You could take her at 12 weeks ... the longer you waited & the more light & nutrients you gave her & the more time you gave her >>>the bigger she would get :biggrin:I let it go to 14 weeks once..That was these pics I just posted

Donald Mallard

el duck
and that time is much quicker than most give due credit, like immediately it begins...... How them Chilies doing bro? You work up the courage to try them yet, what about the crinkly ones, the reapers? If you grow them, you gotta eat them you know !!
hey ledo ,
yea i gave them a go ,

wasnt as bad as i imagined to be honest ,
not really my every day go to kinda taste and heat level ,
but they were better than expected ,

a buddy really liked the orange ones ....


LOL I knew I'd seen that SSH before star ... It's under NH of MNS site :)

Hey Donald How many reapers did you grow ? I've grown quite a few and the heat level varies widely some are just straight Habenero others are like eating magma or something.

Hammerhead, I'd love to check out your hybrids is there somewhere I can find them to check out ?


You could take her at 12 weeks ... the longer you waited & the more light & nutrients you gave her & the more time you gave her >>>the bigger she would get :biggrin:I let it go to 14 weeks once..That was these pics I just posted

Impressive yield for such a short flowering time. I've had a huge yielding pheno of ssh but it went closer to 20 weeks, just wouldn't stop growing.


The Trinidad is an heirloom variety 2nd hottest in the world I believe and the hottest heirloom, I think the moruga is a bit milder then the standard Trinidad ?

I've got a few of them this year, great taste and consistently really dam hot, I've not had much luck with the coralina mine were all mild but a friend of mine had some that were stupid hot.

Just another plant to pheno hunt ....

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Are the SSH seeds your growing now the same as this?.

LOL I knew I'd seen that SSH before star ... It's under NH of MNS site :)

Hey Donald How many reapers did you grow ? I've grown quite a few and the heat level varies widely some are just straight Habenero others are like eating magma or something.

Hammerhead, I'd love to check out your hybrids is there somewhere I can find them to check out ?

Impressive yield for such a short flowering time. I've had a huge yielding pheno of ssh but it went closer to 20 weeks, just wouldn't stop growing.
The pictures from 2003 stock..Maybe earlier but I grew them out in 2003...I have no idea what the female I discovered will do ... super silver haze Was never stable ...always was unstable but I got lucky back then ...there were other phenos ... they were radically different from each other...Some I felt was just bizarre...just didn’t keep them...I probably should’ve it was a long time ago I didn’t really know what I had back then ...I’m hopeful this new plant will do something special ...so far it looks really good:tiphat:


I've got a good feeling about your new SSH girl, sending her fire vibes....

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but o well life moves on you can only work with the plants in your garden and the seeds in your hand.

Some really cool projects going on around here ....

Donald Mallard

el duck
LOL I knew I'd seen that SSH before star ... It's under NH of MNS site :)

Hey Donald How many reapers did you grow ? I've grown quite a few and the heat level varies widely some are just straight Habenero others are like eating magma or something.

Hammerhead, I'd love to check out your hybrids is there somewhere I can find them to check out ?
lol @ magma ,
the ones i got were mixed so im unsure which is which ,
but i did see some resembling the reapers ,
everyone was making sauce from them here , was nice and hot the sauce , i like a good hot one ..

the ones i tried were a bit beyond habenero ,, im ok with stuff up to about that level , beyond that it gets a bit hot and not so enjoyable for me ...


The reapers are a lot like haze, the very best or hottest seem quite rare.

Speaking of haze my longest flowering Doors girl was chopped at day 93 last week.

Grown in a SOG, 1.5 litre coco heampy buckets, under LEDs, in a box that's approximately 400mmx600mmx1200mm , we've all seen 12 foot Sativa's but have you seen 2 foot Sativa ?


I would not recommend growing these sorts of plant in such a small space but you gotta do what you gotta do to get that haze right ?


Well-known member
The Trinidad is an heirloom variety 2nd hottest in the world I believe and the hottest heirloom, I think the moruga is a bit milder then the standard Trinidad ?

I've got a few of them this year, great taste and consistently really dam hot, I've not had much luck with the coralina mine were all mild but a friend of mine had some that were stupid hot.

Just another plant to pheno hunt ....

the scorpion is unique
...spice of life :smokeit:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LOL I knew I'd seen that SSH before star ... It's under NH of MNS site :)

Hey Donald How many reapers did you grow ? I've grown quite a few and the heat level varies widely some are just straight Habenero others are like eating magma or something.

Hammerhead, I'd love to check out your hybrids is there somewhere I can find them to check out ?

Most of the USA seed banks carry HHG. No clue what they have in stock.


Most of the USA seed banks carry HHG. No clue what they have in stock.

Thanks hammerhead, not from USA I'll have to see if anyone will ship to New Zealand... I found your profile pictures so I'm learning how to internet !

Not sure if everything is offered but that a5xflashpoint looks good to me :yummy:


The Haze Whisperer
i hate to keep flogging a dead horse ,
but that quote is about vietnam , its not about thailand ,
and it doesnt say anything about thai sticks being infused with opium or anything like that ,
no offence man ,

but your missing a bunch of dots if we were to try and join them ,

the us vets were mostly in udonthani,
which is close to the laos border in the far north east,

they would have smoked thai there ,
thats how the thais knew westerners were keen on their produce,

i spent some time in the museums when i was there last time and read the history on the american soldiers ,, 10 000 were stationed there , they helped the economy a lot by injecting at least 50% of their pay into it ,

and i bet some of that went on both weed and girls .... there was an airbase there also ..

as far as i know they didnt grow opium in udon , that was another part of the country ,
hence the difficulty in combining the substances together for commercial sale ...

they may have in vietnam ,, but they didnt have thai sticks there as far as i know,
your article says marijuana cigarettes , not thai sticks ,,

i best make that my last reply cause i dont need to prove anything that i already know ..

That is the problem Donald when i post i find my ward and my life experiences that i alone have lived seams to be on trail (kangaroo Court ) .I value few things but my ward and integrity are up their with what i value most.

Hope this info helps Sam Donald Raho

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

In some parts of North America, for instance, the following combinations are found: 'Candy sticks: cannabis herb cigarettes laced with cocaine;'Buddha': cannabis herb spiked with opium; 'Ace' or ' Zoom' : cannabis herb mixed with PCP, etc.; use of cannabis in food items (e.g. in NorthAfrica'); 'Marijuana brownies' (e.g. in North America); as well as frequent use of both cannabis and alcohol (often reported from Europe and Aus-tralia).https://www.unodc.org/pdf/research/wdr07/WDR_2007_1.4_cannabis.pdf

Drugs and the Vietnam War

Drug use was rampant among GIs in the Vietnam War. Marijuana was a common recreational drug. Good quality stuff included "Thai sticks" and opium-laced hashish. Many American servicemen became addicted to heroin while in Vietnam. It was not unusual for battalion to have a single combat death but 18 from overdoes.
On one way China was helping North Vietnam during the Vietnam War, Chinese Premier Chou En-lai told the president of Egypt in 1965: "Some [American troops] are trying opium, and we are helping them. We are planting the best kinds of opium especially for American soldiers in Vietnam...Do you remember when the West imposed opium on us? They fought war with opium. We are going to fight them with their own weapons."
The recreation habits of American GIs had a profound influence on the cultures not only of Vietnam, but also Thailand and Laos. In many ways the association of these countries with sex, prostitution, drugs and decadence can be tied to the American influence during the Vietnam War.
Michael Herr wrote in "Dispatches", "Going out at night the medics gave you pills, Dexedrine breath like dead snakes kept too long in a jar. [...] I knew one 4th division Lurp who took his pills by the fistful, downs from the left pocket of his tiger suit and ups from the right, one to cut the trail for him and the other to send him down it. He told me that they cooled things out just right for him, that he could see that old jungle at night like he was looking at it through a starlight scope. "They sure give you the range," he said." [Source: Michael Herr, "Dispatches", Knopf, 1977]


"Thai sticks" are small bamboo shoots filled with marijuana and laced with opium. The agreed price for these Thai sticks was $21 per stick. The persons who were to deliver the marijuana and the Thai sticks were different people. Hills returned to his farmhouse; shortly after 7:30 p.m., he left and went to the Riverview Bar where he was to meet the agents. Hills stated that the "Thai sticks" had been delivered and the person who delivered them was waiting alone at the farmhouse. En route to the farmhouse Hills stated that this person did not want to meet anyone. Upon arriving at the farmhouse, Hills, the informant and two agents entered. They passed through a limited area in the kitchen. Hills directed the three men into a den. He told the agents not to go into the living room; however, as they entered the house both agents observed the defendant-appellant, Thomas Monahan, seated in the living room. Following a discussion Hills left the den, went through the kitchen and into the living room. Following Hills into the kitchen, one agent observed Hills remove a bag from underneath a couch in the living room directly to the left of where Monahan was seated. In the den the sticks were counted, and after it was ascertained that there were 200, the bag with the sticks in it was returned to the hiding place in the living room. One agent left to get $4,200 from another agent waiting in the car while Hills brought the sticks back into the den. When the agent returned, both Hills and Monahan were arrested.
It was later discovered that the sticks were not laced with opium, but contained only marijuana and hashish.

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